Elgg  Version 1.11
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members
ElggUser Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for ElggUser:
ElggEntity Friendable ElggData Notable Locatable Importable Loggable Exportable

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($row=null)
 Construct a new user entity. More...
 delete ()
 User specific override of the entity delete method. More...
 getDisplayName ()
 {} More...
 setDisplayName ($displayName)
 {} More...
 __set ($name, $value)
 {} More...
 set ($name, $value)
 {} More...
 ban ($reason="")
 Ban this user. More...
 unban ()
 Unban this user. More...
 isBanned ()
 Is this user banned or not? More...
 isAdmin ()
 Is this user admin? More...
 makeAdmin ()
 Make the user an admin. More...
 removeAdmin ()
 Remove the admin flag for user. More...
 getSites ($options="", $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Get sites that this user is a member of. More...
 addToSite ($site)
 Add this user to a particular site. More...
 removeFromSite ($site)
 Remove this user from a particular site. More...
 addFriend ($friend_guid, $create_river_item=false)
 Adds a user as a friend. More...
 removeFriend ($friend_guid)
 Removes a user as a friend. More...
 isFriend ()
 Determines whether or not this user is a friend of the currently logged in user. More...
 isFriendsWith ($user_guid)
 Determines whether this user is friends with another user. More...
 isFriendOf ($user_guid)
 Determines whether or not this user is another user's friend. More...
 getFriends ($options=array(), $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Gets this user's friends. More...
 getFriendsOf ($options=array(), $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Gets users who have made this user a friend. More...
 listFriends ($subtype="", $limit=10, array $vars=array())
 Lists the user's friends. More...
 getGroups ($options="", $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Gets the user's groups. More...
 listGroups ($subtype="", $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Lists the user's groups. More...
 getObjects ($options=array(), $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Get an array of owned by this user. More...
 getFriendsObjects ($options=array(), $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Get an array of owned by this user's friends. More...
 countObjects ($subtype="")
 Counts the number of owned by this user. More...
 getCollections ($subtype="", $limit=10, $offset=0)
 Get the collections associated with a user. More...
 getOwnerGUID ()
 Get a user's owner GUID. More...
 getOwner ()
 If a user's owner is blank, return its own GUID as the owner. More...
 getExportableValues ()
 Return an array of fields which can be exported. More...
 canComment ($user_guid=0)
 Can a user comment on this user? More...
 setPassword ($password)
 Set the necessary attributes to store a hash of the user's password. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElggEntity
 __clone ()
 Clone an entity. More...
 __set ($name, $value)
 Set an attribute or metadata value for this entity. More...
 set ($name, $value)
 Sets the value of an attribute or metadata. More...
 __get ($name)
 Get an attribute or metadata value. More...
 get ($name)
 Return the value of an attribute or metadata. More...
 getDisplayName ()
 Get the entity's display name. More...
 setDisplayName ($displayName)
 Sets the title or name of this entity. More...
 getMetadata ($name)
 Return the value of a piece of metadata. More...
 __unset ($name)
 Unset a property from metadata or attribute. More...
 setMetadata ($name, $value, $value_type= '', $multiple=false, $owner_guid=0, $access_id=null)
 Set metadata on this entity. More...
 deleteMetadata ($name=null)
 Deletes all metadata on this object (metadata.entity_guid = $this->guid). More...
 deleteOwnedMetadata ($name=null)
 Deletes all metadata owned by this object (metadata.owner_guid = $this->guid). More...
 clearMetadata ($name= '')
 Remove metadata. More...
 disableMetadata ($name= '')
 Disables metadata for this entity, optionally based on name. More...
 enableMetadata ($name= '')
 Enables metadata for this entity, optionally based on name. More...
 getVolatileData ($name)
 Get a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
 setVolatileData ($name, $value)
 Set a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
 deleteRelationships ($relationship=null)
 Remove all relationships to and from this entity. More...
 clearRelationships ()
 Remove all relationships to and from this entity. More...
 addRelationship ($guid_two, $relationship)
 Add a relationship between this an another entity. More...
 removeRelationship ($guid_two, $relationship)
 Remove a relationship. More...
 setPrivateSetting ($name, $value)
 Adds a private setting to this entity. More...
 getPrivateSetting ($name)
 Returns a private setting value. More...
 removePrivateSetting ($name)
 Removes private setting. More...
 deleteAnnotations ($name=null)
 Deletes all annotations on this object (annotations.entity_guid = $this->guid). More...
 deleteOwnedAnnotations ($name=null)
 Deletes all annotations owned by this object (annotations.owner_guid = $this->guid). More...
 disableAnnotations ($name= '')
 Disables annotations for this entity, optionally based on name. More...
 enableAnnotations ($name= '')
 Enables annotations for this entity, optionally based on name. More...
 annotate ($name, $value, $access_id=ACCESS_PRIVATE, $owner_guid=0, $vartype="")
 Adds an annotation to an entity. More...
 getAnnotations ($options=array(), $limit=50, $offset=0, $order="asc")
 Gets an array of annotations. More...
 clearAnnotations ($name="")
 Remove an annotation or all annotations for this entity. More...
 countAnnotations ($name="")
 Count annotations. More...
 getAnnotationsAvg ($name)
 Get the average of an integer type annotation. More...
 getAnnotationsSum ($name)
 Get the sum of integer type annotations of a given name. More...
 getAnnotationsMin ($name)
 Get the minimum of integer type annotations of given name. More...
 getAnnotationsMax ($name)
 Get the maximum of integer type annotations of a given name. More...
 countComments ()
 Count the number of comments attached to this entity. More...
 getEntitiesFromRelationship ($options=array(), $inverse=false, $limit=50, $offset=0)
 Gets an array of entities with a relationship to this entity. More...
 countEntitiesFromRelationship ($relationship, $inverse_relationship=false)
 Gets the number of entities from a specific relationship type. More...
 canEdit ($user_guid=0)
 Can a user edit this entity? More...
 canDelete ($user_guid=0)
 Can a user delete this entity? More...
 canEditMetadata ($metadata=null, $user_guid=0)
 Can a user edit metadata on this entity? More...
 canWriteToContainer ($user_guid=0, $type= 'all', $subtype= 'all')
 Can a user add an entity to this container. More...
 canComment ($user_guid=0)
 Can a user comment on an entity? More...
 canAnnotate ($user_guid=0, $annotation_name= '')
 Can a user annotate an entity? More...
 getAccessID ()
 Returns the access_id. More...
 getGUID ()
 Returns the guid. More...
 getType ()
 Returns the entity type. More...
 getSubtype ()
 Get the entity subtype. More...
 getOwnerGUID ()
 Get the guid of the entity's owner. More...
 getOwner ()
 Return the guid of the entity's owner. More...
 getOwnerEntity ()
 Gets the that owns this entity. More...
 setContainerGUID ($container_guid)
 Set the container for this object. More...
 setContainer ($container_guid)
 Set the container for this object. More...
 getContainerGUID ()
 Gets the container GUID for this entity. More...
 getContainer ()
 Gets the container GUID for this entity. More...
 getContainerEntity ()
 Get the container entity for this object. More...
 getTimeUpdated ()
 Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was last updated. More...
 getURL ()
 Gets the URL for this entity. More...
 setURL ($url)
 Overrides the URL returned by getURL() More...
 getIconURL ($params=array())
 Get the URL for this entity's icon. More...
 getIcon ($size= 'medium')
 Returns a URL for the entity's icon. More...
 setIcon ($url, $size= 'medium')
 Set an icon override for an icon and size. More...
 addToSite ($site)
 Add this entity to a site. More...
 removeFromSite ($site)
 Remove this entity from a site. More...
 getSites ($options=array())
 Gets the sites this entity is a member of. More...
 isFullyLoaded ()
 Tests to see whether the object has been fully loaded. More...
 save ()
 Save an entity. More...
 refresh (\stdClass $row)
 Load new data from database into existing entity. More...
 disable ($reason="", $recursive=true)
 Disable this entity. More...
 enable ($recursive=true)
 Enable the entity. More...
 isEnabled ()
 Is this entity enabled? More...
 delete ($recursive=true)
 Deletes the entity. More...
 toObject ()
 {} More...
 getLocation ()
 Gets the 'location' metadata for the entity. More...
 setLocation ($location)
 Sets the 'location' metadata for the entity. More...
 setLatLong ($lat, $long)
 Set latitude and longitude metadata tags for a given entity. More...
 getLatitude ()
 Return the entity's latitude. More...
 getLongitude ()
 Return the entity's longitude. More...
 setCalendarTimeAndDuration ($hour=null, $minute=null, $second=null, $day=null, $month=null, $year=null, $duration=null)
 Set the time and duration of an object. More...
 getCalendarStartTime ()
 Returns the start timestamp. More...
 getCalendarEndTime ()
 Returns the end timestamp. More...
 getExportableValues ()
 Returns an array of fields which can be exported. More...
 export ()
 Export this class into an array of ODD Elements containing all necessary fields. More...
 import (ODD $data)
 Import data from an parsed ODD xml data array. More...
 getSystemLogID ()
 Return an identification for the object for storage in the system log. More...
 getObjectFromID ($id)
 For a given ID, return the object associated with it. More...
 getTags ($tag_names=null)
 Returns tags for this entity. More...
 deleteAccessCollectionMemberships ()
 Remove the membership of all access collections for this entity (if the entity is a user) More...
 deleteOwnedAccessCollections ()
 Remove all access collections owned by this entity. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ElggData
 __isset ($name)
 Test if property is set either as an attribute or metadata. More...
 getURL ()
 Get a URL for this object. More...
 save ()
 Save this data to the appropriate database table. More...
 delete ()
 Delete this data. More...
 getTimeCreated ()
 Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was created. More...
 toObject ()
 Get a plain old object copy for public consumption. More...
 getClassName ()
 Return the class name of the object. More...
 getObjectOwnerGUID ()
 Return the GUID of the owner of this object. More...
 rewind ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 current ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 key ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 next ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 valid ()
 Iterator interface. More...
 offsetSet ($key, $value)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetGet ($key)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetUnset ($key)
 Array access interface. More...
 offsetExists ($offset)
 Array access interface. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Friendable
 addFriend ($friend_guid)
 Adds a user as a friend. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static getExternalAttributes ()
 Get default values for attributes stored in a separate table. More...

Protected Member Functions

 initializeAttributes ()
 Initialize the attributes array. More...
 load ($guid)
 Load the data from the database. More...
 create ()
 {} More...
 update ()
 {} More...
 prepareObject ($object)
 {} More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ElggEntity
 initializeAttributes ()
 Initialize the attributes array. More...
 create ()
 Create a new entry in the entities table. More...
 update ()
 Update the entity in the database. More...
 load ($guid)
 Loads attributes from the entities table into the object. More...
 loadAdditionalSelectValues (array $data)
 Stores non-attributes from the loading of the entity as volatile data. More...
 prepareObject ($object)
 Prepare an object copy for toObject() More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ElggData
 initialise_attributes ($pre18_api=true)
 Initialise the attributes array. More...
 initializeAttributes ()
 Initialize the attributes array. More...
 getDatabase ()
 Provides a pointer to the database object. More...
 get ($name)
 Fetch the specified attribute. More...
 set ($name, $value)
 Set the specified attribute. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from ElggEntity
 If set, overrides the value of getURL() More...
 Icon override, overrides the value of getIcon(). More...
 $temp_metadata = array()
 Holds metadata until entity is saved. More...
 $temp_annotations = array()
 Holds annotations until entity is saved. More...
 $temp_private_settings = array()
 Holds private settings until entity is saved. More...
 $volatile = array()
 Volatile data structure for this object, allows for storage of data in-memory that isn't sync'd back to the metadata table. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ElggData
 $attributes = array()
 The main attributes of an entity. More...
 $valid = false

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file ElggUser.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ElggUser::__construct (   $row = null)

Construct a new user entity.

Plugin developers should only use the constructor to create a new entity. To retrieve entities, use get_entity() and the elgg_get_entities* functions.

\stdClass$rowDatabase row result. Default is null to create a new user.
IOException|InvalidParameterExceptionif there was a problem creating the user.

Definition at line 72 of file ElggUser.php.

Member Function Documentation

ElggUser::__set (   $name,


Definition at line 227 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::addFriend (   $friend_guid,
  $create_river_item = false 

Adds a user as a friend.

int$friend_guidThe GUID of the user to add
bool$create_river_itemCreate the river item announcing this friendship

Definition at line 411 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::addToSite (   $site)

Add this user to a particular site.

\ElggSite$siteThe site to add this user to. This used to be the the site guid (still supported by deprecated)

Definition at line 378 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::ban (   $reason = "")

Ban this user.

string$reasonOptional reason

Definition at line 283 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::canComment (   $user_guid = 0)

Can a user comment on this user?

See also
int$user_guidUser guid (default is logged in user)

Definition at line 790 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::countObjects (   $subtype = "")

Counts the number of owned by this user.

string$subtypeThe subtypes of the objects, if any
int The number of

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 708 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::create ( )


Definition at line 141 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::delete ( )

User specific override of the entity delete method.


Definition at line 198 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getCollections (   $subtype = "",
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Get the collections associated with a user.

string$subtypeOptionally, the subtype of result we want to limit to
int$limitThe number of results to return
int$offsetAny indexing offset

Definition at line 722 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getDisplayName ( )


Definition at line 213 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getExportableValues ( )

Return an array of fields which can be exported.


Implements Exportable.

Definition at line 773 of file ElggUser.php.

static ElggUser::getExternalAttributes ( )

Get default values for attributes stored in a separate table.

array private
See also

Definition at line 45 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getFriends (   $options = array(),
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Gets this user's friends.

array$optionsOptions array. See elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() for a list of options. 'relationship_guid' is set to this entity, relationship name to 'friend' and type to 'user'.
int$limitThe number of users to retrieve (deprecated)
int$offsetIndexing offset, if any (deprecated)
array|false Array of , or false, depending on success

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 498 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getFriendsObjects (   $options = array(),
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Get an array of owned by this user's friends.

array$optionsOptions array. See elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() for a list of options. 'relationship_guid' is set to this entity, type to 'object', relationship name to 'friend' and relationship_join_on to 'container_guid'.
int$limitNumber of results to return (deprecated)
int$offsetAny indexing offset (deprecated)

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 679 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getFriendsOf (   $options = array(),
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Gets users who have made this user a friend.

array$optionsOptions array. See elgg_get_entities_from_relationship() for a list of options. 'relationship_guid' is set to this entity, relationship name to 'friend', type to 'user' and inverse_relationship to true.
int$limitThe number of users to retrieve (deprecated)
int$offsetIndexing offset, if any (deprecated)
array|false Array of , or false, depending on success

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 529 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getGroups (   $options = "",
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Gets the user's groups.

array$optionsOptions array. Used to be the subtype string.
int$limitThe number of groups to retrieve (deprecated)
int$offsetIndexing offset, if any (deprecated)
array|false Array of , or false, depending on success

Definition at line 588 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getObjects (   $options = array(),
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Get an array of owned by this user.

array$optionsOptions array. See elgg_get_entities() for a list of options. 'type' is set to object and owner_guid to this entity.
int$limitNumber of results to return (deprecated)
int$offsetAny indexing offset (deprecated)

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 650 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getOwner ( )

If a user's owner is blank, return its own GUID as the owner.

int User GUID

Definition at line 748 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getOwnerGUID ( )

Get a user's owner GUID.

Returns it's own GUID if the user is not owned.


Definition at line 734 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::getSites (   $options = "",
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Get sites that this user is a member of.

array$optionsOptions array. Used to be $subtype
int$limitThe number of results to return (deprecated)
int$offsetAny indexing offset (deprecated)

Definition at line 362 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::initializeAttributes ( )

Initialize the attributes array.

This is vital to distinguish between metadata and base attributes.


Definition at line 29 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isAdmin ( )

Is this user admin?


Definition at line 310 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isBanned ( )

Is this user banned or not?


Definition at line 301 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isFriend ( )

Determines whether or not this user is a friend of the currently logged in user.


Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 461 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isFriendOf (   $user_guid)

Determines whether or not this user is another user's friend.

int$user_guidThe GUID of the user to check against

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 483 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::isFriendsWith (   $user_guid)

Determines whether this user is friends with another user.

int$user_guidThe GUID of the user to check against

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 472 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::listFriends (   $subtype = "",
  $limit = 10,
array  $vars = array() 

Lists the user's friends.

string$subtypeOptionally, the user subtype (leave blank for all)
int$limitThe number of users to retrieve
array$varsDisplay variables for the user view
string Rendered list of friends

Definition at line 560 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::listGroups (   $subtype = "",
  $limit = 10,
  $offset = 0 

Lists the user's groups.

string$subtypeOptionally, the user subtype (leave blank for all)
int$limitThe number of users to retrieve
int$offsetIndexing offset, if any

Definition at line 622 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::load (   $guid)

Load the data from the database.

mixed$guidGUID or database row from entity table

Definition at line 120 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::makeAdmin ( )

Make the user an admin.


Definition at line 324 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::prepareObject (   $object)


Definition at line 756 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::removeAdmin ( )

Remove the admin flag for user.


Definition at line 341 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::removeFriend (   $friend_guid)

Removes a user as a friend.

int$friend_guidThe GUID of the user to remove

Implements Friendable.

Definition at line 439 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::removeFromSite (   $site)

Remove this user from a particular site.

\ElggSite$siteThe site to remove the user from. Used to be site GUID

Definition at line 394 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::set (   $name,


Definition at line 269 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setDisplayName (   $displayName)


Definition at line 220 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::setPassword (   $password)

Set the necessary attributes to store a hash of the user's password.

Also removes the legacy hash/salt values.

You must save() to persist the attributes

string$passwordThe password to be hashed

Definition at line 808 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::unban ( )

Unban this user.


Definition at line 292 of file ElggUser.php.

ElggUser::update ( )


Definition at line 169 of file ElggUser.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: