Elgg  Version 6.0
Elgg\Menus Namespace Reference


class  AdminControlPanel
 Register menu items for the admin_control_panel menu. More...
class  AdminFooter
 Register menu items for the admin_footer menu. More...
class  AdminHeader
 Register menu items for the admin_header menu. More...
class  AdminUsersBulk
 Register menu items to the bulk actions for users. More...
class  Annotation
 Register menu items to the annotation menu. More...
class  Breadcrumbs
 Prepares breadcrumbs. More...
class  Entity
 Register menu items to the entity menu. More...
class  EntityNavigation
 Register menu items to the entity_navigation menu. More...
class  EntityTrash
 Add items to the entity:trash menu. More...
class  Filter
 Register menu items to the filter menu. More...
class  FilterSortItems
 Add generic sort_by menu items to a filter menu. More...
class  Footer
 Register menu items to the footer menu. More...
class  Login
 Register menu items to the login menu. More...
class  Page
 Register menu items for the page menu. More...
class  River
 Register menu items to the river menu. More...
class  Site
 Register menu items to the site menu. More...
class  Social
 Register menu items to the social menu. More...
class  Title
 Register menu items to the title menu. More...
class  Topbar
 Register menu items to the topbar menu. More...
class  UserHover
 Register menu items to the user_hover menu. More...
class  UserUnvalidated
 Register menu items to the user:unvalidated menu. More...
class  WalledGarden
 Register menu items to the walled_garden menu. More...
class  Widget
 Register menu item to the widget menu. More...