Version 1.9
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
full_url () | |
Return the full URL of the current page. More... | |
elgg_register_entity_url_handler ($entity_type, $entity_subtype, $function_name) | |
Sets the URL handler for a particular entity type and subtype. More... | |
elgg_register_relationship_url_handler ($relationship_type, $function_name) | |
Sets the URL handler for a particular relationship type. More... | |
get_relationship_url ($id) | |
Get the url for a given relationship. More... | |
elgg_register_extender_url_handler ($extender_type, $extender_name, $function_name) | |
Sets the URL handler for a particular extender type and name. More... | |
get_extender_url (ElggExtender $extender) | |
Get the URL of a given elgg extender. More... | |
get_annotation_url ($id) | |
Get the URL for this annotation. More... | |
elgg_register_metadata_url_handler ($extender_name, $function) | |
Register a metadata url handler. More... | |
elgg_register_annotation_url_handler ($extender_name="all", $function_name) | |
Register an annotation url handler. More... | |
get_group_members ($group_guid, $limit=10, $offset=0, $site_guid=0, $count=false) | |
Return a list of this group's members. More... | |
add_object_to_group ($group_guid, $object_guid) | |
Add an object to the given group. More... | |
remove_object_from_group ($group_guid, $object_guid) | |
Remove an object from the given group. More... | |
is_group_member ($group_guid, $user_guid) | |
Return whether a given user is a member of the group or not. More... | |
get_users_membership ($user_guid) | |
Return all groups a user is a member of. More... | |
user_is_friend ($user_guid, $friend_guid) | |
Determines whether or not a user is another user's friend. More... | |
get_user_friends ($user_guid, $subtype=ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $limit=10, $offset=0) | |
Obtains a given user's friends. More... | |
get_user_friends_of ($user_guid, $subtype=ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $limit=10, $offset=0) | |
Obtains the people who have made a given user a friend. More... | |
user_add_friend ($user_guid, $friend_guid) | |
Adds a user to another user's friends list. More... | |
user_remove_friend ($user_guid, $friend_guid) | |
Removes a user from another user's friends list. More... | |
add_site_user ($site_guid, $user_guid) | |
Add a user to a site. More... | |
remove_site_user ($site_guid, $user_guid) | |
Remove a user from a site. More... | |
add_site_object ($site_guid, $object_guid) | |
Add an object to a site. More... | |
remove_site_object ($site_guid, $object_guid) | |
Remove an object from a site. More... | |
get_site_objects ($site_guid, $subtype="", $limit=10, $offset=0) | |
Get the objects belonging to a site. More... | |
get_object_sites ($object_guid, $limit=10, $offset=0) | |
Get the sites this object is part of. More... | |
get_user_sites ($user_guid, $limit=10, $offset=0) | |
Get the sites this user is part of. More... | |
can_edit_extender ($extender_id, $type, $user_guid=0) | |
Determines whether or not the specified user can edit the specified piece of extender. More... | |
calculate_tag_size ($min, $max, $number_of_tags, $buckets=6) | |
The algorithm working out the size of font based on the number of tags. More... | |
generate_tag_cloud (array $tags, $buckets=6) | |
This function generates an array of tags with a weighting. More... | |
elgg_invalidate_metadata_cache ($action, array $options) | |
Invalidate the metadata cache based on options passed to various *_metadata functions. More... | |
get_metastring_id ($string, $case_sensitive=TRUE) | |
Return the meta string id for a given tag, or false. More... | |
add_metastring ($string, $case_sensitive=true) | |
Add a metastring. More... | |
get_metastring ($id) | |
When given an ID, returns the corresponding metastring. More... | |
get_user_friends_objects ($user_guid, $subtype=ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $limit=10, $offset=0, $timelower=0, $timeupper=0) | |
Obtains a list of objects owned by a user's friends. More... | |
count_user_friends_objects ($user_guid, $subtype=ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, $timelower=0, $timeupper=0) | |
Counts the number of objects owned by a user's friends. More... | |
list_user_friends_objects ($user_guid, $subtype="", $limit=10, $full_view=true, $listtypetoggle=true, $pagination=true, $timelower=0, $timeupper=0) | |
Displays a list of a user's friends' objects of a particular subtype, with navigation. More... | |
elgg_geocode_location ($location) | |
Encode a location into a latitude and longitude, caching the result. More... | |
elgg_get_entities_from_location (array $options=array()) | |
Return entities within a given geographic area. More... | |
elgg_list_entities_from_location (array $options=array()) | |
Returns a viewable list of entities from location. More... | |
get_version ($humanreadable=false) | |
Get the current Elgg version information. More... | |
sanitise_string_special ($string, $extra_escapeable= '') | |
Sanitise a string for database use, but with the option of escaping extra characters. More... | |
setup_db_connections () | |
Establish database connections. More... | |
get_db_link ($dblinktype) | |
Returns (if required, also creates) a database link resource. More... | |
optimize_table ($table) | |
Optimize a table. More... | |
get_db_error ($dblink) | |
Get the last database error for a particular database link. More... | |
execute_delayed_query ($query, $dblink, $handler="") | |
Queue a query for execution upon shutdown. More... | |
get_day_start ($day=null, $month=null, $year=null) | |
Return a timestamp for the start of a given day (defaults today). More... | |
get_day_end ($day=null, $month=null, $year=null) | |
Return a timestamp for the end of a given day (defaults today). More... | |
get_notable_entities ($start_time, $end_time, $type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $order_by="asc", $limit=10, $offset=0, $count=false, $site_guid=0, $container_guid=null) | |
Return the notable entities for a given time period. More... | |
get_notable_entities_from_metadata ($start_time, $end_time, $meta_name, $meta_value="", $entity_type="", $entity_subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $limit=10, $offset=0, $order_by="", $site_guid=0, $count=false) | |
Return the notable entities for a given time period based on an item of metadata. More... | |
get_noteable_entities_from_relationship ($start_time, $end_time, $relationship, $relationship_guid, $inverse_relationship=false, $type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $order_by="", $limit=10, $offset=0, $count=false, $site_guid=0) | |
Return the notable entities for a given time period based on their relationship. More... | |
get_todays_entities ($type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $order_by="", $limit=10, $offset=0, $count=false, $site_guid=0, $container_guid=null) | |
Get all entities for today. More... | |
get_todays_entities_from_metadata ($meta_name, $meta_value="", $entity_type="", $entity_subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $limit=10, $offset=0, $order_by="", $site_guid=0, $count=false) | |
Get entities for today from metadata. More... | |
get_todays_entities_from_relationship ($relationship, $relationship_guid, $inverse_relationship=false, $type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $order_by="", $limit=10, $offset=0, $count=false, $site_guid=0) | |
Get entities for today from a relationship. More... | |
list_notable_entities ($start_time, $end_time, $type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $limit=10, $fullview=true, $listtypetoggle=false, $navigation=true) | |
Returns a viewable list of entities for a given time period. More... | |
list_todays_entities ($type="", $subtype="", $owner_guid=0, $limit=10, $fullview=true, $listtypetoggle=false, $navigation=true) | |
Return a list of today's entities. More... | |
elgg_regenerate_simplecache ($viewtype=NULL) | |
Regenerates the simple cache. More... | |
elgg_get_filepath_cache () | |
private More... | |
elgg_filepath_cache_reset () | |
private More... | |
elgg_filepath_cache_save ($type, $data) | |
private More... | |
elgg_filepath_cache_load ($type) | |
private More... | |
elgg_enable_filepath_cache () | |
private More... | |
elgg_disable_filepath_cache () | |
private More... | |
unregister_entity_type ($type, $subtype) | |
Unregisters an entity type and subtype as a public-facing type. More... | |
already_attached ($guid_one, $guid_two) | |
Function to determine if the object trying to attach to other, has already done so. More... | |
get_attachments ($guid, $type="") | |
Function to get all objects attached to a particular object. More... | |
remove_attachment ($guid_one, $guid_two) | |
Function to remove a particular attachment between two objects. More... | |
make_attachment ($guid_one, $guid_two) | |
Function to start the process of attaching one object to another. More... | |
get_entity_url ($entity_guid) | |
Returns the URL for an entity. More... | |
delete_entity ($guid, $recursive=true) | |
Delete an entity. More... | |
enable_entity ($guid, $recursive=true) | |
Enable an entity. More... | |
can_edit_entity_metadata ($entity_guid, $user_guid=0, $metadata=null) | |
Returns if $user_guid can edit the metadata on $entity_guid. More... | |
disable_entity ($guid, $reason="", $recursive=true) | |
Disable an entity. More... | |
can_edit_entity ($entity_guid, $user_guid=0) | |
Returns if $user_guid is able to edit $entity_guid. More... | |
join_group ($group_guid, $user_guid) | |
Join a user to a group. More... | |
leave_group ($group_guid, $user_guid) | |
Remove a user from a group. More... | |
autop ($string) | |
Create paragraphs from text with line spacing. More... | |
expose_function ($method, $function, array $parameters=NULL, $description="", $call_method="GET", $require_api_auth=false, $require_user_auth=false) | |
Register a function as a web service method. More... | |
unexpose_function ($method) | |
Unregister a web services method. More... | |
register_service_handler ($handler, $function) | |
Registers a web services handler. More... | |
unregister_service_handler ($handler) | |
Remove a web service To replace a web service handler, register the desired handler over the old on with register_service_handler(). More... | |
create_site_entity ($guid, $name, $description, $url) | |
Create or update the entities table for a given site. More... | |
create_group_entity ($guid, $name, $description) | |
Create or update the entities table for a given group. More... | |
create_user_entity ($guid, $name, $username, $password, $salt, $email, $language, $code) | |
Create or update the entities table for a given user. More... | |
create_object_entity ($guid, $title, $description) | |
Create or update the extras table for a given object. More... | |
ODD_factory (XmlElement $element) | |
Attempt to construct an ODD object out of a XmlElement or sub-elements. More... | |
oddentity_to_elggentity (ODDEntity $element) | |
Utility function used by import_entity_plugin_hook() to process an ODDEntity into an unsaved ElggEntity. More... | |
ODD_Import ($xml) | |
Import an ODD document. More... | |
ODD_Export (ODDDocument $document) | |
Export an ODD Document. More... | |
get_uuid_from_object ($object) | |
Get a UUID from a given object. More... | |
guid_to_uuid ($guid) | |
Generate a UUID from a given GUID. More... | |
is_uuid_this_domain ($uuid) | |
Test to see if a given uuid is for this domain, returning true if so. More... | |
get_entity_from_uuid ($uuid) | |
This function attempts to retrieve a previously imported entity via its UUID. More... | |
add_uuid_to_guid ($guid, $uuid) | |
Tag a previously created guid with the uuid it was imported on. More... | |
_process_element (ODD $odd) | |
This function processes an element, passing elements to the plugin stack to see if someone will process it. More... | |
exportAsArray ($guid) | |
Exports an entity as an array. More... | |
export ($guid) | |
Export a GUID. More... | |
import ($xml) | |
Import an XML serialisation of an object. More... | |
_export_init () | |
Register the OpenDD import action. More... | |
elgg_get_views ($dir, $base) | |
Returns the name of views for in a directory. More... | |
elgg_view_tree ($view_root, $viewtype="") | |
Returns all views below a partial view. More... | |
add_to_river ($view, $action_type, $subject_guid, $object_guid, $access_id="", $posted=0, $annotation_id=0, $target_guid=0) | |
Adds an item to the river. More... | |
serialise_object_to_xml ($data, $name="", $n=0) | |
This function serialises an object recursively into an XML representation. More... | |
serialise_array_to_xml (array $data, $n=0) | |
Serialise an array. More... | |
xml_to_object ($xml) | |
Parse an XML file into an object. More... | |
get_site_domain ($guid) | |
Retrieve a site and return the domain portion of its url. More... | |
register_notification_object ($entity_type, $object_subtype, $language_name) | |
Register an entity type and subtype to be eligible for notifications. More... | |
register_notification_interest ($user_guid, $author_guid) | |
Establish a 'notify' relationship between the user and a content author. More... | |
remove_notification_interest ($user_guid, $author_guid) | |
Remove a 'notify' relationship between the user and a content author. More... | |
object_notifications ($event, $object_type, $object) | |
Automatically triggered notification on 'create' events that looks at registered objects and attempts to send notifications to anybody who's interested. More... | |
register_notification_handler ($method, $handler, $params=NULL) | |
This function registers a handler for a given notification type (eg "email") More... | |
unregister_notification_handler ($method) | |
This function unregisters a handler for a given notification type (eg "email") More... | |
import_entity_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Import an entity. More... | |
export_entity_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Exports all attributes of an entity. More... | |
volatile_data_export_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Exports attributes generated on the fly (volatile) about an entity. More... | |
export_annotation_plugin_hook ($hook, $type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Export the annotations for the specified entity. More... | |
import_extender_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "import" event. More... | |
oddmetadata_to_elggextender (ElggEntity $entity, ODDMetaData $element) | |
Utility function used by import_extender_plugin_hook() to process an ODDMetaData and add it to an entity. More... | |
export_metadata_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event. More... | |
export_relationship_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event. More... | |
import_relationship_plugin_hook ($hook, $entity_type, $returnvalue, $params) | |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "import" event. More... | |
get_access_sql_suffix ($table_prefix= '', $owner=null) | |
Returns the SQL where clause for a table with access_id and enabled columns. More... | |
elgg_get_calling_plugin_id ($mainfilename=false) | |
Get the name of the most recent plugin to be called in the call stack (or the plugin that owns the current page, if any). More... | |
Variables | |
global | $METASTRINGS_DEADNAME_CACHE = array() |
const | MILE 0.01515 |
const | KILOMETER 0.00932 |
$IMPORTED_DATA = array() | |
_export_init | ( | ) |
Register the OpenDD import action.
Definition at line 3015 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
_process_element | ( | ODD | $odd | ) |
This function processes an element, passing elements to the plugin stack to see if someone will process it.
If nobody processes the top level element, the sub level elements are processed.
ODD | $odd | The odd element to process |
Definition at line 2904 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_metastring | ( | $string, | |
$case_sensitive = true |
) |
Add a metastring.
It returns the id of the metastring. If it does not exist, it will be created.
string | $string | The value (whatever that is) to be stored |
bool | $case_sensitive | Do we want to make the query case sensitive? |
Definition at line 902 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_object_to_group | ( | $group_guid, | |
$object_guid | |||
) |
Add an object to the given group.
int | $group_guid | The group to add the object to. |
int | $object_guid | The guid of the elgg object (must be ElggObject or a child thereof) |
InvalidClassException |
Definition at line 298 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_site_object | ( | $site_guid, | |
$object_guid | |||
) |
Add an object to a site.
int | $site_guid | Site GUID |
int | $object_guid | Object GUID |
Definition at line 561 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_site_user | ( | $site_guid, | |
$user_guid | |||
) |
Add a user to a site.
int | $site_guid | Site guid |
int | $user_guid | User guid |
Definition at line 527 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_to_river | ( | $view, | |
$action_type, | |||
$subject_guid, | |||
$object_guid, | |||
$access_id = "" , |
$posted = 0 , |
$annotation_id = 0 , |
$target_guid = 0 |
) |
Adds an item to the river.
string | $view | The view that will handle the river item (must exist) |
string | $action_type | An arbitrary string to define the action (eg 'comment', 'create') |
int | $subject_guid | The GUID of the entity doing the action |
int | $object_guid | The GUID of the entity being acted upon |
int | $access_id | The access ID of the river item (default: same as the object) |
int | $posted | The UNIX epoch timestamp of the river item (default: now) |
int | $annotation_id | The annotation ID associated with this river entry |
int | $target_guid | The GUID of the the object entity's container |
Definition at line 3131 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
add_uuid_to_guid | ( | $guid, | |
$uuid | |||
) |
Tag a previously created guid with the uuid it was imported on.
int | $guid | A GUID |
string | $uuid | A Unique ID |
Definition at line 2879 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
already_attached | ( | $guid_one, | |
$guid_two | |||
) |
Function to determine if the object trying to attach to other, has already done so.
int | $guid_one | This is the target object |
int | $guid_two | This is the object trying to attach to $guid_one |
Definition at line 2028 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
autop | ( | $string | ) |
Create paragraphs from text with line spacing.
string | $string | The string |
Definition at line 2304 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
calculate_tag_size | ( | $min, | |
$max, | |||
$number_of_tags, | |||
$buckets = 6 |
) |
The algorithm working out the size of font based on the number of tags.
This is quick and dirty.
int | $min | Min size |
int | $max | Max size |
int | $number_of_tags | The number of tags |
int | $buckets | The number of buckets |
Definition at line 736 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
can_edit_entity | ( | $entity_guid, | |
$user_guid = 0 |
) |
Returns if $user_guid is able to edit $entity_guid.
Can be overridden by registering for the permissions_check plugin hook.
int | $entity_guid | The GUID of the entity |
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user |
Definition at line 2245 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
can_edit_entity_metadata | ( | $entity_guid, | |
$user_guid = 0 , |
$metadata = null |
) |
Returns if $user_guid can edit the metadata on $entity_guid.
Can be overridden by by registering for the permissions_check:metadata plugin hook.
int | $entity_guid | The GUID of the entity |
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user |
ElggMetadata | $metadata | The metadata to specifically check (if any; default null) |
Definition at line 2193 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
can_edit_extender | ( | $extender_id, | |
$type, | |||
$user_guid = 0 |
) |
Determines whether or not the specified user can edit the specified piece of extender.
int | $extender_id | The ID of the piece of extender |
string | $type | 'metadata' or 'annotation' |
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user |
Definition at line 676 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
count_user_friends_objects | ( | $user_guid, | |
$timelower = 0 , |
$timeupper = 0 |
) |
Counts the number of objects owned by a user's friends.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user to get the friends of |
string | $subtype | Optionally, the subtype of objects |
int | $timelower | The earliest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
int | $timeupper | The latest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
Definition at line 992 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
create_group_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$name, | |||
$description | |||
) |
Create or update the entities table for a given group.
Call create_entity first.
int | $guid | GUID |
string | $name | Name |
string | $description | Description |
Definition at line 2447 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
create_object_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$title, | |||
$description | |||
) |
Create or update the extras table for a given object.
Call create_entity first.
int | $guid | The guid of the entity you're creating (as obtained by create_entity) |
string | $title | The title of the object |
string | $description | The object's description |
Definition at line 2575 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
create_site_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$name, | |||
$description, | |||
$url | |||
) |
Create or update the entities table for a given site.
Call create_entity first.
int | $guid | Site GUID |
string | $name | Site name |
string | $description | Site Description |
string | $url | URL of the site |
Definition at line 2385 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
create_user_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$name, | |||
$username, | |||
$password, | |||
$salt, | |||
$email, | |||
$language, | |||
$code | |||
) |
Create or update the entities table for a given user.
Call create_entity first.
int | $guid | The user's GUID |
string | $name | The user's display name |
string | $username | The username |
string | $password | The password |
string | $salt | A salt for the password |
string | The user's email address | |
string | $language | The user's default language |
string | $code | A code |
Definition at line 2510 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
delete_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$recursive = true |
) |
Delete an entity.
Removes an entity and its metadata, annotations, relationships, river entries, and private data.
Optionally can remove entities contained and owned by $guid.
int | $guid | The guid of the entity to delete |
bool | $recursive | If true (default) then all entities which are owned or contained by $guid will also be deleted. |
Definition at line 2139 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
disable_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$reason = "" , |
$recursive = true |
) |
Disable an entity.
Disabled entities do not show up in list or elgg_get_entities() calls, but still exist in the database.
Entities are disabled by setting disabled = yes in the entities table.
You can ignore the disabled field by using access_show_hidden_entities().
int | $guid | The guid |
string | $reason | Optional reason |
bool | $recursive | Recursively disable all entities owned or contained by $guid? |
Definition at line 2222 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_disable_filepath_cache | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1996 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_enable_filepath_cache | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1988 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_filepath_cache_load | ( | $type | ) |
Definition at line 1980 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_filepath_cache_reset | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1964 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_filepath_cache_save | ( | $type, | |
$data | |||
) |
Definition at line 1972 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_geocode_location | ( | $location | ) |
Encode a location into a latitude and longitude, caching the result.
Works by triggering the 'geocode' 'location' plugin hook, and requires a geocoding plugin to be installed.
string | $location | The location, e.g. "London", or "24 Foobar Street, Gotham City" |
Definition at line 1054 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_get_calling_plugin_id | ( | $mainfilename = false | ) |
Get the name of the most recent plugin to be called in the call stack (or the plugin that owns the current page, if any).
i.e., if the last plugin was in /mod/foobar/, this would return foo_bar.
boolean | $mainfilename | If set to true, this will instead determine the context from the main script filename called by the browser. Default = false. |
Definition at line 3800 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_get_entities_from_location | ( | array | $options = array() | ) |
Return entities within a given geographic area.
Also accepts all options available to elgg_get_entities().
array | $options | Array in format: latitude => FLOAT Latitude of the location longitude => FLOAT Longitude of the location |
distance => FLOAT/ARR ( latitude => float, longitude => float, ) The distance in degrees that determines the search box. A single float will result in a square in degrees.
Definition at line 1118 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_get_filepath_cache | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1956 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_get_views | ( | $dir, | |
$base | |||
) |
Returns the name of views for in a directory.
Use this to get all namespaced views under the first element.
string | $dir | The main directory that holds the views. (mod/profile/views/) |
string | $base | The root name of the view to use, without the viewtype. (profile) |
Definition at line 3039 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_invalidate_metadata_cache | ( | $action, | |
array | $options | ||
) |
Invalidate the metadata cache based on options passed to various *_metadata functions.
string | $action | Action performed on metadata. "delete", "disable", or "enable" |
array | $options | Options passed to elgg_(delete|disable|enable)_metadata |
Definition at line 804 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_list_entities_from_location | ( | array | $options = array() | ) |
Returns a viewable list of entities from location.
array | $options | Options array |
Definition at line 1189 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_regenerate_simplecache | ( | $viewtype = NULL | ) |
Regenerates the simple cache.
Not required any longer since cached files are created on demand.
string | $viewtype | Optional viewtype to regenerate. Defaults to all valid viewtypes. |
Definition at line 1947 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_register_annotation_url_handler | ( | $extender_name = "all" , |
$function_name | |||
) |
Register an annotation url handler.
string | $extender_name | The name, default 'all'. |
string | $function_name | The function. |
Definition at line 251 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_register_entity_url_handler | ( | $entity_type, | |
$entity_subtype, | |||
$function_name | |||
) |
Sets the URL handler for a particular entity type and subtype.
string | $entity_type | The entity type |
string | $entity_subtype | The entity subtype |
string | $function_name | The function to register |
Definition at line 37 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_register_extender_url_handler | ( | $extender_type, | |
$extender_name, | |||
$function_name | |||
) |
Sets the URL handler for a particular extender type and name.
It is recommended that you do not call this directly, instead use one of the wrapper functions such as elgg_register_annotation_url_handler().
string | $extender_type | Extender type ('annotation', 'metadata') |
string | $extender_name | The name of the extender |
string | $function_name | The function to register |
Definition at line 142 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_register_metadata_url_handler | ( | $extender_name, | |
$function | |||
) |
Register a metadata url handler.
string | $extender_name | The name, default 'all'. |
string | $function | The function name. |
Definition at line 237 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_register_relationship_url_handler | ( | $relationship_type, | |
$function_name | |||
) |
Sets the URL handler for a particular relationship type.
string | $relationship_type | The relationship type. |
string | $function_name | The function to register |
Definition at line 67 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
elgg_view_tree | ( | $view_root, | |
$viewtype = "" |
) |
Returns all views below a partial view.
Settings $view_root = 'profile' will show all available views under the "profile" namespace.
string | $view_root | The root view |
string | $viewtype | Optionally specify a view type other than the current one. |
Definition at line 3076 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
enable_entity | ( | $guid, | |
$recursive = true |
) |
Enable an entity.
int | $guid | GUID of entity to enable |
bool | $recursive | Recursively enable all entities disabled with the entity? |
Definition at line 2160 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
execute_delayed_query | ( | $query, | |
$dblink, | |||
$handler = "" |
) |
Queue a query for execution upon shutdown.
You can specify a handler function if you care about the result. This function will accept the raw result from mysql_query().
string | $query | The query to execute |
resource | $dblink | The database link to use or the link type (read | write) |
string | $handler | A callback function to pass the results array to |
Definition at line 1345 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
export | ( | $guid | ) |
Export a GUID.
This function exports a GUID and all information related to it in an XML format.
This function makes use of the "serialise" plugin hook, which is passed an array to which plugins should add data to be serialised to.
int | $guid | The GUID. |
Definition at line 2967 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
export_annotation_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Export the annotations for the specified entity.
string | $hook | 'export' |
string | $type | 'all' |
mixed | $returnvalue | Default return value |
mixed | $params | Parameters determining what annotations to export |
export all
InvalidParameterException | private |
Definition at line 3536 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
export_entity_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Exports all attributes of an entity.
string | $hook | export |
string | $entity_type | all |
mixed | $returnvalue | Previous hook return value |
array | $params | Parameters |
export all
InvalidParameterException|InvalidClassException |
Definition at line 3448 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
export_metadata_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event.
string | $hook | export |
string | $entity_type | all |
mixed | $returnvalue | Value returned from previous hook |
mixed | $params | Params |
InvalidParameterException |
Definition at line 3660 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
export_relationship_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "export" event.
string | $hook | export |
string | $entity_type | all |
mixed | $returnvalue | Previous hook return value |
array | $params | Parameters |
export all
InvalidParameterException | private |
Definition at line 3699 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
exportAsArray | ( | $guid | ) |
Exports an entity as an array.
int | $guid | Entity GUID |
ExportException | private |
Definition at line 2937 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
expose_function | ( | $method, | |
$function, | |||
array | $parameters = NULL , |
$description = "" , |
$call_method = "GET" , |
$require_api_auth = false , |
$require_user_auth = false |
) |
Register a function as a web service method.
Definition at line 2314 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
full_url | ( | ) |
Return the full URL of the current page.
Definition at line 11 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
generate_tag_cloud | ( | array | $tags, |
$buckets = 6 |
) |
This function generates an array of tags with a weighting.
array | $tags | The array of tags. |
int | $buckets | The number of buckets |
Definition at line 770 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_access_sql_suffix | ( | $table_prefix = '' , |
$owner = null |
) |
Returns the SQL where clause for a table with access_id and enabled columns.
This handles returning where clauses for ACCESS_FRIENDS in addition to using get_access_list() for access collections and the standard access levels.
Note that if this code is executed in privileged mode it will return (1=1).
string | $table_prefix | Optional table prefix for the access code. |
int | $owner | Optional user guid to get access information for. Defaults to logged in user. |
Definition at line 3777 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_annotation_url | ( | $id | ) |
Get the URL for this annotation.
int | $id | Annotation id |
Definition at line 218 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_attachments | ( | $guid, | |
$type = "" |
) |
Function to get all objects attached to a particular object.
int | $guid | Entity GUID |
string | $type | The type of object to return e.g. 'file', 'friend_of' etc |
Definition at line 2047 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_day_end | ( | $day = null , |
$month = null , |
$year = null |
) |
Return a timestamp for the end of a given day (defaults today).
int | $day | Day |
int | $month | Month |
int | $year | Year |
Definition at line 1377 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_day_start | ( | $day = null , |
$month = null , |
$year = null |
) |
Return a timestamp for the start of a given day (defaults today).
int | $day | Day |
int | $month | Month |
int | $year | Year |
Definition at line 1361 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_db_error | ( | $dblink | ) |
Get the last database error for a particular database link.
resource | $dblink | The DB link |
Definition at line 1327 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_db_link | ( | $dblinktype | ) |
Returns (if required, also creates) a database link resource.
Database link resources are stored in the $dblink global. These resources are created by setup_db_connections(), which is called if no links exist.
string | $dblinktype | The type of link we want: "read", "write" or "readwrite". |
Definition at line 1261 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_entity_from_uuid | ( | $uuid | ) |
This function attempts to retrieve a previously imported entity via its UUID.
string | $uuid | A unique ID |
Definition at line 2856 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_entity_url | ( | $entity_guid | ) |
Returns the URL for an entity.
int | $entity_guid | The GUID of the entity |
Definition at line 2110 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_extender_url | ( | ElggExtender | $extender | ) |
Get the URL of a given elgg extender.
Used by get_annotation_url and get_metadata_url.
ElggExtender | $extender | An extender object |
Definition at line 171 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_group_members | ( | $group_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$site_guid = 0 , |
$count = false |
) |
Return a list of this group's members.
int | $group_guid | The ID of the container/group. |
int | $limit | The limit |
int | $offset | The offset |
int | $site_guid | The site |
bool | $count | Return the users (false) or the count of them (true) |
Definition at line 268 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_metastring | ( | $id | ) |
When given an ID, returns the corresponding metastring.
int | $id | Metastring ID |
Definition at line 932 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_metastring_id | ( | $string, | |
$case_sensitive = TRUE |
) |
Return the meta string id for a given tag, or false.
string | $string | The value to store |
bool | $case_sensitive | Do we want to make the query case sensitive? If not there may be more than one result |
Definition at line 822 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_notable_entities | ( | $start_time, | |
$end_time, | |||
$type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$order_by = "asc" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$count = false , |
$site_guid = 0 , |
$container_guid = null |
) |
Return the notable entities for a given time period.
int | $start_time | The start time as a unix timestamp. |
int | $end_time | The end time as a unix timestamp. |
string | $type | The type of entity (eg "user", "object" etc) |
string | $subtype | The arbitrary subtype of the entity |
int | $owner_guid | The GUID of the owning user |
string | $order_by | The field to order by; by default, time_created desc |
int | $limit | The number of entities to return; 10 by default |
int | $offset | The indexing offset, 0 by default |
boolean | $count | Set to true to get a count instead of entities. Defaults to false. |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any. |
mixed | $container_guid | Container or containers to get entities from (default: any). |
Definition at line 1403 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_notable_entities_from_metadata | ( | $start_time, | |
$end_time, | |||
$meta_name, | |||
$meta_value = "" , |
$entity_type = "" , |
$entity_subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$order_by = "" , |
$site_guid = 0 , |
$count = false |
) |
Return the notable entities for a given time period based on an item of metadata.
int | $start_time | The start time as a unix timestamp. |
int | $end_time | The end time as a unix timestamp. |
mixed | $meta_name | Metadata name |
mixed | $meta_value | Metadata value |
string | $entity_type | The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' |
string | $entity_subtype | The subtype of the entity. |
int | $owner_guid | Owner GUID |
int | $limit | Limit |
int | $offset | Offset |
string | $order_by | Optional ordering. |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any. |
bool | $count | If true, returns count instead of entities. (Default: false) |
Definition at line 1553 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_noteable_entities_from_relationship | ( | $start_time, | |
$end_time, | |||
$relationship, | |||
$relationship_guid, | |||
$inverse_relationship = false , |
$type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$order_by = "" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$count = false , |
$site_guid = 0 |
) |
Return the notable entities for a given time period based on their relationship.
int | $start_time | The start time as a unix timestamp. |
int | $end_time | The end time as a unix timestamp. |
string | $relationship | The relationship eg "friends_of" |
int | $relationship_guid | The guid of the entity to use query |
bool | $inverse_relationship | Reverse the normal function of the query to say "give me all entities for whom $relationship_guid is a $relationship of" |
string | $type | Entity type |
string | $subtype | Entity subtype |
int | $owner_guid | Owner GUID |
string | $order_by | Optional Order by |
int | $limit | Limit |
int | $offset | Offset |
boolean | $count | If true returns a count of entities (default false) |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any |
Definition at line 1685 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_object_sites | ( | $object_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 |
) |
Get the sites this object is part of.
int | $object_guid | The object's GUID |
int | $limit | Number of results to return |
int | $offset | Any indexing offset |
Definition at line 624 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_relationship_url | ( | $id | ) |
Get the url for a given relationship.
int | $id | Relationship ID |
Definition at line 92 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_site_domain | ( | $guid | ) |
Retrieve a site and return the domain portion of its url.
int | $guid | ElggSite GUID |
Definition at line 3270 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_site_objects | ( | $site_guid, | |
$subtype = "" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 |
) |
Get the objects belonging to a site.
int | $site_guid | Site GUID |
string | $subtype | Subtype |
int | $limit | Limit |
int | $offset | Offset |
Definition at line 597 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_todays_entities | ( | $type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$order_by = "" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$count = false , |
$site_guid = 0 , |
$container_guid = null |
) |
Get all entities for today.
string | $type | The type of entity (eg "user", "object" etc) |
string | $subtype | The arbitrary subtype of the entity |
int | $owner_guid | The GUID of the owning user |
string | $order_by | The field to order by; by default, time_created desc |
int | $limit | The number of entities to return; 10 by default |
int | $offset | The indexing offset, 0 by default |
boolean | $count | If true returns a count of entities (default false) |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any |
mixed | $container_guid | Container(s) to get entities from (default: any). |
Definition at line 1797 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_todays_entities_from_metadata | ( | $meta_name, | |
$meta_value = "" , |
$entity_type = "" , |
$entity_subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$order_by = "" , |
$site_guid = 0 , |
$count = false |
) |
Get entities for today from metadata.
mixed | $meta_name | Metadata name |
mixed | $meta_value | Metadata value |
string | $entity_type | The type of entity to look for, eg 'site' or 'object' |
string | $entity_subtype | The subtype of the entity. |
int | $owner_guid | Owner GUID |
int | $limit | Limit |
int | $offset | Offset |
string | $order_by | Optional ordering. |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any. |
bool | $count | If true, returns count instead of entities. (Default: false) |
Definition at line 1826 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_todays_entities_from_relationship | ( | $relationship, | |
$relationship_guid, | |||
$inverse_relationship = false , |
$type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$order_by = "" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$count = false , |
$site_guid = 0 |
) |
Get entities for today from a relationship.
string | $relationship | The relationship eg "friends_of" |
int | $relationship_guid | The guid of the entity to use query |
bool | $inverse_relationship | Reverse the normal function of the query to say "give me all entities for whom $relationship_guid is a $relationship of" |
string | $type | Entity type |
string | $subtype | Entity subtype |
int | $owner_guid | Owner GUID |
string | $order_by | Optional Order by |
int | $limit | Limit |
int | $offset | Offset |
boolean | $count | If true returns a count of entities (default false) |
int | $site_guid | Site to get entities for. Default 0 = current site. -1 = any |
Definition at line 1859 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_user_friends | ( | $user_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 |
) |
Obtains a given user's friends.
int | $user_guid | The user's GUID |
string | $subtype | The subtype of users, if any |
int | $limit | Number of results to return (default 10) |
int | $offset | Indexing offset, if any |
Definition at line 425 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_user_friends_objects | ( | $user_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 , |
$timelower = 0 , |
$timeupper = 0 |
) |
Obtains a list of objects owned by a user's friends.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user to get the friends of |
string | $subtype | Optionally, the subtype of objects |
int | $limit | The number of results to return (default 10) |
int | $offset | Indexing offset, if any |
int | $timelower | The earliest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
int | $timeupper | The latest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
Definition at line 964 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_user_friends_of | ( | $user_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 |
) |
Obtains the people who have made a given user a friend.
int | $user_guid | The user's GUID |
string | $subtype | The subtype of users, if any |
int | $limit | Number of results to return (default 10) |
int | $offset | Indexing offset, if any |
Definition at line 450 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_user_sites | ( | $user_guid, | |
$limit = 10 , |
$offset = 0 |
) |
Get the sites this user is part of.
int | $user_guid | The user's GUID |
int | $limit | Number of results to return |
int | $offset | Any indexing offset |
Definition at line 649 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_users_membership | ( | $user_guid | ) |
Return all groups a user is a member of.
int | $user_guid | GUID of user |
Definition at line 388 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_uuid_from_object | ( | $object | ) |
Get a UUID from a given object.
mixed | $object | The object either an ElggEntity, ElggRelationship or ElggExtender |
Definition at line 2798 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
get_version | ( | $humanreadable = false | ) |
Get the current Elgg version information.
bool | $humanreadable | Whether to return a human readable version (default: false) |
Definition at line 1208 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
guid_to_uuid | ( | $guid | ) |
Generate a UUID from a given GUID.
int | $guid | The GUID of an object. |
Definition at line 2826 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
import | ( | $xml | ) |
Import an XML serialisation of an object.
This will make a best attempt at importing a given xml doc.
string | $xml | XML string |
ImportException | if there was a problem importing the data. private |
Definition at line 2985 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
import_entity_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Import an entity.
This function checks the passed XML doc (as array) to see if it is a user, if so it constructs a new elgg user and returns "true" to inform the importer that it's been handled.
string | $hook | import |
string | $entity_type | all |
mixed | $returnvalue | Value from previous hook |
mixed | $params | Array of params |
ImportException |
Definition at line 3403 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
import_extender_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "import" event.
string | $hook | volatile |
string | $entity_type | metadata |
string | $returnvalue | Return value from previous hook |
array | $params | The parameters |
ImportException | private |
Definition at line 3578 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
import_relationship_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Handler called by trigger_plugin_hook on the "import" event.
string | $hook | import |
string | $entity_type | all |
mixed | $returnvalue | Value from previous hook |
mixed | $params | Array of params |
Definition at line 3734 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
is_group_member | ( | $group_guid, | |
$user_guid | |||
) |
Return whether a given user is a member of the group or not.
int | $group_guid | The group ID |
int | $user_guid | The user guid |
Definition at line 369 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
is_uuid_this_domain | ( | $uuid | ) |
Test to see if a given uuid is for this domain, returning true if so.
string | $uuid | A unique ID |
Definition at line 2839 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
join_group | ( | $group_guid, | |
$user_guid | |||
) |
Join a user to a group.
int | $group_guid | The group GUID. |
int | $user_guid | The user GUID. |
Definition at line 2263 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
leave_group | ( | $group_guid, | |
$user_guid | |||
) |
Remove a user from a group.
int | $group_guid | The group. |
int | $user_guid | The user. |
Definition at line 2285 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
list_notable_entities | ( | $start_time, | |
$end_time, | |||
$type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$limit = 10 , |
$fullview = true , |
$listtypetoggle = false , |
$navigation = true |
) |
Returns a viewable list of entities for a given time period.
int | $start_time | The start time as a unix timestamp. |
int | $end_time | The end time as a unix timestamp. |
string | $type | The type of entity (eg "user", "object" etc) |
string | $subtype | The arbitrary subtype of the entity |
int | $owner_guid | The GUID of the owning user |
int | $limit | The number of entities to return; 10 by default |
boolean | $fullview | Whether or not to display the full view (default: true) |
boolean | $listtypetoggle | Whether or not to allow gallery view |
boolean | $navigation | Display pagination? Default: true |
Definition at line 1891 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
list_todays_entities | ( | $type = "" , |
$subtype = "" , |
$owner_guid = 0 , |
$limit = 10 , |
$fullview = true , |
$listtypetoggle = false , |
$navigation = true |
) |
Return a list of today's entities.
string | $type | The type of entity (eg "user", "object" etc) |
string | $subtype | The arbitrary subtype of the entity |
int | $owner_guid | The GUID of the owning user |
int | $limit | The number of entities to return; 10 by default |
boolean | $fullview | Whether or not to display the full view (default: true) |
boolean | $listtypetoggle | Whether or not to allow gallery view |
boolean | $navigation | Display pagination? Default: true |
Definition at line 1923 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
list_user_friends_objects | ( | $user_guid, | |
$subtype = "" , |
$limit = 10 , |
$full_view = true , |
$listtypetoggle = true , |
$pagination = true , |
$timelower = 0 , |
$timeupper = 0 |
) |
Displays a list of a user's friends' objects of a particular subtype, with navigation.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user |
string | $subtype | The object subtype |
int | $limit | The number of entities to display on a page |
bool | $full_view | Whether or not to display the full view (default: true) |
bool | $listtypetoggle | Whether or not to allow you to flip to gallery mode (default: true) |
bool | $pagination | Whether to display pagination (default: true) |
int | $timelower | The earliest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
int | $timeupper | The latest time the entity can have been created. Default: all |
Definition at line 1025 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
make_attachment | ( | $guid_one, | |
$guid_two | |||
) |
Function to start the process of attaching one object to another.
int | $guid_one | This is the target object |
int | $guid_two | This is the object trying to attach to $guid_one |
Definition at line 2093 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
object_notifications | ( | $event, | |
$object_type, | |||
$object | |||
) |
Automatically triggered notification on 'create' events that looks at registered objects and attempts to send notifications to anybody who's interested.
string | $event | create |
string | $object_type | mixed |
mixed | $object | The object created |
Definition at line 3345 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
ODD_Export | ( | ODDDocument | $document | ) |
Export an ODD Document.
ODDDocument | $document | The Document. |
Definition at line 2785 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
ODD_factory | ( | XmlElement | $element | ) |
Attempt to construct an ODD object out of a XmlElement or sub-elements.
XmlElement | $element | The element(s) |
Definition at line 2628 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
ODD_Import | ( | $xml | ) |
Import an ODD document.
string | $xml | The XML ODD. |
Definition at line 2743 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
oddentity_to_elggentity | ( | ODDEntity | $element | ) |
Utility function used by import_entity_plugin_hook() to process an ODDEntity into an unsaved ElggEntity.
ODDEntity | $element | The OpenDD element |
ClassException|InstallationException|ImportException |
Definition at line 2679 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
oddmetadata_to_elggextender | ( | ElggEntity | $entity, |
ODDMetaData | $element | ||
) |
Utility function used by import_extender_plugin_hook() to process an ODDMetaData and add it to an entity.
This function does not hit ->save() on the entity (this lets you construct in memory)
ElggEntity | $entity | The entity to add the data to. |
ODDMetaData | $element | The OpenDD element |
Definition at line 3617 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
optimize_table | ( | $table | ) |
Optimize a table.
Executes an OPTIMIZE TABLE query on $table. Useful after large DB changes.
string | $table | The name of the table to optimise |
Definition at line 1277 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
register_notification_handler | ( | $method, | |
$handler, | |||
$params = NULL |
) |
This function registers a handler for a given notification type (eg "email")
string | $method | The method |
string | $handler | The handler function, in the format "handler(ElggEntity $from, ElggUser $to, $subject, $message, array $params = NULL)". This function should return false on failure, and true/a tracking message ID on success. |
array | $params | An associated array of other parameters for this handler defining some properties eg. supported msg length or rich text support. |
Definition at line 3363 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
register_notification_interest | ( | $user_guid, | |
$author_guid | |||
) |
Establish a 'notify' relationship between the user and a content author.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user who wants to follow a user's content |
int | $author_guid | The GUID of the user whose content the user wants to follow |
Definition at line 3312 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
register_notification_object | ( | $entity_type, | |
$object_subtype, | |||
$language_name | |||
) |
Register an entity type and subtype to be eligible for notifications.
string | $entity_type | The type of entity |
string | $object_subtype | Its subtype |
string | $language_name | Its localized notification string (eg "New blog post") |
Definition at line 3296 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
register_service_handler | ( | $handler, | |
$function | |||
) |
Registers a web services handler.
string | $handler | Web services type |
string | $function | Your function name |
Definition at line 2349 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
remove_attachment | ( | $guid_one, | |
$guid_two | |||
) |
Function to remove a particular attachment between two objects.
int | $guid_one | This is the target object |
int | $guid_two | This is the object to remove from $guid_one |
Definition at line 2076 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
remove_notification_interest | ( | $user_guid, | |
$author_guid | |||
) |
Remove a 'notify' relationship between the user and a content author.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user who is following a user's content |
int | $author_guid | The GUID of the user whose content the user wants to unfollow |
Definition at line 3326 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
remove_object_from_group | ( | $group_guid, | |
$object_guid | |||
) |
Remove an object from the given group.
int | $group_guid | The group to remove the object from |
int | $object_guid | The object to remove |
InvalidClassException |
Definition at line 334 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
remove_site_object | ( | $site_guid, | |
$object_guid | |||
) |
Remove an object from a site.
int | $site_guid | Site GUID |
int | $object_guid | Object GUID |
Definition at line 578 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
remove_site_user | ( | $site_guid, | |
$user_guid | |||
) |
Remove a user from a site.
int | $site_guid | Site GUID |
int | $user_guid | User GUID |
Definition at line 544 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
sanitise_string_special | ( | $string, | |
$extra_escapeable = '' |
) |
Sanitise a string for database use, but with the option of escaping extra characters.
string | $string | The string to sanitise |
string | $extra_escapeable | Extra characters to escape with '\' |
Definition at line 1222 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
serialise_array_to_xml | ( | array | $data, |
$n = 0 |
) |
Serialise an array.
array | $data | The data to serialize |
int | $n | Used for recursion |
Definition at line 3210 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
serialise_object_to_xml | ( | $data, | |
$name = "" , |
$n = 0 |
) |
This function serialises an object recursively into an XML representation.
The function attempts to call $data->export() which expects a stdClass in return, otherwise it will attempt to get the object variables using get_object_vars (which will only return public variables!)
mixed | $data | The object to serialise. |
string | $name | The name? |
int | $n | Level, only used for recursion. |
Definition at line 3165 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
setup_db_connections | ( | ) |
Establish database connections.
If the configuration has been set up for multiple read/write databases, set those links up separately; otherwise just create the one database link.
Definition at line 1243 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
unexpose_function | ( | $method | ) |
Unregister a web services method.
string | $method | The api name that was exposed |
Definition at line 2334 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
unregister_entity_type | ( | $type, | |
$subtype | |||
) |
Unregisters an entity type and subtype as a public-facing type.
string | $type | The type of entity (object, site, user, group) |
string | $subtype | The subtype to register (may be blank) |
Definition at line 2013 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
unregister_notification_handler | ( | $method | ) |
This function unregisters a handler for a given notification type (eg "email")
string | $method | The method |
Definition at line 3378 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
unregister_service_handler | ( | $handler | ) |
Remove a web service To replace a web service handler, register the desired handler over the old on with register_service_handler().
string | $handler | web services type |
Definition at line 2365 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
user_add_friend | ( | $user_guid, | |
$friend_guid | |||
) |
Adds a user to another user's friends list.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the friending user |
int | $friend_guid | The GUID of the user to friend |
Definition at line 474 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
user_is_friend | ( | $user_guid, | |
$friend_guid | |||
) |
Determines whether or not a user is another user's friend.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the user |
int | $friend_guid | The GUID of the friend |
Definition at line 409 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
user_remove_friend | ( | $user_guid, | |
$friend_guid | |||
) |
Removes a user from another user's friends list.
int | $user_guid | The GUID of the friending user |
int | $friend_guid | The GUID of the user on the friends list |
Definition at line 502 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
volatile_data_export_plugin_hook | ( | $hook, | |
$entity_type, | |||
$returnvalue, | |||
$params | |||
) |
Exports attributes generated on the fly (volatile) about an entity.
string | $hook | volatile |
string | $entity_type | metadata |
string | $returnvalue | Return value from previous hook |
array | $params | The parameters, passed 'guid' and 'varname' |
Definition at line 3495 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
xml_to_object | ( | $xml | ) |
Parse an XML file into an object.
string | $xml | The XML |
Definition at line 3257 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
$IMPORTED_DATA = array() |
Definition at line 2889 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
Definition at line 2890 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
Definition at line 809 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
const KILOMETER 0.00932 |
Definition at line 1198 of file deprecated-1.9.php.
const MILE 0.01515 |
Definition at line 1197 of file deprecated-1.9.php.