Go to the documentation of this file. 7 'item:site' =>
14 'loginok' =>
"You have been logged in.",
15 'loginerror' =>
"We couldn't log you in. Please check your credentials and try again.",
16 'login:empty' =>
"Username/email and password are required.",
17 'login:baduser' =>
"Unable to load your user account.",
18 'auth:nopams' =>
"Internal error. No user authentication method installed.",
20 'logout' =>
"Log out",
21 'logoutok' =>
"You have been logged out.",
22 'logouterror' =>
"We couldn't log you out. Please try again.",
23 'session_expired' =>
"Your session has expired. Please reload the page to log in.",
25 'loggedinrequired' =>
"You must be logged in to view the requested page.",
26 'adminrequired' =>
"You must be an administrator to view the requested page.",
27 'membershiprequired' =>
"You must be a member of this group to view the requested page.",
28 'limited_access' =>
"You do not have permission to view the requested page.",
35 'exception:title' =>
"Fatal Error.",
36 'exception:contact_admin' =>
'An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:',
38 'actionundefined' =>
"The requested action (%s) was not defined in the system.",
39 'actionnotfound' =>
"The action file for %s was not found.",
40 'actionloggedout' =>
"Sorry, you cannot perform this action while logged out.",
41 'actionunauthorized' =>
'You are unauthorized to perform this action',
43 'PluginException:MisconfiguredPlugin' =>
"%s (guid: %s) is a misconfigured plugin. It has been disabled. Please search the Elgg wiki for possible causes (http://learn.elgg.org/).",
44 'PluginException:CannotStart' =>
'%s (guid: %s) cannot start and has been deactivated. Reason: %s',
45 'PluginException:InvalidID' =>
"%s is an invalid plugin ID.",
46 'PluginException:InvalidPath' =>
"%s is an invalid plugin path.",
47 'PluginException:InvalidManifest' =>
'Invalid manifest file for plugin %s',
48 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin' =>
'%s is not a valid plugin.',
49 'PluginException:InvalidPlugin:Details' =>
'%s is not a valid plugin: %s',
50 'PluginException:NullInstantiated' =>
'ElggPlugin cannot be null instantiated. You must pass a GUID, a plugin ID, or a full path.',
51 'ElggPlugin:MissingID' =>
'Missing plugin ID (guid %s)',
52 'ElggPlugin:NoPluginPackagePackage' =>
'Missing ElggPluginPackage for plugin ID %s (guid %s)',
53 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:MissingFile' =>
'The required file "%s" is missing.',
54 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidId' =>
'This plugin\'s directory must be renamed to "%s" to match the ID in its manifest.',
55 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidDependency' =>
'Its manifest contains an invalid dependency type "%s".',
56 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:InvalidProvides' =>
'Its manifest contains an invalid provides type "%s".',
57 'ElggPluginPackage:InvalidPlugin:CircularDep' =>
'There is an invalid %s dependency "%s" in plugin %s. Plugins cannot conflict with or require something they provide!',
58 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotIncludeFile' =>
'Cannot include %s for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.',
59 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterViews' =>
'Cannot open views dir for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.',
60 'ElggPlugin:Exception:CannotRegisterLanguages' =>
'Cannot register languages for plugin %s (guid: %s) at %s.',
61 'ElggPlugin:Exception:NoID' =>
'No ID for plugin guid %s!',
62 'PluginException:NoPluginName' =>
"The plugin name could not be found",
63 'PluginException:ParserError' =>
'Error parsing manifest with API version %s in plugin %s.',
64 'PluginException:NoAvailableParser' =>
'Cannot find a parser for manifest API version %s in plugin %s.',
65 'PluginException:ParserErrorMissingRequiredAttribute' =>
"Missing required '%s' attribute in manifest for plugin %s.",
66 'ElggPlugin:InvalidAndDeactivated' =>
'%s is an invalid plugin and has been deactivated.',
68 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Requires' =>
69 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests' =>
70 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicts' =>
71 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Conflicted' =>
72 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Provides' =>
73 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority' =>
75 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Elgg' =>
'Elgg version',
76 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpVersion' =>
'PHP version',
77 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpExtension' =>
'PHP extension: %s',
78 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:PhpIni' =>
'PHP ini setting: %s',
79 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Plugin' =>
'Plugin: %s',
80 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:After' =>
'After %s',
81 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Before' =>
'Before %s',
82 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Priority:Uninstalled' =>
'%s is not installed',
83 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:Suggests:Unsatisfied' =>
85 'ElggPlugin:Dependencies:ActiveDependent' =>
'There are other plugins that list %s as a dependency. You must disable the following plugins before disabling this one: %s',
88 'RegistrationException:EmptyPassword' =>
'The password fields cannot be empty',
89 'RegistrationException:PasswordMismatch' =>
'Passwords must match',
90 'LoginException:BannedUser' =>
'You have been banned from this site and cannot log in',
91 'LoginException:UsernameFailure' =>
'We could not log you in. Please check your username/email and password.',
92 'LoginException:PasswordFailure' =>
'We could not log you in. Please check your username/email and password.',
93 'LoginException:AccountLocked' =>
'Your account has been locked for too many log in failures.',
94 'LoginException:ChangePasswordFailure' =>
'Failed current password check.',
95 'LoginException:Unknown' =>
'We could not log you in due to an unknown error.',
97 'deprecatedfunction' =>
'Warning: This code uses the deprecated function \'%s\' and is not compatible with this version of Elgg',
99 'pageownerunavailable' =>
'Warning: The page owner %d is not accessible!',
100 'viewfailure' =>
'There was an internal failure in the view %s',
101 'view:missing_param' =>
"The required parameter '%s' is missing in the view %s",
102 'changebookmark' =>
'Please change your bookmark for this page',
103 'noaccess' =>
'The content you were trying to view has been removed or you do not have permission to view it.',
104 'error:missing_data' =>
'There was some data missing in your request',
105 'save:fail' =>
'There was a failure saving your data',
106 'save:success' =>
'Your data was saved',
108 'error:default:title' =>
109 'error:default:content' =>
'Oops... something went wrong.',
110 'error:404:title' =>
'Page not found',
111 'error:404:content' =>
'Sorry. We could not find the page that you requested.',
113 'upload:error:ini_size' =>
'The file you tried to upload is too large.',
114 'upload:error:form_size' =>
'The file you tried to upload is too large.',
115 'upload:error:partial' =>
'The file upload did not complete.',
116 'upload:error:no_file' =>
'No file was selected.',
117 'upload:error:no_tmp_dir' =>
'Cannot save the uploaded file.',
118 'upload:error:cant_write' =>
'Cannot save the uploaded file.',
119 'upload:error:extension' =>
'Cannot save the uploaded file.',
120 'upload:error:unknown' =>
'The file upload failed.',
127 'name' =>
"Display name",
128 'email' =>
"Email address",
129 'username' =>
130 'loginusername' =>
"Username or email",
131 'password' =>
132 'passwordagain' =>
"Password (again for verification)",
133 'admin_option' =>
"Make this user an admin?",
139 'PRIVATE' =>
140 'LOGGED_IN' =>
"Logged in users",
141 'PUBLIC' =>
142 'LOGGED_OUT' =>
"Logged out users",
143 'access:friends:label' =>
144 'access' =>
145 'access:overridenotice' =>
"Note: Due to group policy, this content will be accessible only by group members.",
146 'access:limited:label' =>
147 'access:help' =>
"The access level",
148 'access:read' =>
"Read access",
149 'access:write' =>
"Write access",
150 'access:admin_only' =>
"Administrators only",
156 'dashboard' =>
157 'dashboard:nowidgets' =>
"Your dashboard lets you track the activity and content on this site that matters to you.",
159 'widgets:add' =>
'Add widgets',
160 'widgets:add:description' =>
"Click on any widget button below to add it to the page.",
161 'widgets:position:fixed' =>
'(Fixed position on page)',
162 'widget:unavailable' =>
'You have already added this widget',
163 'widget:numbertodisplay' =>
'Number of items to display',
165 'widget:delete' =>
'Remove %s',
166 'widget:edit' =>
'Customize this widget',
168 'widgets' =>
169 'widget' =>
170 'item:object:widget' =>
171 'widgets:save:success' =>
"The widget was successfully saved.",
172 'widgets:save:failure' =>
"We could not save your widget.",
173 'widgets:add:success' =>
"The widget was successfully added.",
174 'widgets:add:failure' =>
"We could not add your widget.",
175 'widgets:move:failure' =>
"We could not store the new widget position.",
176 'widgets:remove:failure' =>
"Unable to remove this widget",
183 'item:group' =>
190 'item:user' =>
196 'friends' =>
197 'friends:yours' =>
"Your friends",
198 'friends:owned' =>
"%s's friends",
199 'friend:add' =>
"Add friend",
200 'friend:remove' =>
"Remove friend",
202 'friends:add:successful' =>
"You have successfully added %s as a friend.",
203 'friends:add:failure' =>
"We couldn't add %s as a friend.",
205 'friends:remove:successful' =>
"You have successfully removed %s from your friends.",
206 'friends:remove:failure' =>
"We couldn't remove %s from your friends.",
208 'friends:none' =>
"No friends yet.",
209 'friends:none:you' =>
"You don't have any friends yet.",
211 'friends:none:found' =>
"No friends were found.",
213 'friends:of:none' =>
"Nobody has added this user as a friend yet.",
214 'friends:of:none:you' =>
"Nobody has added you as a friend yet. Start adding content and fill in your profile to let people find you!",
216 'friends:of:owned' =>
"People who have made %s a friend",
218 'friends:of' =>
"Friends of",
219 'friends:collections' =>
"Friend collections",
220 'collections:add' =>
"New collection",
221 'friends:collections:add' =>
"New friends collection",
222 'friends:addfriends' =>
"Select friends",
223 'friends:collectionname' =>
"Collection name",
224 'friends:collectionfriends' =>
"Friends in collection",
225 'friends:collectionedit' =>
"Edit this collection",
226 'friends:nocollections' =>
"You do not have any collections yet.",
227 'friends:collectiondeleted' =>
"Your collection has been deleted.",
228 'friends:collectiondeletefailed' =>
"We were unable to delete the collection. Either you don't have permission, or some other problem has occurred.",
229 'friends:collectionadded' =>
"Your collection was successfully created",
230 'friends:nocollectionname' =>
"You need to give your collection a name before it can be created.",
231 'friends:collections:members' =>
"Collection members",
232 'friends:collections:edit' =>
"Edit collection",
233 'friends:collections:edited' =>
"Saved collection",
234 'friends:collection:edit_failed' =>
'Could not save collection.',
236 'friendspicker:chararray' =>
238 'avatar' =>
239 'avatar:noaccess' =>
"You're not allowed to edit this user's avatar",
240 'avatar:create' =>
'Create your avatar',
241 'avatar:edit' =>
'Edit avatar',
242 'avatar:preview' =>
243 'avatar:upload' =>
'Upload a new avatar',
244 'avatar:current' =>
'Current avatar',
245 'avatar:remove' =>
'Remove your avatar and set the default icon',
246 'avatar:crop:title' =>
'Avatar cropping tool',
247 'avatar:upload:instructions' =>
"Your avatar is displayed throughout the site. You can change it as often as you'd like. (File formats accepted: GIF, JPG or PNG)",
248 'avatar:create:instructions' =>
'Click and drag a square below to match how you want your avatar cropped. A preview will appear in the box on the right. When you are happy with the preview, click \'Create your avatar\'. This cropped version will be used throughout the site as your avatar.',
249 'avatar:upload:success' =>
'Avatar successfully uploaded',
250 'avatar:upload:fail' =>
'Avatar upload failed',
251 'avatar:resize:fail' =>
'Resize of the avatar failed',
252 'avatar:crop:success' =>
'Cropping the avatar succeeded',
253 'avatar:crop:fail' =>
'Avatar cropping failed',
254 'avatar:remove:success' =>
'Removing the avatar succeeded',
255 'avatar:remove:fail' =>
'Avatar remove failed',
257 'profile:edit' =>
'Edit profile',
258 'profile:aboutme' =>
"About me",
259 'profile:description' =>
"About me",
260 'profile:briefdescription' =>
"Brief description",
261 'profile:location' =>
262 'profile:skills' =>
263 'profile:interests' =>
264 'profile:contactemail' =>
"Contact email",
265 'profile:phone' =>
266 'profile:mobile' =>
"Mobile phone",
267 'profile:website' =>
268 'profile:twitter' =>
"Twitter username",
269 'profile:saved' =>
"Your profile was successfully saved.",
271 'profile:field:text' =>
'Short text',
272 'profile:field:longtext' =>
'Large text area',
273 'profile:field:tags' =>
274 'profile:field:url' =>
'Web address',
275 'profile:field:email' =>
'Email address',
276 'profile:field:location' =>
277 'profile:field:date' =>
279 'admin:appearance:profile_fields' =>
'Edit Profile Fields',
280 'profile:edit:default' =>
'Edit profile fields',
281 'profile:label' =>
"Profile label",
282 'profile:type' =>
"Profile type",
283 'profile:editdefault:delete:fail' =>
'Removing profile field failed',
284 'profile:editdefault:delete:success' =>
'Profile field deleted',
285 'profile:defaultprofile:reset' =>
'Profile fields reset to the system default',
286 'profile:resetdefault' =>
'Reset profile fields to system defaults',
287 'profile:resetdefault:confirm' =>
'Are you sure you want to delete your custom profile fields?',
288 'profile:explainchangefields' =>
"You can replace the existing profile fields with your own using the form below. \n\n Give the new profile field a label, for example, 'Favorite team', then select the field type (eg. text, url, tags), and click the 'Add' button. To re-order the fields drag on the handle next to the field label. To edit a field label - click on the label's text to make it editable. \n\n At any time you can revert back to the default profile set up, but you will lose any information already entered into custom fields on profile pages.",
289 'profile:editdefault:success' =>
'New profile field added',
290 'profile:editdefault:fail' =>
'Default profile could not be saved',
291 'profile:field_too_long' =>
'Cannot save your profile information because the "%s" section is too long.',
292 'profile:noaccess' =>
"You do not have permission to edit this profile.",
293 'profile:invalid_email' =>
'%s must be a valid email address.',
299 'feed:rss' =>
'RSS feed for this page',
303 'link:view' =>
'view link',
304 'link:view:all' =>
'View all',
311 'river:friend:user:default' =>
"%s is now a friend with %s",
312 'river:update:user:avatar' =>
'%s has a new avatar',
313 'river:update:user:profile' =>
'%s has updated their profile',
314 'river:noaccess' =>
'You do not have permission to view this item.',
315 'river:posted:generic' =>
'%s posted',
316 'riveritem:single:user' =>
'a user',
317 'riveritem:plural:user' =>
'some users',
318 'river:ingroup' =>
'in the group %s',
319 'river:none' =>
'No activity',
320 'river:update' =>
'Update for %s',
321 'river:delete' =>
'Remove this activity item',
322 'river:delete:success' =>
'River item has been deleted',
323 'river:delete:fail' =>
'River item could not be deleted',
324 'river:subject:invalid_subject' =>
'Invalid user',
325 'activity:owner' =>
'View activity',
327 'river:widget:title' =>
328 'river:widget:description' =>
"Display latest activity",
329 'river:widget:type' =>
"Type of activity",
330 'river:widgets:friends' =>
'Friends activity',
331 'river:widgets:all' =>
'All site activity',
336 'notifications:usersettings' =>
"Notification settings",
337 'notification:method:email' =>
339 'notifications:usersettings:save:ok' =>
"Notification settings were successfully saved.",
340 'notifications:usersettings:save:fail' =>
"There was a problem saving the notification settings.",
342 'notification:subject' =>
'Notification about %s',
343 'notification:body' =>
'View the new activity at %s',
349 'search' =>
350 'searchtitle' =>
"Search: %s",
351 'users:searchtitle' =>
"Searching for users: %s",
352 'groups:searchtitle' =>
"Searching for groups: %s",
353 'advancedsearchtitle' =>
"%s with results matching %s",
354 'notfound' =>
"No results found.",
356 'previous' =>
358 'viewtype:change' =>
"Change list type",
359 'viewtype:list' =>
"List view",
360 'viewtype:gallery' =>
362 'tag:search:startblurb' =>
"Items with tags matching '%s':",
364 'user:search:startblurb' =>
"Users matching '%s':",
365 'user:search:finishblurb' =>
"To view more, click here.",
367 'group:search:startblurb' =>
"Groups matching '%s':",
368 'group:search:finishblurb' =>
"To view more, click here.",
370 'userpicker:only_friends' =>
'Only friends',
376 'account' =>
377 'settings' =>
379 'settings:edit' =>
'Edit settings',
381 'register' =>
382 'registerok' =>
"You have successfully registered for %s.",
383 'registerbad' =>
"Your registration was unsuccessful because of an unknown error.",
384 'registerdisabled' =>
"Registration has been disabled by the system administrator",
385 'register:fields' =>
'All fields are required',
387 'registration:notemail' =>
'The email address you provided does not appear to be a valid email address.',
388 'registration:userexists' =>
'That username already exists',
389 'registration:usernametooshort' =>
'Your username must be a minimum of %u characters long.',
390 'registration:usernametoolong' =>
'Your username is too long. It can have a maximum of %u characters.',
391 'registration:passwordtooshort' =>
'The password must be a minimum of %u characters long.',
392 'registration:dupeemail' =>
'This email address has already been registered.',
393 'registration:invalidchars' =>
'Sorry, your username contains the character %s which is invalid. The following characters are invalid: %s',
394 'registration:emailnotvalid' =>
'Sorry, the email address you entered is invalid on this system',
395 'registration:passwordnotvalid' =>
'Sorry, the password you entered is invalid on this system',
396 'registration:usernamenotvalid' =>
'Sorry, the username you entered is invalid on this system',
398 'adduser' =>
"Add User",
399 'adduser:ok' =>
"You have successfully added a new user.",
400 'adduser:bad' =>
"The new user could not be created.",
402 'user:set:name' =>
"Account name settings",
403 'user:name:label' =>
"Display name",
404 'user:name:success' =>
"Successfully changed display name on the system.",
405 'user:name:fail' =>
"Could not change display name on the system.",
407 'user:set:password' =>
"Account password",
408 'user:current_password:label' =>
'Current password',
409 'user:password:label' =>
"New password",
410 'user:password2:label' =>
"New password again",
411 'user:password:success' =>
"Password changed",
412 'user:password:fail' =>
"Could not change your password on the system.",
413 'user:password:fail:notsame' =>
"The two passwords are not the same!",
414 'user:password:fail:tooshort' =>
"Password is too short!",
415 'user:password:fail:incorrect_current_password' =>
'The current password entered is incorrect.',
416 'user:changepassword:unknown_user' =>
'Invalid user.',
417 'user:changepassword:change_password_confirm' =>
'This will change your password.',
419 'user:set:language' =>
"Language settings",
420 'user:language:label' =>
421 'user:language:success' =>
"Language settings have been updated.",
422 'user:language:fail' =>
"Language settings could not be saved.",
424 'user:username:notfound' =>
'Username %s not found.',
426 'user:password:lost' =>
'Lost password',
427 'user:password:changereq:success' =>
'Successfully requested a new password, email sent',
428 'user:password:changereq:fail' =>
'Could not request a new password.',
430 'user:password:text' =>
'To request a new password, enter your username or email address below and click the Request button.',
432 'user:persistent' =>
'Remember me',
434 'walled_garden:welcome' =>
'Welcome to',
439 'menu:page:header:administer' =>
440 'menu:page:header:configure' =>
441 'menu:page:header:develop' =>
442 'menu:page:header:default' =>
444 'admin:view_site' =>
'View site',
445 'admin:loggedin' =>
'Logged in as %s',
446 'admin:menu' =>
448 'admin:configuration:success' =>
"Your settings have been saved.",
449 'admin:configuration:fail' =>
"Your settings could not be saved.",
450 'admin:configuration:dataroot:relative_path' =>
'Cannot set "%s" as the dataroot because it is not an absolute path.',
452 'admin:unknown_section' =>
'Invalid Admin Section.',
454 'admin' =>
455 'admin:description' =>
"The admin panel allows you to control all aspects of the system, from user management to how plugins behave. Choose an option below to get started.",
457 'admin:statistics' =>
458 'admin:statistics:overview' =>
459 'admin:statistics:server' =>
'Server Info',
460 'admin:statistics:cron' =>
461 'admin:cron:record' =>
'Latest Cron Jobs',
462 'admin:cron:period' =>
'Cron period',
463 'admin:cron:friendly' =>
'Last completed',
464 'admin:cron:date' =>
'Date and time',
466 'admin:appearance' =>
467 'admin:administer_utilities' =>
468 'admin:develop_utilities' =>
469 'admin:configure_utilities' =>
470 'admin:configure_utilities:robots' =>
472 'admin:users' =>
473 'admin:users:online' =>
'Currently Online',
474 'admin:users:newest' =>
475 'admin:users:admins' =>
476 'admin:users:add' =>
'Add New User',
477 'admin:users:description' =>
"This admin panel allows you to control user settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.",
478 'admin:users:adduser:label' =>
"Click here to add a new user...",
479 'admin:users:opt:linktext' =>
"Configure users...",
480 'admin:users:opt:description' =>
"Configure users and account information. ",
481 'admin:users:find' =>
483 'admin:administer_utilities:maintenance' =>
'Maintenance mode',
484 'admin:upgrades' =>
486 'admin:settings' =>
487 'admin:settings:basic' =>
'Basic Settings',
488 'admin:settings:advanced' =>
'Advanced Settings',
489 'admin:site:description' =>
"This admin panel allows you to control global settings for your site. Choose an option below to get started.",
490 'admin:site:opt:linktext' =>
"Configure site...",
491 'admin:settings:in_settings_file' =>
'This setting is configured in settings.php',
493 'admin:legend:security' =>
494 'admin:site:secret:intro' =>
'Elgg uses a key to create security tokens for various purposes.',
495 'admin:site:secret_regenerated' =>
"Your site secret has been regenerated.",
496 'admin:site:secret:regenerate' =>
"Regenerate site secret",
497 'admin:site:secret:regenerate:help' =>
"Note: Regenerating your site secret may inconvenience some users by invalidating tokens used in \"remember me\" cookies, e-mail validation requests, invitation codes, etc.",
498 'site_secret:current_strength' =>
'Key Strength',
499 'site_secret:strength:weak' =>
500 'site_secret:strength_msg:weak' =>
"We strongly recommend that you regenerate your site secret.",
501 'site_secret:strength:moderate' =>
502 'site_secret:strength_msg:moderate' =>
"We recommend you regenerate your site secret for the best site security.",
503 'site_secret:strength:strong' =>
504 'site_secret:strength_msg:strong' =>
"Your site secret is sufficiently strong. There is no need to regenerate it.",
506 'admin:dashboard' =>
507 'admin:widget:online_users' =>
'Online users',
508 'admin:widget:online_users:help' =>
'Lists the users currently on the site',
509 'admin:widget:new_users' =>
'New users',
510 'admin:widget:new_users:help' =>
'Lists the newest users',
511 'admin:widget:banned_users' =>
'Banned users',
512 'admin:widget:banned_users:help' =>
'Lists the banned users',
513 'admin:widget:content_stats' =>
'Content statistics',
514 'admin:widget:content_stats:help' =>
'Keep track of the content created by your users',
515 'widget:content_stats:type' =>
'Content type',
516 'widget:content_stats:number' =>
518 'admin:widget:admin_welcome' =>
519 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:help' =>
"A short introduction to Elgg's admin area",
520 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:intro' =>
521 'Welcome to Elgg! Right now you are looking at the administration dashboard. It\'s useful for tracking what\'s happening on the site.',
523 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:admin_overview' =>
524 "Navigation for the administration area is provided by the menu to the right. It is organized into 527 <dt>Administer</dt><dd>Everyday tasks like monitoring reported content, checking who is online, and viewing statistics.</dd> 528 <dt>Configure</dt><dd>Occasional tasks like setting the site name or activating a plugin.</dd> 529 <dt>Develop</dt><dd>For developers who are building plugins or designing themes. (Requires a developer plugin.)</dd> 534 'admin:widget:admin_welcome:outro' =>
'<br />Be sure to check out the resources available through the footer links and thank you for using Elgg!',
536 'admin:widget:control_panel' =>
'Control panel',
537 'admin:widget:control_panel:help' =>
"Provides easy access to common controls",
539 'admin:cache:flush' =>
'Flush the caches',
540 'admin:cache:flushed' =>
"The site's caches have been flushed",
542 'admin:footer:faq' =>
'Administration FAQ',
543 'admin:footer:manual' =>
'Administration Manual',
544 'admin:footer:community_forums' =>
'Elgg Community Forums',
545 'admin:footer:blog' =>
'Elgg Blog',
547 'admin:plugins:category:all' =>
'All plugins',
548 'admin:plugins:category:active' =>
'Active plugins',
549 'admin:plugins:category:inactive' =>
'Inactive plugins',
550 'admin:plugins:category:admin' =>
551 'admin:plugins:category:bundled' =>
552 'admin:plugins:category:nonbundled' =>
553 'admin:plugins:category:content' =>
554 'admin:plugins:category:development' =>
555 'admin:plugins:category:enhancement' =>
556 'admin:plugins:category:api' =>
557 'admin:plugins:category:communication' =>
558 'admin:plugins:category:security' =>
'Security and Spam',
559 'admin:plugins:category:social' =>
560 'admin:plugins:category:multimedia' =>
561 'admin:plugins:category:theme' =>
562 'admin:plugins:category:widget' =>
563 'admin:plugins:category:utility' =>
565 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_plugin' =>
'Unknown plugin.',
566 'admin:plugins:markdown:unknown_file' =>
'Unknown file.',
568 'admin:notices:could_not_delete' =>
'Could not delete notice.',
569 'item:object:admin_notice' =>
'Admin notice',
571 'admin:options' =>
'Admin options',
577 'plugins:disabled' =>
'Plugins are not being loaded because a file named "disabled" is in the mod directory.',
578 'plugins:settings:save:ok' =>
"Settings for the %s plugin were saved successfully.",
579 'plugins:settings:save:fail' =>
"There was a problem saving settings for the %s plugin.",
580 'plugins:usersettings:save:ok' =>
"User settings for the %s plugin were saved successfully.",
581 'plugins:usersettings:save:fail' =>
"There was a problem saving user settings for the %s plugin.",
582 'item:object:plugin' =>
584 'admin:plugins' =>
585 'admin:plugins:activate_all' =>
'Activate All',
586 'admin:plugins:deactivate_all' =>
'Deactivate All',
587 'admin:plugins:activate' =>
588 'admin:plugins:deactivate' =>
589 'admin:plugins:description' =>
"This admin panel allows you to control and configure tools installed on your site.",
590 'admin:plugins:opt:linktext' =>
"Configure tools...",
591 'admin:plugins:opt:description' =>
"Configure the tools installed on the site. ",
592 'admin:plugins:label:author' =>
593 'admin:plugins:label:copyright' =>
594 'admin:plugins:label:categories' =>
595 'admin:plugins:label:licence' =>
596 'admin:plugins:label:website' =>
597 'admin:plugins:label:repository' =>
598 'admin:plugins:label:bugtracker' =>
"Report issue",
599 'admin:plugins:label:donate' =>
600 'admin:plugins:label:moreinfo' =>
'more info',
601 'admin:plugins:label:version' =>
602 'admin:plugins:label:location' =>
603 'admin:plugins:label:contributors' =>
604 'admin:plugins:label:contributors:name' =>
605 'admin:plugins:label:contributors:email' =>
606 'admin:plugins:label:contributors:website' =>
607 'admin:plugins:label:contributors:username' =>
'Community username',
608 'admin:plugins:label:contributors:description' =>
609 'admin:plugins:label:dependencies' =>
611 'admin:plugins:warning:elgg_version_unknown' =>
'This plugin uses a legacy manifest file and does not specify a compatible Elgg version. It probably will not work!',
612 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies' =>
'This plugin has unmet dependencies and cannot be activated. Check dependencies under more info.',
613 'admin:plugins:warning:invalid' =>
'This plugin is invalid: %s',
614 'admin:plugins:warning:invalid:check_docs' =>
'Check <a href="http://learn.elgg.org/en/stable/appendix/faqs.html">the Elgg documentation</a> for troubleshooting tips.',
615 'admin:plugins:cannot_activate' =>
'cannot activate',
617 'admin:plugins:set_priority:yes' =>
"Reordered %s.",
618 'admin:plugins:set_priority:no' =>
"Could not reorder %s.",
619 'admin:plugins:set_priority:no_with_msg' =>
"Could not reorder %s. Error: %s",
620 'admin:plugins:deactivate:yes' =>
"Deactivated %s.",
621 'admin:plugins:deactivate:no' =>
"Could not deactivate %s.",
622 'admin:plugins:deactivate:no_with_msg' =>
"Could not deactivate %s. Error: %s",
623 'admin:plugins:activate:yes' =>
"Activated %s.",
624 'admin:plugins:activate:no' =>
"Could not activate %s.",
625 'admin:plugins:activate:no_with_msg' =>
"Could not activate %s. Error: %s",
626 'admin:plugins:categories:all' =>
'All categories',
627 'admin:plugins:plugin_website' =>
'Plugin website',
628 'admin:plugins:author' =>
629 'admin:plugins:version' =>
'Version %s',
630 'admin:plugin_settings' =>
'Plugin Settings',
631 'admin:plugins:warning:unmet_dependencies_active' =>
'This plugin is active but has unmet dependencies. You may encounter problems. See "more info" below for details.',
633 'admin:plugins:dependencies:type' =>
634 'admin:plugins:dependencies:name' =>
635 'admin:plugins:dependencies:expected_value' =>
'Expected Value',
636 'admin:plugins:dependencies:local_value' =>
'Actual value',
637 'admin:plugins:dependencies:comment' =>
639 'admin:statistics:description' =>
"This is an overview of statistics on your site. If you need more detailed statistics, a professional administration feature is available.",
640 'admin:statistics:opt:description' =>
"View statistical information about users and objects on your site.",
641 'admin:statistics:opt:linktext' =>
"View statistics...",
642 'admin:statistics:label:basic' =>
"Basic site statistics",
643 'admin:statistics:label:numentities' =>
"Entities on site",
644 'admin:statistics:label:numusers' =>
"Number of users",
645 'admin:statistics:label:numonline' =>
"Number of users online",
646 'admin:statistics:label:onlineusers' =>
"Users online now",
647 'admin:statistics:label:admins'=>
648 'admin:statistics:label:version' =>
"Elgg version",
649 'admin:statistics:label:version:release' =>
650 'admin:statistics:label:version:version' =>
652 'admin:server:label:php' =>
653 'admin:server:label:web_server' =>
'Web Server',
654 'admin:server:label:server' =>
655 'admin:server:label:log_location' =>
'Log Location',
656 'admin:server:label:php_version' =>
'PHP version',
657 'admin:server:label:php_ini' =>
'PHP ini file location',
658 'admin:server:label:php_log' =>
'PHP Log',
659 'admin:server:label:mem_avail' =>
'Memory available',
660 'admin:server:label:mem_used' =>
'Memory used',
661 'admin:server:error_log' =>
"Web server's error log",
662 'admin:server:label:post_max_size' =>
'POST maximum size',
663 'admin:server:label:upload_max_filesize' =>
'Upload maximum size',
664 'admin:server:warning:post_max_too_small' =>
'(Note: post_max_size must be larger than this value to support uploads of this size)',
666 'admin:user:label:search' =>
"Find users:",
667 'admin:user:label:searchbutton' =>
669 'admin:user:ban:no' =>
"Can not ban user",
670 'admin:user:ban:yes' =>
"User banned.",
671 'admin:user:self:ban:no' =>
"You cannot ban yourself",
672 'admin:user:unban:no' =>
"Can not unban user",
673 'admin:user:unban:yes' =>
"User unbanned.",
674 'admin:user:delete:no' =>
"Can not delete user",
675 'admin:user:delete:yes' =>
"The user %s has been deleted",
676 'admin:user:self:delete:no' =>
"You cannot delete yourself",
678 'admin:user:resetpassword:yes' =>
"Password reset, user notified.",
679 'admin:user:resetpassword:no' =>
"Password could not be reset.",
681 'admin:user:makeadmin:yes' =>
"User is now an admin.",
682 'admin:user:makeadmin:no' =>
"We could not make this user an admin.",
684 'admin:user:removeadmin:yes' =>
"User is no longer an admin.",
685 'admin:user:removeadmin:no' =>
"We could not remove administrator privileges from this user.",
686 'admin:user:self:removeadmin:no' =>
"You cannot remove your own administrator privileges.",
688 'admin:appearance:menu_items' =>
'Menu Items',
689 'admin:menu_items:configure' =>
'Configure main menu items',
690 'admin:menu_items:description' =>
'Select which menu items you want to show as featured links. Unused items will be added as "More" at the end of the list.',
691 'admin:menu_items:hide_toolbar_entries' =>
'Remove links from tool bar menu?',
692 'admin:menu_items:saved' =>
'Menu items saved.',
693 'admin:add_menu_item' =>
'Add a custom menu item',
694 'admin:add_menu_item:description' =>
'Fill out the Display name and URL to add custom items to your navigation menu.',
696 'admin:appearance:default_widgets' =>
'Default Widgets',
697 'admin:default_widgets:unknown_type' =>
'Unknown widget type',
698 'admin:default_widgets:instructions' =>
'Add, remove, position, and configure default widgets for the selected widget page. 699 These changes will only affect new users on the site.',
701 'admin:robots.txt:instructions' =>
"Edit this site's robots.txt file below",
702 'admin:robots.txt:plugins' =>
"Plugins are adding the following to the robots.txt file",
703 'admin:robots.txt:subdir' =>
"The robots.txt tool will not work because Elgg is installed in a sub-directory",
705 'admin:maintenance_mode:default_message' =>
'This site is down for maintenance',
706 'admin:maintenance_mode:instructions' =>
'Maintenance mode should be used for upgrades and other large changes to the site. 707 When it is on, only admins can log in and browse the site.',
708 'admin:maintenance_mode:mode_label' =>
'Maintenance mode',
709 'admin:maintenance_mode:message_label' =>
'Message displayed to users when maintenance mode is on',
710 'admin:maintenance_mode:saved' =>
'The maintenance mode settings were saved.',
711 'admin:maintenance_mode:indicator_menu_item' =>
'The site is in maintenance mode.',
712 'admin:login' =>
'Admin Login',
718 'usersettings:description' =>
"The user settings panel allows you to control all your personal settings, from user management to how plugins behave. Choose an option below to get started.",
720 'usersettings:statistics' =>
"Your statistics",
721 'usersettings:statistics:opt:description' =>
"View statistical information about users and objects on your site.",
722 'usersettings:statistics:opt:linktext' =>
"Account statistics",
724 'usersettings:user' =>
"%s's settings",
725 'usersettings:user:opt:description' =>
"This allows you to control user settings.",
726 'usersettings:user:opt:linktext' =>
"Change your settings",
728 'usersettings:plugins' =>
729 'usersettings:plugins:opt:description' =>
"Configure settings (if any) for your active tools.",
730 'usersettings:plugins:opt:linktext' =>
"Configure your tools",
732 'usersettings:plugins:description' =>
"This panel allows you to control and configure the personal settings for the tools installed by your system administrator.",
733 'usersettings:statistics:label:numentities' =>
"Your content",
735 'usersettings:statistics:yourdetails' =>
"Your details",
736 'usersettings:statistics:label:name' =>
"Full name",
737 'usersettings:statistics:label:email' =>
738 'usersettings:statistics:label:membersince' =>
"Member since",
739 'usersettings:statistics:label:lastlogin' =>
"Last logged in",
745 'river:all' =>
'All Site Activity',
746 'river:mine' =>
'My Activity',
747 'river:owner' =>
'Activity of %s',
748 'river:friends' =>
'Friends Activity',
749 'river:select' =>
'Show %s',
750 'river:comments:more' =>
'+%u more',
751 'river:generic_comment' =>
'commented on %s %s',
753 'friends:widget:description' =>
"Displays some of your friends.",
754 'friends:num_display' =>
"Number of friends to display",
755 'friends:icon_size' =>
"Icon size",
756 'friends:tiny' =>
757 'friends:small' =>
763 'icon:size' =>
"Icon size",
764 'icon:size:topbar' =>
765 'icon:size:tiny' =>
766 'icon:size:small' =>
767 'icon:size:medium' =>
768 'icon:size:large' =>
769 'icon:size:master' =>
"Extra Large",
777 'publish' =>
778 'cancel' =>
779 'saving' =>
"Saving ...",
780 'update' =>
781 'preview' =>
783 'delete' =>
784 'accept' =>
785 'reject' =>
786 'decline' =>
787 'approve' =>
788 'activate' =>
789 'deactivate' =>
790 'disapprove' =>
791 'revoke' =>
793 'upload' =>
794 'download' =>
797 'banned' =>
798 'enable' =>
799 'disable' =>
800 'request' =>
801 'complete' =>
808 'more_info' =>
'More info',
809 'comments' =>
810 'import' =>
811 'export' =>
812 'untitled' =>
816 'submit' =>
817 'comment' =>
818 'upgrade' =>
820 'filter' =>
823 'create' =>
824 'remove' =>
825 'revert' =>
828 'activity' =>
829 'members' =>
835 'bottom' =>
840 'invite' =>
842 'resetpassword' =>
"Reset password",
843 'changepassword' =>
"Change password",
844 'makeadmin' =>
"Make admin",
845 'removeadmin' =>
"Remove admin",
847 'option:yes' =>
850 'unknown' =>
853 'active' =>
861 'options' =>
862 'advanced' =>
864 'learnmore' =>
"Click here to learn more.",
865 'unknown_error' =>
'Unknown error',
867 'content' =>
868 'content:latest' =>
'Latest activity',
869 'content:latest:blurb' =>
'Alternatively, click here to view the latest content from across the site.',
871 'link:text' =>
'view link',
877 'question:areyousure' =>
'Are you sure?',
883 'status' =>
884 'status:unsaved_draft' =>
'Unsaved Draft',
885 'status:draft' =>
886 'status:unpublished' =>
887 'status:published' =>
888 'status:featured' =>
889 'status:open' =>
890 'status:closed' =>
896 'sort:newest' =>
897 'sort:popular' =>
898 'sort:alpha' =>
899 'sort:priority' =>
906 'description' =>
914 'annotations' =>
915 'relationships' =>
916 'metadata' =>
917 'tagcloud' =>
"Tag cloud",
918 'tagcloud:allsitetags' =>
"All site tags",
927 'edit:this' =>
'Edit this',
928 'delete:this' =>
'Delete this',
929 'comment:this' =>
'Comment on this',
935 'deleteconfirm' =>
"Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
936 'deleteconfirm:plural' =>
"Are you sure you want to delete these items?",
937 'fileexists' =>
"A file has already been uploaded. To replace it, select it below:",
943 'useradd:subject' =>
'User account created',
947 A user account has been created for you at %s. To log in, visit: 951 And log in with these user credentials: 956 Once you have logged in, we highly recommend that you change your password. 963 'systemmessages:dismiss' =>
"click to dismiss",
970 'importsuccess' =>
"Import of data was successful",
971 'importfail' =>
"OpenDD import of data failed.",
977 'friendlytime:justnow' =>
"just now",
978 'friendlytime:minutes' =>
"%s minutes ago",
979 'friendlytime:minutes:singular' =>
"a minute ago",
980 'friendlytime:hours' =>
"%s hours ago",
981 'friendlytime:hours:singular' =>
"an hour ago",
982 'friendlytime:days' =>
"%s days ago",
983 'friendlytime:days:singular' =>
984 'friendlytime:date_format' =>
'j F Y @ g:ia',
986 'friendlytime:future:minutes' =>
"in %s minutes",
987 'friendlytime:future:minutes:singular' =>
"in a minute",
988 'friendlytime:future:hours' =>
"in %s hours",
989 'friendlytime:future:hours:singular' =>
"in an hour",
990 'friendlytime:future:days' =>
"in %s days",
991 'friendlytime:future:days:singular' =>
993 'date:month:01' =>
'January %s',
994 'date:month:02' =>
'February %s',
995 'date:month:03' =>
'March %s',
996 'date:month:04' =>
'April %s',
997 'date:month:05' =>
'May %s',
998 'date:month:06' =>
'June %s',
999 'date:month:07' =>
'July %s',
1000 'date:month:08' =>
'August %s',
1001 'date:month:09' =>
'September %s',
1002 'date:month:10' =>
'October %s',
1003 'date:month:11' =>
'November %s',
1004 'date:month:12' =>
'December %s',
1006 'date:weekday:0' =>
1007 'date:weekday:1' =>
1008 'date:weekday:2' =>
1009 'date:weekday:3' =>
1010 'date:weekday:4' =>
1011 'date:weekday:5' =>
1012 'date:weekday:6' =>
1014 'interval:minute' =>
'Every minute',
1015 'interval:fiveminute' =>
'Every five minutes',
1016 'interval:fifteenmin' =>
'Every fifteen minutes',
1017 'interval:halfhour' =>
'Every half hour',
1018 'interval:hourly' =>
1019 'interval:daily' =>
1020 'interval:weekly' =>
1021 'interval:monthly' =>
1022 'interval:yearly' =>
1023 'interval:reboot' =>
'On reboot',
1029 'installation:sitename' =>
"The name of your site:",
1030 'installation:sitedescription' =>
"Short description of your site (optional):",
1031 'installation:wwwroot' =>
"The site URL:",
1032 'installation:path' =>
"The full path of the Elgg installation:",
1033 'installation:dataroot' =>
"The full path of the data directory:",
1034 'installation:dataroot:warning' =>
"You must create this directory manually. It should be in a different directory to your Elgg installation.",
1035 'installation:sitepermissions' =>
"The default access permissions:",
1036 'installation:language' =>
"The default language for your site:",
1037 'installation:debug' =>
"Control the amount of information written to the server's log.",
1038 'installation:debug:label' =>
"Log level:",
1039 'installation:debug:none' =>
'Turn off logging (recommended)',
1040 'installation:debug:error' =>
'Log only critical errors',
1041 'installation:debug:warning' =>
'Log errors and warnings',
1042 'installation:debug:notice' =>
'Log all errors, warnings and notices',
1043 'installation:debug:info' =>
'Log everything',
1046 'installation:registration:description' =>
'User registration is enabled by default. Turn this off if you do not want people to register on their own.',
1047 'installation:registration:label' =>
'Allow new users to register',
1048 'installation:walled_garden:description' =>
'Enable this to prevent non-members from viewing the site except for web pages marked as public (such as login and registration).',
1049 'installation:walled_garden:label' =>
'Restrict pages to logged-in users',
1051 'installation:httpslogin' =>
"Enable this to have user logins performed over HTTPS. This requires an HTTPS enabled web server!",
1052 'installation:httpslogin:label' =>
"Enable HTTPS logins",
1053 'installation:view' =>
"Enter the view which will be used as the default for your site or leave this blank for the default view (if in doubt, leave as default):",
1055 'installation:siteemail' =>
"Site email address (used when sending system emails):",
1057 'admin:site:access:warning' =>
"This is the privacy setting suggested to users when they create new content. Changing it does not change access to content.",
1058 'installation:allow_user_default_access:description' =>
"Enable this to allow users to set their own suggested privacy setting that overrides the system suggestion.",
1059 'installation:allow_user_default_access:label' =>
"Allow user default access",
1061 'installation:simplecache:description' =>
"The simple cache increases performance by caching static content including some CSS and JavaScript files.",
1062 'installation:simplecache:label' =>
"Use simple cache (recommended)",
1064 'installation:minify:description' =>
"The simple cache can also improve performance by compressing JavaScript and CSS files. (Requires that simple cache is enabled.)",
1065 'installation:minify_js:label' =>
"Compress JavaScript (recommended)",
1066 'installation:minify_css:label' =>
"Compress CSS (recommended)",
1068 'installation:htaccess:needs_upgrade' =>
"You must update your .htaccess file so that the path is injected into the GET parameter __elgg_uri (you can use htaccess_dist as a guide).",
1069 'installation:htaccess:localhost:connectionfailed' =>
"Elgg cannot connect to itself to test rewrite rules properly. Check that curl is working and there are no IP restrictions preventing localhost connections.",
1071 'installation:systemcache:description' =>
"The system cache decreases the loading time of Elgg by caching data to files.",
1072 'installation:systemcache:label' =>
"Use system cache (recommended)",
1074 'admin:legend:caching' =>
1075 'admin:legend:content_access' =>
'Content Access',
1076 'admin:legend:site_access' =>
'Site Access',
1077 'admin:legend:debug' =>
'Debugging and Logging',
1079 'upgrading' =>
1080 'upgrade:db' =>
'Your database was upgraded.',
1081 'upgrade:core' =>
'Your Elgg installation was upgraded.',
1082 'upgrade:unlock' =>
'Unlock upgrade',
1083 'upgrade:unlock:confirm' =>
"The database is locked for another upgrade. Running concurrent upgrades is dangerous. You should only continue if you know there is not another upgrade running. Unlock?",
1084 'upgrade:locked' =>
"Cannot upgrade. Another upgrade is running. To clear the upgrade lock, visit the Admin section.",
1085 'upgrade:unlock:success' =>
"Upgrade unlocked successfully.",
1086 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade' =>
'Unable to upgrade.',
1087 'upgrade:unable_to_upgrade_info' =>
1088 'This installation cannot be upgraded because legacy views 1089 were detected in the Elgg core views directory. These views have been deprecated and need to be 1090 removed for Elgg to function correctly. If you have not made changes to Elgg core, you can 1091 simply delete the views directory and replace it with the one from the latest 1092 package of Elgg downloaded from <a href="http://elgg.org">elgg.org</a>.<br /><br /> 1094 If you need detailed instructions, please visit the <a href="http://learn.elgg.org/en/stable/admin/upgrading.html"> 1095 Upgrading Elgg documentation</a>. If you require assistance, please post to the 1096 <a href="http://community.elgg.org/pg/groups/discussion/">Community Support Forums</a>.',
1098 'update:twitter_api:deactivated' =>
'Twitter API (previously Twitter Service) was deactivated during the upgrade. Please activate it manually if required.',
1099 'update:oauth_api:deactivated' =>
'OAuth API (previously OAuth Lib) was deactivated during the upgrade. Please activate it manually if required.',
1100 'upgrade:site_secret_warning:moderate' =>
"You are encouraged to regenerate your site key to improve system security. See Configure > Settings > Advanced",
1101 'upgrade:site_secret_warning:weak' =>
"You are strongly encouraged to regenerate your site key to improve system security. See Configure > Settings > Advanced",
1103 'deprecated:function' =>
'%s() was deprecated by %s()',
1105 'admin:pending_upgrades' =>
'The site has pending upgrades that require your immediate attention.',
1106 'admin:view_upgrades' =>
'View pending upgrades.',
1107 'admin:upgrades' =>
1108 'item:object:elgg_upgrade' =>
'Site upgrades',
1109 'admin:upgrades:none' =>
'Your installation is up to date!',
1111 'upgrade:item_count' =>
'There are <b>%s</b> items that need to be upgraded.',
1112 'upgrade:warning' =>
'<b>Warning:</b> On a large site this upgrade may take a significantly long time!',
1113 'upgrade:success_count' =>
1114 'upgrade:error_count' =>
1115 'upgrade:river_update_failed' =>
'Failed to update the river entry for item id %s',
1116 'upgrade:timestamp_update_failed' =>
'Failed to update the timestamps for item id %s',
1117 'upgrade:finished' =>
'Upgrade finished',
1118 'upgrade:finished_with_errors' =>
'<p>Upgrade finished with errors. Refresh the page and try running the upgrade again.</p></p><br />If the error recurs, check the server error log for possible cause. You can seek help for fixing the error from the <a href="http://community.elgg.org/groups/profile/179063/elgg-technical-support">Technical support group</a> in the Elgg community.</p>',
1121 'admin:upgrades:comments' =>
'Comments upgrade',
1122 'upgrade:comment:create_failed' =>
'Failed to convert comment id %s to an entity.',
1125 'admin:upgrades:datadirs' =>
'Data directory upgrade',
1128 'admin:upgrades:discussion_replies' =>
'Discussion reply upgrade',
1129 'discussion:upgrade:replies:create_failed' =>
'Failed to convert discussion reply id %s to an entity.',
1135 'welcome' =>
1136 'welcome:user' =>
'Welcome %s',
1142 'email:from' =>
1144 'email:subject' =>
1145 'email:body' =>
1147 'email:settings' =>
"Email settings",
1148 'email:address:label' =>
"Email address",
1150 'email:save:success' =>
"New email address saved. Verification is requested.",
1151 'email:save:fail' =>
"New email address could not be saved.",
1153 'friend:newfriend:subject' =>
"%s has made you a friend!",
1154 'friend:newfriend:body' =>
"%s has made you a friend! 1156 To view their profile, click here: 1160 Please do not reply to this email.",
1162 'email:changepassword:subject' =>
"Password changed!",
1163 'email:changepassword:body' =>
"Hi %s, 1165 Your password has been changed.",
1167 'email:resetpassword:subject' =>
"Password reset!",
1168 'email:resetpassword:body' =>
"Hi %s, 1170 Your password has been reset to: %s",
1172 'email:changereq:subject' =>
"Request for password change.",
1173 'email:changereq:body' =>
"Hi %s, 1175 Somebody (from the IP address %s) has requested a password change for their account. 1177 If you requested this, click on the link below. Otherwise ignore this email. 1186 'default_access:settings' =>
"Your default access level",
1187 'default_access:label' =>
"Default access",
1188 'user:default_access:success' =>
"Your new default access level was saved.",
1189 'user:default_access:failure' =>
"Your new default access level could not be saved.",
1195 'comments:count' =>
"%s comments",
1196 'item:object:comment' =>
1198 'river:comment:object:default' =>
'%s commented on %s',
1200 'generic_comments:add' =>
"Leave a comment",
1201 'generic_comments:edit' =>
"Edit comment",
1202 'generic_comments:post' =>
"Post comment",
1203 'generic_comments:text' =>
1204 'generic_comments:latest' =>
"Latest comments",
1205 'generic_comment:posted' =>
"Your comment was successfully posted.",
1206 'generic_comment:updated' =>
"The comment was successfully updated.",
1207 'generic_comment:deleted' =>
"The comment was successfully deleted.",
1208 'generic_comment:blank' =>
"Sorry, you need to actually put something in your comment before we can save it.",
1209 'generic_comment:notfound' =>
"Sorry, we could not find the specified item.",
1210 'generic_comment:notdeleted' =>
"Sorry, we could not delete this comment.",
1211 'generic_comment:failure' =>
"An unexpected error occurred when saving the comment.",
1212 'generic_comment:none' =>
'No comments',
1213 'generic_comment:title' =>
'Comment by %s',
1214 'generic_comment:on' =>
'%s on %s',
1215 'generic_comments:latest:posted' =>
'posted a',
1217 'generic_comment:email:subject' =>
'You have a new comment!',
1218 'generic_comment:email:body' =>
"You have a new comment on your item \"%s\" from %s. It reads: 1224 To reply or view the original item, click here: 1228 To view %s's profile, click here: 1232 Please do not reply to this email.",
1238 'byline' =>
'By %s',
1239 'entity:default:strapline' =>
'Created %s by %s',
1240 'entity:default:missingsupport:popup' =>
'This entity cannot be displayed correctly. This may be because it requires support provided by a plugin that is no longer installed.',
1242 'entity:delete:success' =>
'Entity %s has been deleted',
1243 'entity:delete:fail' =>
'Entity %s could not be deleted',
1249 'actiongatekeeper:missingfields' =>
'Form is missing __token or __ts fields',
1250 'actiongatekeeper:tokeninvalid' =>
"The page you were using had expired. Please try again.",
1251 'actiongatekeeper:timeerror' =>
'The page you were using has expired. Please refresh and try again.',
1252 'actiongatekeeper:pluginprevents' =>
'A extension has prevented this form from being submitted.',
1253 'actiongatekeeper:uploadexceeded' =>
'The size of file(s) uploaded exceeded the limit set by your site administrator',
1254 'actiongatekeeper:crosssitelogin' =>
"Sorry, logging in from a different domain is not permitted. Please try again.",
1260 'word:blacklist' =>
'and, the, then, but, she, his, her, him, one, not, also, about, now, hence, however, still, likewise, otherwise, therefore, conversely, rather, consequently, furthermore, nevertheless, instead, meanwhile, accordingly, this, seems, what, whom, whose, whoever, whomever',
1266 'tag_names:tags' =>
1267 'tags:site_cloud' =>
'Site Tag Cloud',
1273 'js:security:token_refresh_failed' =>
'Failed to contact %s. You may experience problems saving content. Please refresh this page.',
1274 'js:security:token_refreshed' =>
'Connection to %s restored!',
1275 'js:lightbox:current' =>
"image %s of %s",
1280 'elgg:powered' =>
"Powered by Elgg",
1287 "ab" =>
1288 "af" =>
1293 "az" =>
1295 "be" =>
1296 "bg" =>
1299 "bn" =>
"Bengali; Bangla",
1303 "cmn" =>
"Mandarin Chinese",
1312 "eo" =>
1323 "gd" =>
"Scots / Gaelic",
1331 "hu" =>
1333 "ia" =>
1334 "id" =>
1335 "ie" =>
1338 "is" =>
1340 "iu" =>
1341 "iw" =>
"Hebrew (obsolete)",
1343 "ji" =>
"Yiddish (obsolete)",
1347 "kl" =>
1348 "km" =>
1357 "lt" =>
1358 "lv" =>
1361 "mk" =>
1362 "ml" =>
1363 "mn" =>
1364 "mo" =>
1372 "no" =>
1374 "om" =>
"(Afan) Oromo",
1378 "ps" =>
"Pashto / Pushto",
1379 "pt" =>
1380 "pt_br" =>
'Brazilian Portuguese',
1382 "rm" =>
1386 "rw" =>
1390 "sh" =>
1391 "si" =>
1393 "sl" =>
1401 "su" =>
1418 "uk" =>
1421 "vi" =>