Elgg  Version 6.1
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
ElggUser Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ElggUser:
ElggEntity ElggData Elgg\Collections\CollectionItemInterface

Public Member Functions

 getLanguage (string $fallback=null)
 Get user language or default to site language. More...
 __set ($name, $value)
 {} More...
 ban (string $reason= '')
 Ban this user. More...
 unban ()
 Unban this user. More...
 isBanned ()
 Is this user banned or not? More...
 isAdmin ()
 Is this user admin? More...
 makeAdmin ()
 Make the user an admin. More...
 removeAdmin ()
 Remove the admin flag for user. More...
 setLastLogin ()
 Sets the last logon time of the user to right now. More...
 setLastAction ()
 Sets the last action time of the given user to right now. More...
 isValidated ()
 Gets the validation status of a user. More...
 setValidationStatus (bool $status, string $method= '')
 Set the validation status for a user. More...
 getGroups (array $options=[])
 Gets the user's groups. More...
 getObjects (array $options=[])
 {} More...
 getOwnerGUID ()
 Get a user's owner GUID. More...
 setPassword (string $password)
 Set the necessary metadata to store a hash of the user's password. More...
 setNotificationSetting (string $method, bool $enabled=true, string $purpose= 'default')
 Enable or disable a notification delivery method. More...
 getNotificationSettings (string $purpose= 'default')
 Returns users's notification settings [ 'email' => true, // enabled 'ajax' => false, // disabled ] More...
 persistentDelete (bool $recursive=true)
 {} More...
 getPluginSetting (string $plugin_id, string $name, $default=null)
 Get a plugin setting. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElggEntity
 __construct (stdClass $row=null)
 Create a new entity. More...
 __clone ()
 Clone an entity. More...
 __set ($name, $value)
 Set an attribute or metadata value for this entity. More...
 getOriginalAttributes ()
 Get the original values of attribute(s) that have been modified since the entity was persisted. More...
 __get ($name)
 Get an attribute or metadata value. More...
 getDisplayName ()
 Get the entity's display name. More...
 setDisplayName (string $display_name)
 Sets the title or name of this entity. More...
 getVolatileData (string $name)
 Get a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
 setVolatileData (string $name, $value)
 Set a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
 removeAllRelatedRiverItems ()
 Removes all river items related to this entity. More...
 countComments ()
 Count the number of comments attached to this entity. More...
 hasAccess (int $user_guid=0)
 Check if the given user has access to this entity. More...
 canEdit (int $user_guid=0)
 Can a user edit this entity? More...
 canDelete (int $user_guid=0)
 Can a user delete this entity? More...
 canWriteToContainer (int $user_guid=0, string $type= '', string $subtype= '')
 Can a user add an entity to this container. More...
 canComment (int $user_guid=0)
 Can a user comment on an entity? More...
 canAnnotate (int $user_guid=0, string $annotation_name= '')
 Can a user annotate an entity? More...
 getGUID ()
 Returns the guid. More...
 getType ()
 Returns the entity type. More...
 setSubtype (string $subtype)
 Set the subtype of the entity. More...
 getSubtype ()
 Get the entity subtype. More...
 getOwnerGUID ()
 Get the guid of the entity's owner. More...
 getOwnerEntity ()
 Gets the that owns this entity. More...
 setContainerGUID (int $container_guid)
 Set the container for this object. More...
 getContainerGUID ()
 Gets the container GUID for this entity. More...
 getContainerEntity ()
 Get the container entity for this object. More...
 getTimeUpdated ()
 Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was last updated. More...
 getURL ()
 Gets the URL for this entity. More...
 save ()
 disable (string $reason= '', bool $recursive=true)
 Disable this entity. More...
 enable (bool $recursive=true)
 Enable the entity. More...
 isEnabled ()
 Is this entity enabled? More...
 delete (bool $recursive=true, bool $persistent=null)
 Deletes the entity. More...
 restore (bool $recursive=true)
 Restore the entity. More...
 isDeleted ()
 Is the entity marked as deleted. More...
 toObject (array $params=[])
 Export an entity. More...
 setLatLong (float $lat, float $long)
 Set latitude and longitude metadata tags for a given entity. More...
 getLatitude ()
 Return the entity's latitude. More...
 getLongitude ()
 Return the entity's longitude. More...
 getSystemLogID ()
 {} More...
 getObjectFromID (int $id)
 For a given ID, return the object associated with it. More...
 updateLastAction (int $posted=null)
 Update the last_action column in the entities table. More...
 updateTimeDeleted (int $deleted=null)
 Update the time_deleted column in the entities table. More...
 disableCaching ()
 Disable runtime caching for entity. More...
 enableCaching ()
 Enable runtime caching for entity. More...
 isCacheable ()
 Is entity cacheable in the runtime cache. More...
 cache ()
 Cache the entity in a session cache. More...
 invalidateCache ()
 Invalidate cache for entity. More...
 hasCapability (string $capability)
 Checks a specific capability is enabled for the entity type/subtype. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElggData
 __isset ($name)
 Test if property is set either as an attribute or metadata. More...
 __unset ($name)
 Unset a property from metadata or attribute. More...
 getURL ()
 Get a URL for this object. More...
 save ()
 Save this data to the appropriate database table. More...
 delete ()
 Delete this data. More...
 getTimeCreated ()
 Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was created. More...
 toObject (array $params=[])
 Get a plain old object copy for public consumption. More...
 getSystemLogID ()
 Return an identification for the object for storage in the system log. More...
 getType ()
 Return the type of the object - eg. More...
 getSubtype ()
 Return a subtype. More...
 getObjectFromID (int $id)
 For a given ID, return the object associated with it. More...
 rewind ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 current ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 key ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 next ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 valid ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 offsetSet ($offset, $value)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetGet ($offset)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetUnset ($offset)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetExists ($offset)
 Array access interface. More...
 getID ()
 {Get unique item identifier within a collection.
} More...
 getPriority ()
 {Get priority (weight) of the item within a collection.
} More...
 __serialize ()
 Called during serialization. More...
 __unserialize (array $data)
 Called during unserialization. More...

Protected Member Functions

 initializeAttributes ()
 {} More...
 prepareObject (\Elgg\Export\Entity $object)
 {} More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ElggEntity
 initializeAttributes ()
 Initialize the attributes array. More...
 create ()
 Create a new entry in the entities table. More...
 update ()
 Update the entity in the database. More...
 load (stdClass $row)
 Loads attributes from the entities table into the object. More...
 persistentDelete (bool $recursive=true)
 Permanently delete the entity from the database. More...
 trash (bool $recursive=true)
 Move the entity to the trash. More...
 prepareObject (\Elgg\Export\Entity $object)
 Prepare an object copy for toObject() More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ElggData
 initializeAttributes ()
 Initialize the attributes array. More...
 getDatabase ()
 Provides a pointer to the database object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ElggEntity
- Protected Attributes inherited from ElggEntity
 $volatile = []
 $orig_attributes = []
 $_is_cacheable = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from ElggData
 $attributes = []
 $valid = false

Detailed Description


Definition at line 28 of file ElggUser.php.

Member Function Documentation

ElggUser::__set (   $name,



Definition at line 83 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::ban ( string  $reason = '')

Ban this user.

string$reasonOptional reason

Definition at line 127 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getGroups ( array  $options = [])

Gets the user's groups.

array$optionsOptions array.

Definition at line 329 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getLanguage ( string  $fallback = null)

Get user language or default to site language.

string$fallbackIf this is provided, it will be returned if the user doesn't have a language set. If null, the site language will be returned.

Definition at line 66 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getNotificationSettings ( string  $purpose = 'default')

Returns users's notification settings [ 'email' => true, // enabled 'ajax' => false, // disabled ]

string$purposeFor what purpose to get the notification settings (default: 'default')

Definition at line 425 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getObjects ( array  $options = [])


Definition at line 340 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getOwnerGUID ( )

Get a user's owner GUID.

Returns its own GUID if the user is not owned.


Definition at line 354 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getPluginSetting ( string  $plugin_id,
string  $name,
  $default = null 

Get a plugin setting.

string$plugin_idplugin ID
string$namesetting name
mixed$defaultdefault setting value
See also

Definition at line 468 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::initializeAttributes ( )


Definition at line 39 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isAdmin ( )

Is this user admin?


Definition at line 182 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isBanned ( )

Is this user banned or not?


Definition at line 173 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isValidated ( )

Gets the validation status of a user.

bool|null Null means status was not set for this user.

Definition at line 279 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::makeAdmin ( )

Make the user an admin.


Definition at line 191 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::persistentDelete ( bool  $recursive = true)


Definition at line 448 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::prepareObject ( \Elgg\Export\Entity  $object)


Definition at line 366 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::removeAdmin ( )

Remove the admin flag for user.


Definition at line 213 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setLastAction ( )

Sets the last action time of the given user to right now.


Definition at line 255 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setLastLogin ( )

Sets the last logon time of the user to right now.


Definition at line 235 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setNotificationSetting ( string  $method,
bool  $enabled = true,
string  $purpose = 'default' 

Enable or disable a notification delivery method.

string$methodMethod name
bool$enabledEnabled or disabled (default: true)
string$purposeFor what purpose is the notification setting used (default: 'default')

Definition at line 402 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setPassword ( string  $password)

Set the necessary metadata to store a hash of the user's password.

string$passwordThe password to be hashed

Definition at line 383 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setValidationStatus ( bool  $status,
string  $method = '' 

Set the validation status for a user.

bool$statusValidated (true) or unvalidated (false)
string$methodOptional method to say how a user was validated

Definition at line 295 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::unban ( )

Unban this user.


Definition at line 150 of file ElggUser.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: