30 $options[
'admin'] =
elgg_admin_notice_exists(string $id)
Check if an admin notice is currently active.
elgg_delete_admin_notice(string $id)
Remove an admin notice by ID.
elgg_get_admin_notices(array $options=[])
Get admin notices.
elgg_extract($key, $array, $default=null, bool $strict=true)
Checks for $array[$key] and returns its value if it exists, else returns $default.
elgg_get_admins(array $options=[])
Elgg admin functions.
if($who_can_change_language=== 'nobody') elseif($who_can_change_language=== 'admin_only'&&!elgg_is_admin_logged_in()) $options
elgg_get_entities(array $options=[])
Fetches/counts entities or performs a calculation on their properties.
elgg_add_admin_notice(string $id, string $message)
Write a persistent message to the admin view.
Get the global service provider.
Generic annotation delete action.