Elgg  Version 1.9
Namespaces | Functions
actions.php File Reference

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 Activate a plugin or plugins.


 _elgg_action_handler (array $segments)
 Handle a request for an action. More...
 action ($action, $forwarder="")
 Perform an action. More...
 elgg_register_action ($action, $filename="", $access= 'logged_in')
 Registers an action. More...
 elgg_unregister_action ($action)
 Unregisters an action. More...
 validate_action_token ($visible_errors=true, $token=null, $ts=null)
 Validate an action token. More...
 action_gatekeeper ($action)
 Validates the presence of action tokens. More...
 generate_action_token ($timestamp)
 Generate an action token. More...
 init_site_secret ()
 Initialise the site secret (32 bytes: "z" to indicate format + 186-bit key in Base64 URL). More...
 get_site_secret ()
 Returns the site secret. More...
 _elgg_get_site_secret_strength ()
 Get the strength of the site secret. More...
 elgg_action_exists ($action)
 Check if an action is registered and its script exists. More...
 elgg_is_xhr ()
 Checks whether the request was requested via ajax. More...
 ajax_forward_hook ($hook, $type, $reason, $params)
 Catch calls to forward() in ajax request and force an exit. More...
 ajax_action_hook ()
 Buffer all output echo'd directly in the action for inclusion in the returned JSON. More...
 _elgg_csrf_token_refresh ()
 Send an updated CSRF token. More...
 actions_init ()
 Initialize some ajaxy actions features private. More...

Function Documentation

_elgg_action_handler ( array  $segments)

Handle a request for an action.

array$segmentsURL segments that make up action name
void private

Definition at line 19 of file actions.php.

_elgg_csrf_token_refresh ( )

Send an updated CSRF token.


Definition at line 285 of file actions.php.

_elgg_get_site_secret_strength ( )

Get the strength of the site secret.

string "strong", "moderate", or "weak" private

Definition at line 205 of file actions.php.

action (   $action,
  $forwarder = "" 

Perform an action.

This function executes the action with name $action as registered by elgg_register_action().

The plugin hook 'action', $action_name will be triggered before the action is executed. If a handler returns false, it will prevent the action script from being called.

If an action isn't registered in the system or is registered to an unavailable file the user will be forwarded to the site front page and an error will be emitted via register_error().
All actions require CSRF tokens.
string$actionThe requested action
string$forwarderOptionally, the location to forward to
See also
void private

Definition at line 47 of file actions.php.

action_gatekeeper (   $action)

Validates the presence of action tokens.

This function is called for all actions. If action tokens are missing, the user will be forwarded to the site front page and an error emitted.

This function verifies form input for security features (like a generated token), and forwards if they are invalid.

string$actionThe action being performed
mixed True if valid or redirects. private

Definition at line 134 of file actions.php.

actions_init ( )

Initialize some ajaxy actions features private.

Definition at line 309 of file actions.php.

ajax_action_hook ( )

Buffer all output echo'd directly in the action for inclusion in the returned JSON.

void private

Definition at line 276 of file actions.php.

ajax_forward_hook (   $hook,

Catch calls to forward() in ajax request and force an exit.

Forces response is json of the following form:

    "current_url": "the.url.we/were/coming/from",
    "forward_url": "the.url.we/were/going/to",
    "system_messages": {
        "messages": ["msg1", "msg2", ...],
        "errors": ["err1", "err2", ...]
    "status": -1 //or 0 for success if there are no error messages present

where "system_messages" is all message registers at the point of forwarding

Definition at line 267 of file actions.php.

elgg_action_exists (   $action)

Check if an action is registered and its script exists.

string$actionAction name

Definition at line 227 of file actions.php.

elgg_is_xhr ( )

Checks whether the request was requested via ajax.

bool whether page was requested via ajax

Definition at line 237 of file actions.php.

elgg_register_action (   $action,
  $filename = "",
  $access = 'logged_in' 

Registers an action.

Actions are registered to a script in the system and are executed by the URL http://elggsite.org/action/action_name/.

$filename must be the full path of the file to register or a path relative to the core actions/ dir.

Actions should be namedspaced for your plugin. Example: elgg_register_action('myplugin/save_settings', ...);

Put action files under the actions/<plugin_name> directory of your plugin.

You don't need to include engine/start.php in your action files.

Definition at line 85 of file actions.php.

elgg_unregister_action (   $action)

Unregisters an action.

string$actionAction name

Definition at line 96 of file actions.php.

generate_action_token (   $timestamp)

Generate an action token.

Action tokens are based on timestamps as returned by time(). They are valid for one hour.

Action tokens should be passed to all actions name __elgg_ts and __elgg_token.

Action tokens are required for all actions.
int$timestampUnix timestamp
See also
string|false private

Definition at line 156 of file actions.php.

get_site_secret ( )

Returns the site secret.

Used to generate difficult to guess hashes for sessions and action tokens.

string Site secret. private

Definition at line 190 of file actions.php.

init_site_secret ( )

Initialise the site secret (32 bytes: "z" to indicate format + 186-bit key in Base64 URL).

Used during installation and saves as a datalist.

Note: Old secrets were hex encoded.

mixed The site secret hash or false private

Definition at line 171 of file actions.php.

validate_action_token (   $visible_errors = true,
  $token = null,
  $ts = null 

Validate an action token.

Calls to actions will automatically validate tokens. If tokens are not present or invalid, the action will be denied and the user will be redirected.

Plugin authors should never have to manually validate action tokens.

bool$visible_errorsEmit register_error() errors on failure?
mixed$tokenThe token to test against. Default: $_REQUEST['__elgg_token']
mixed$tsThe time stamp to test against. Default: $_REQUEST['__elgg_ts']
See also
generate_action_token() private

Definition at line 116 of file actions.php.