Elgg  Version 1.9
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upload.php File Reference

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 Avatar upload view. More...
 $current_label = elgg_echo('avatar:current')
 $remove_button = ''
if($vars['entity']->icontime$form_params = array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')
 $upload_form = elgg_view_form('avatar/upload', $form_params, $vars)

Variable Documentation

Initial value:
= <<<HTML
<div id="avatar-upload">
fieldset div
Definition: admin.php:462
Definition: upload.php:27

Definition at line 45 of file upload.php.

$current_label = elgg_echo('avatar:current')

Definition at line 13 of file upload.php.

if ($vars['entity']->icontime) $form_params = array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')

Definition at line 26 of file upload.php.

Initial value:
= <<<HTML
<div id="current-user-avatar" class="mrl prl">
Definition: upload.php:13
fieldset div
Definition: admin.php:462
Avatar upload view.
Definition: upload.php:8
Definition: upload.php:15
Definition: admin.php:452

Definition at line 37 of file upload.php.

$remove_button = ''

Definition at line 15 of file upload.php.

$upload_form = elgg_view_form('avatar/upload', $form_params, $vars)

Definition at line 27 of file upload.php.

Initial value:
= elgg_view('output/img', array(
'src' => $vars['entity']->getIconUrl('medium'),
'alt' => elgg_echo('avatar'),
elgg_echo($message_key, $args=array(), $language="")
Given a message key, returns an appropriately translated full-text string.
Definition: languages.php:21
elgg_view($view, $vars=array(), $bypass=false, $ignored=false, $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
Definition: views.php:354
if(file_exists($welcome)) $vars
Definition: upgrade.php:93

Avatar upload view.


Definition at line 8 of file upload.php.