Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- $ -
- $access
: save.php
, access.php
- $access_id
: access.php
- $account
: account.php
- $action
: subscribe.php
, unsubscribe.php
, summary.php
- $action_button
: full.php
- $actions
: user_hover.php
- $activated_plugins
: activate.php
- $active
: full.php
- $active_filter
: categories.php
, plugins.php
- $actor
: mute.php
- $actor_guid
: mute.php
- $actor_text
: actor.php
- $add_menu
: save.php
- $add_missing_value
: access.php
- $add_mute_link
: body.php
- $additional_search_fields
: search.php
- $admin
: useradd.php
, user_hover.php
- $align
: fieldset.php
- $all_subscriptions
: unsubscribe.php
- $all_translations
: languages.js.php
- $allow_registration
: settings.php
- $allowed_languages
: settings.php
- $allowed_schemes
: url.php
- $alt_image
: image_block.php
- $always_empty
: password.php
- $annotation
: delete.php
, default.php
, byline.php
, contents.php
, time.php
, imprint.php
, content.php
, icon.php
, metadata.php
, title.php
, summary.php
- $args
: js_rewrite_check.php
- $aria_label
: default.php
- $array_to_table
: opcache.php
- $attachments
: attachments.php
, body.php
- $attributes
: ajax_loader.php
, date.php
, friendlytime.php
- $attrs
: message.php
, module.php
- $authors
: details.php
- $autogen_password
: useradd.php
- $autoload_available
: index.php
, install.php
, upgrade.php
- $autoload_path
: index.php
, install.php
, upgrade.php
- $available_config
: theme.php
- $avatar
: upload.php
- $badge
: url.php
- $base_url
: list.php
- $base_url_has_fragment
: pagination.php
- $batch
: delete_admin_notices.php
, completed.php
, pending.php
- $blogs
: content.php
- $body
: useradd.php
, categories.php
, database.php
, numentities.php
, queue.php
, login_box.php
, login_dropdown.php
, body.php
, html.php
, body.php
, caching.php
, comments.php
, content.php
, debugging.php
, email.php
, other.php
, default.php
, form.php
, body.php
, sidebar.php
, body.php
, details.php
, invalid.php
, widget.php
, admin.php
, image_block.php
, message.php
, module.php
, table.php
, default.php
, comments_block.php
, html.php
, owner_block.php
, admin.php
, default.php
, maintenance.php
, walled_garden.php
, plugin_settings.php
, plugin_text_file.php
, admin.php
, error.php
, maintenance.php
, upgrade.php
, groups.php
, objects.php
, users.php
, default.php
, layout.php
- $body_attrs
: html.php
- $body_params
: body.php
, register.php
- $body_title
: body.php
- $body_vars
: delete.php
, responses.php
, edit_comment.php
, forgotten_password.php
- $bool_settings
: settings.php
- $breadcrumbs
: breadcrumbs.php
- $briefdescription
: member.php
, briefdescription.php
- $button
: admin_notices.php
- $byline_str
: byline.php
- $cache_symlinked
: caching.php
- $can_activate
: full.php
- $card
: user_hover.php
- $categories
: categories.php
, plugins.php
, details.php
, full.php
- $checkboxes
: mute.php
, checkboxes.php
- $child_menu_view
: item.php
- $children
: item.php
- $class
: summary.php
, field.php
, default.php
, tabs.php
, chip.php
, full.php
, summary.php
, access.php
, header_image.php
, section.php
, admin.php
, default.php
, error.php
, summary.php
, default.php
- $classes
: users.php
, full.php
, url.php
- $client
: requirements.php
- $client_parts
: requirements.php
- $code
: changepassword.php
- $column
: add.php
, move.php
- $columns
: table.php
- $combine_languages
: languages.js.php
- $combined_actions
: user_hover.php
- $comment
: save.php
, edit_comment.php
, save.php
, sidebar.php
, comment.php
, create.php
- $comment_count
: responses.php
- $comment_guid
: save.php
- $comment_text
: save.php
- $commenter
: sidebar.php
, comment.php
- $comments
: comments_block.php
- $comments_list
: comments.php
- $comments_max_depth
: settings.php
- $common_categories
: categories.php
- $config
: debugging.php
: settings.example.php
- $config_language
: i18n.php
- $config_values
: theme.php
- $configure
: save.php
- $container
: delete.php
, trash.php
, mute.php
, access.php
, container_guid.php
, record.php
, summary.php
- $container_classes
: list.php
- $container_guid
: comments_block.php
- $content
: set_robots.php
, default_widgets.php
, time.php
, content.php
, numentities.php
, icon.php
, default.php
, full.php
, access.php
, element.php
, time.php
, content.php
, full.php
, body.php
, image_block.php
, item.php
, tabs.php
, comments.php
, maintenance.php
, time.php
, content.php
, change_password.php
, register.php
, plugin_settings.php
, admin.php
, index.php
, mute.php
, robots.txt.php
, tools.php
, delete.php
, content.php
, element.php
, time.php
, content.php
- $contents
: message.php
, module.php
, topbar.php
- $context
: add.php
, save.php
, widgets.php
, add_panel.php
- $context_stack
: add.php
, save.php
, add_panel.php
- $contexts
: contents.php
, placeholder.php
- $count
: ban.php
, unban.php
, pagination.php
, pending.php
, out_of_bounds.php
, admin_notices.php
- $counter
: pending.php
- $creator
: default.php
- $cron_service
: cron.php
- $cropper_data
: crop.php
- $css
: install.css.php
- $css_vars
: theme.php
- $curl
: information.php
- $current_handlers
: add_panel.php
- $current_info
: default_widgets.php
- $current_page
: pagination.php
- $current_step
: sidebar.php
- $current_step_index
: sidebar.php
- $current_strength
: site_secret.php
- $current_value
: switch.php
- $custom_form_section
: save.php
- $custom_items
: save.php
- $custom_menu_items
: save.php
- $custom_menu_titles
: save.php
- $custom_menu_urls
: save.php
- $custom_params
: page_menu.php
- $data
: attributes.php
, contents.php
, placeholder.php
, pending.php
, content.php
, default.php
- $date_updated
: friendlytime.php
- $datepicker_options
: date.php
- $db
: requirements.php
- $deactivated_plugins
: deactivate.php
- $default
: checkbox.php
- $default_config
: crop.php
- $default_friendly_time_number_of_days
: friendlytime.php
- $default_html_attrs
: html.php
- $default_icon_name
: message.php
- $default_icons
: message.php
- $default_limit
: settings.php
- $default_match_on
: userpicker.php
- $default_menu_vars
: bulk_actions.php
- $default_options
: bulk_actions.php
- $default_params
: page_menu.php
- $default_value
: checkbox.php
- $default_widgets
: add.php
, save.php
- $defaults
: header.php
, checkbox.php
, checkboxes.php
, color.php
, date.php
, datetime-local.php
, email.php
, file.php
, form.php
, location.php
, longtext.php
, month.php
, number.php
, password.php
, plaintext.php
, radio.php
, search.php
, select.php
, tag.php
, tags.php
, tel.php
, text.php
, time.php
, url.php
, week.php
, all.php
- $delete
: admin_notice.php
- $delete_icon
: default.php
- $deleted
: delete.php
- $dependencies_html
: details.php
- $deps
: item.php
, dependencies.php
- $description
: record.php
, excerpt.php
, default.php
- $destination_container_guid
: chooserestoredestination.php
- $detailed_subscriptions
: details.php
- $details
: details.php
- $disable_rss
: settings.php
- $display_name
: chooserestoredestination.php
, delete.php
, mute.php
, restore.php
, subscribe.php
, trash.php
, unmute.php
, unsubscribe.php
- $divisor
: information.php
- $domain
: layout.php
- $dropdown_values
: save.php
- $dt
: time.php
- $editor_opts
: longtext.php
- $element
: section.php
- $elggSubdir
: body.php
, head.php
- $email
: change_email.php
, register.php
, useradd.php
, body.php
- $email_help
: email.php
- $email_params
: body.php
- $end
: notifications.php
, timed_muting.php
- $entity
: reset.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, delete.php
, mute.php
, restore.php
, subscribe.php
, trash.php
, unmute.php
, unsubscribe.php
, attributes.php
, details.php
, profile.php
, summary.php
, edit_comment.php
, upload.php
, crop.php
, remove.php
, thumb.php
, icon.php
, upload.php
, save.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, mute.php
, default.php
, access.php
, default.php
, item.php
, default.php
, details.php
, record.php
, admin_notice.php
, sidebar.php
, comment.php
, default.php
, chip.php
, navigation.php
, responses.php
, full.php
, access.php
, byline.php
, contents.php
, time.php
, imprint.php
, icon.php
, tags.php
, title.php
, summary.php
, completed.php
, pending.php
, elgg_upgrade.php
, access.php
, container.php
, last_action.php
, last_login.php
, link.php
, owner.php
, prev_last_login.php
, time_created.php
, time_updated.php
, comments.php
, header_image.php
, byline.php
, contents.php
, time.php
, imprint.php
, title.php
, default.php
, entity.php
, group.php
, owner.php
, admin_column.php
, column.php
, default.php
, briefdescription.php
, contents.php
, location.php
, imprint.php
, content.php
, subtitle.php
, default.php
, entity.php
, default.php
, georss.php
, comments.php
, default.php
- $entity_coords
: crop.php
- $entity_guid
: save.php
, mute.php
, subscribe.php
, unmute.php
, unsubscribe.php
, mute.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, mute.php
- $entity_one
: icon.php
, summary.php
, member.php
- $entity_stats
: numentities.php
, content.php
- $entity_two
: summary.php
, member.php
- $error
: 400.php
, 403.php
, 404.php
, default.php
, full.php
, invalid.php
- $errors
: activate_all.php
, deactivate_all.php
, crop_messages.php
, pending.php
- $errors_link
: pending.php
- $event_params
: save.php
- $exception
: error.php
, admin_exception.php
, exception.php
- $excerpt
: sidebar.php
, excerpt.php
- $excerpt_length
: url.php
- $expires
: security_txt.php
- $extension
: default.php
- $extensions
: requirements.php
, default.php
- $fail
: register.php
- $failures
: register.php
- $featured_menu_names
: save.php
- $featured_names
: save.php
- $field
: field.php
- $field_options
: language.php
- $fields
: security_txt.php
, profile.php
, email.php
, password.php
, save.php
, register.php
, changepassword.php
, delete.php
, fieldset.php
, timed_muting.php
- $fieldset
: fieldset.php
- $file_contents
: plugin_text_file.php
- $filename
: plugin_text_file.php
- $files_html
: details.php
- $filter
: filter.php
- $filter_id
: filter.php
- $filter_tabs
: filter.php
- $flush_cache
: save.php
- $footer
: footer.php
, save.php
, security_txt.php
, settings.php
, icons.php
, set_maintenance_mode.php
, set_robots.php
, settings.php
, theme.php
, change_email.php
, upload.php
, save.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, login.php
, mute.php
, save.php
, register.php
, users.php
, notifications.php
, changepassword.php
, delete.php
, requestnewpassword.php
, useradd.php
, save.php
, module.php
, footer.php
, walled_garden.php
- $footer_menu
: body.php
- $footer_menu_items
: body.php
- $form
: edit.php
, comments.php
- $form_params
: register.php
- $form_vars
: plugin_settings.php
, edit_comment.php
, footer.php
, forgotten_password.php
, tools.php
, delete.php
, responses.php
, admin.php
, database.php
, settings.php
- $format
: date.php
, time.php
, date.php
, time.php
, last_action.php
, last_login.php
, prev_last_login.php
, time_created.php
, time_updated.php
- $forward
: delete.php
, save.php
- $forward_url
: delete.php
, mute.php
, subscribe.php
, trash.php
, unmute.php
, unsubscribe.php
, register.php
, upgrade.php
- $friend_guid
: register.php
- $friendly_time_number_of_days
: settings.php
, friendlytime.php
- $friendlytime
: sidebar.php
- $full_view
: comment.php
- $georss
: default.php
- $get_href
: pagination.php
- $get_language_key
: mute.php
- $getter
: bulk_actions.php
- $grid
: widgets.php
- $group
: group.php
- $group_string
: summary.php
- $guid
: reset.php
, upgrade.php
, ban.php
, change_email.php
, delete.php
, makeadmin.php
, removeadmin.php
, resetpassword.php
, unban.php
, upload.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, delete.php
, restore.php
, trash.php
, subscriptions.php
, notifications.php
, save.php
, add.php
, save.php
, edit_comment.php
, change_email.php
, contents.php
, placeholder.php
, details.php
- $guids
: activate_all.php
, deactivate_all.php
, entitypicker.php
- $handler
: add.php
, autocomplete.php
- $hardening
: hardening.php
- $has_detailed_subscriptions
: record.php
- $hash_missing_username
: forgotten_password.php
- $head
: html.php
, admin.php
, default.php
, html.php
, maintenance.php
, walled_garden.php
, upgrade.php
- $header
: cron.php
, database.php
, numentities.php
, queue.php
, message.php
, module.php
, header.php
, walled_garden.php
- $header_params
: header.php
- $header_url
: header_image.php
- $headers
: section.php
- $headings
: theme.php
, table.php
- $help
: field.php
, help.php
, caching.php
, debugging.php
- $help_urls
: security_txt.php
- $hmac
: mute.php
- $hmac_token
: mute.php
- $hour_options
: time.php
- $hour_options_ts
: time.php
- $href
: submit.php
, tag.php
, add_button.php
- $html
: section.php
- $html_attrs
: html.php
- $httpCodes
: error.php
- $icon
: generic.php
, information.php
, requirements.php
, icon.php
, summary.php
, default.php
, button.php
, record.php
, chip.php
, field.php
, header.php
, element.php
, icon.php
, summary.php
, url.php
, icon.php
, summary.php
, element.php
, column.php
, default.php
- $icon_alt
: button.php
, url.php
- $icon_class
: record.php
, tags.php
- $icon_entity
: icon.php
- $icon_error
: generic.php
, information.php
, requirements.php
- $icon_name
: element.php
, tags.php
, message.php
, element.php
- $icon_ok
: generic.php
, information.php
, requirements.php
- $icon_size
: icon.php
- $icon_sizes
: default.php
- $icon_type
: crop.php
, crop_messages.php
, file.php
, remove.php
, thumb.php
- $icon_warning
: generic.php
, information.php
, requirements.php
- $id
: delete.php
, label.php
, checkboxes.php
, radio.php
, list.php
, tabs.php
- $ignore_empty_body
: form.php
- $ignored_inputs
: livesearch.php
- $image
: image_block.php
- $img
: crop.php
, default.php
- $img_class
: default.php
- $img_params
: default.php
- $img_url
: crop.php
- $importmap
: importmap.json.php
- $imports
: head.php
- $imprint
: contents.php
, imprint.php
, contents.php
, imprint.php
, completed.php
, contents.php
, imprint.php
, contents.php
, imprint.php
, contents.php
, imprint.php
- $in_widget
: cron.php
- $index
: gallery.php
, list.php
- $info
: container_guid.php
, details.php
- $info_html
: details.php
- $inline
: save.php
- $inner
: section.php
- $input
: field.php
, input.php
, crop.php
, checkbox.php
, contents.php
, placeholder.php
- $input_name
: crop.php
, default.php
- $input_options
: checkboxes.php
, radio.php
- $input_params
: livesearch.php
- $input_type
: input.php
- $input_vars
: checkboxes.php
- $installed_plugins
: plugins.php
- $int_settings
: settings.php
- $invitecode
: register.php
- $is_simple_cache_on
: caching.php
- $isElggAtRoot
: body.php
, head.php
- $item
: delete.php
, submit.php
, url.php
, item.php
, admin.php
, banned.php
, checkbox.php
, container.php
, entity_menu.php
, excerpt.php
, icon.php
, item.php
, language.php
, owner.php
, unvalidated_menu.php
, user.php
, item.php
, body.php
, image.php
, layout.php
, responses.php
, summary.php
, create.php
, profileiconupdate.php
, item.php
, layout.php
, item.php
- $item_class
: default.php
, section.php
, tags.php
- $item_classes
: gallery.php
- $item_vars
: item.php
- $item_view
: entitypicker.php
, item.php
- $items
: delete.php
, dashboard.php
, entitypicker.php
, section.php
, gallery.php
, out_of_bounds.php
, list.php
, table.php
, list.php
- $js
: foot.php
- $js_foot
: head.php
- $js_head
: head.php
- $justify
: fieldset.php
- $key
: summary.php
, create.php
- $keys
: access.php
, summary.php
, create.php
- $label
: field.php
, label.php
, checkbox.php
, field.php
, default.php
- $label_class
: checkbox.php
- $lan_key
: delete.php
- $lang
: html.php
- $language
: useradd.php
, languages.js.php
, salutation.php
, sign-off.php
- $language_options
: i18n.php
- $languages
: security_txt.php
- $large
: helpers.css.php
- $last_login
: online.php
- $last_login_before
: inactive.php
- $latest_first
: comments.php
- $latitude
: georss.php
- $layout
: error.php
- $layout_attrs
: default.php
- $legend
: fieldset.php
- $length
: excerpt.php
- $li_attrs
: item.php
- $limit
: pagination.php
, gallery.php
, list.php
, table.php
, comments.php
- $link
: container.php
, owner.php
, out_of_bounds.php
, message.php
, complete.php
- $link_contents
: header.php
- $links
: head.php
- $lis
: section.php
- $list
: default_widgets.php
, users.php
, pagination.php
, admin_notices.php
, content.php
, list.php
- $list_body
: column.php
- $list_class
: checkboxes.php
, radio.php
, tags.php
- $list_classes
: gallery.php
, list.php
- $list_item_view
: list.php
- $list_items
: categories.php
, tags.php
, gallery.php
, list.php
, messages.php
, add_panel.php
, content.php
, sidebar.php
- $list_only
: plugins.php
- $location
: member.php
, location.php
- $logo
: header.php
- $longitude
: georss.php
- $mac
: contents.php
, placeholder.php
- $main
: user_hover.php
- $match_on
: autocomplete.php
, livesearch.php
- $max
: time.php
, num_display.php
- $max_size
: file.php
- $maxlifetime
: information.php
- $medium
: helpers.css.php
- $memcache_servers
: performance.php
- $menu
: save.php
, default.php
, contents.php
, user_hover.php
, navigation.php
, message.php
- $menu_items
: save.php
- $menu_params
: filter.php
- $menu_vars
: bulk_actions.php
- $menu_view
: default.php
- $message
: trash.php
, crop_messages.php
, set_maintenance_mode.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, delete.php
, mute.php
, restore.php
, subscribe.php
, unmute.php
, unsubscribe.php
, login.php
, maintenance.php
, body.php
, create.php
- $message_type
: site_secret.php
- $message_vars
: crop_messages.php
- $messages
: admin.php
, messages.php
, maintenance.php
, walled_garden.php
- $metadata
: metadata.php
, body.php
, metadata.php
, admin_column.php
- $metas
: head.php
- $method_options
: record.php
, details.php
- $methods
: unsubscribe.php
, subscribe.php
, subscriptions.php
, notifications.php
, record.php
, records.php
, details.php
, record.php
- $microformats
: profile.php
- $min
: time.php
, num_display.php
- $min_height
: crop_messages.php
- $min_version
: requirements.php
- $min_width
: crop_messages.php
- $mode
: set_maintenance_mode.php
- $module
: login_box.php
, tabs.php
- $module_title
: comments.php
- $module_vars
: comments.php
- $mute_guids
: mute.php
- $muted_settings
: mute.php
- $mutex
: unlock_upgrade.php
- $name
: layout.php
, checkbox.php
, useradd.php
, entitypicker.php
, delete.php
, register.php
, remove.php
, default.php
, date.php
, default.php
, section.php
, num_display.php
- $name_class_selector
: default.php
- $name_str
: save.php
- $namespaces
: default.php
- $nav
: gallery.php
, table.php
- $new_container
: chooserestoredestination.php
- $new_user
: register.php
- $new_widget_column
: add_panel.php
- $new_widget_position
: add_panel.php
- $next
: nav.php
- $next_options
: nav.php
- $no_results
: no_results.php
- $no_widgets
: widgets.php
- $none
: helpers.css.php
- $normalize_options
: select.php
- $notices
: admin_notices.php
- $notification
: body.php
, salutation.php
, sign-off.php
- $notification_events
: details.php
- $notification_settings
: notifications.php
- $notifications
: html.php
, notifications.php
, plaintext.php
- $num_chars
: excerpt.php
- $num_columns
: widgets.php
- $num_display
: content.php
- $num_featured_items
: save.php
- $num_menu_items
: save.php
- $object
: body.php
, responses.php
, summary.php
, create.php
, item.php
, layout.php
- $object_icon
: create.php
- $object_link
: summary.php
- $offset
: pagination.php
- $offset_key
: pagination.php
- $ok_content
: delete.php
- $opcache_available
: opcache.php
- $opcache_status
: opcache.php
- $open_basedirs
: generic.php
- $options
: numentities.php
, bulk_actions.php
, checkboxes.php
, container_guid.php
, objectpicker.php
, radio.php
, userpicker.php
, tabs.php
, full.php
, comments.php
, all.php
, group.php
, groups.php
, objects.php
, users.php
, comments_block.php
, owner.php
, full.php
, select.php
, tabs.php
, language.php
- $options_list
: select.php
- $options_values
: checkboxes.php
, radio.php
, select.php
, sidebar.php
- $original_user
: login_as.php
- $original_user_guid
: login_as.php
- $original_vars
: theme.php
- $other
: numentities.php
- $output
: download.php
, login.php
, save.php
, plaintext.php
, item.php
, profile.php
- $owner
: upload.php
, summary.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, mute.php
, icon.php
, owner_block.php
, add_panel.php
, creator.php
, icon.php
- $owner_guid
: widgets.php
, add_panel.php
, comments_block.php
- $owner_options
: group.php
, owner.php
- $page
: admin.php
, default.php
- $page_menu
: page_menu.php
- $page_owner
: widgets.php
, add.php
- $page_owner_guid
: add.php
, contents.php
, placeholder.php
- $page_vars
: admin.php
, default.php
- $pages
: pagination.php
- $pagination
: gallery.php
, out_of_bounds.php
, table.php
, list.php
- $pagination_after_options
: list.php
- $pagination_before_options
: list.php
- $pagination_behaviour
: list.php
- $pagination_class
: pagination.php
- $params
: save.php
, register.php
, save.php
, information.php
, security_txt.php
, security.php
, summary.php
, caching.php
, access.php
, autocomplete.php
, entitypicker.php
, records.php
, comment.php
, chip.php
, summary.php
, completed.php
, pending.php
, tags.php
, admin.php
, default.php
, summary.php
, error.php
, default.php
, admin_column.php
, column.php
, default.php
, summary.php
, default.php
, page_menu.php
, error.php
, summary.php
, records.php
, chip.php
, caching.php
, security_txt.php
, summary.php
- $password
: resetpassword.php
, login.php
, register.php
, useradd.php
, redis.php
, changepassword.php
- $password2
: register.php
, useradd.php
- $password_repeat
: changepassword.php
- $path
: details.php
, layout.php
- $paths
: autoloader.php
- $periods
: cron.php
- $permalink
: default.php
- $persistent
: login_as.php
, logout_as.php
, login.php
- $php_log
: php.php
- $picker
: entitypicker.php
- $plugin
: set_priority.php
, remove.php
, save.php
, plugin_settings.php
, save.php
, dependencies.php
, full.php
, invalid.php
, plugin.php
, plugin_settings.php
, plugin_text_file.php
, tools.php
, details.php
, save.php
- $plugin_content
: robots.txt.php
- $plugin_guid
: set_priority.php
- $plugin_guids
: activate.php
, deactivate.php
- $plugin_id
: save.php
, plugin_settings.php
, plugin_text_file.php
, tools.php
, save.php
, remove.php
- $plugin_name
: save.php
- $plugins_list
: plugins.php
- $position
: table.php
, add.php
, pagination.php
, gallery.php
, list.php
, move.php
- $post_max_size
: php.php
- $post_max_size_warning
: php.php
- $posted
: sidebar.php
- $preferred_methods
: record.php
- $priority
: set_priority.php
- $probability
: information.php
- $progressbar
: pending.php
- $protect_cron
: hardening.php
- $protect_upgrade
: hardening.php
- $pubdate
: default.php
- $purpose
: record.php
- $qb
: queue.php
- $query
: bulk_actions.php
- $queue_names
: queue.php
- $radios
: radio.php
- $recipient
: html.php
, sign-off.php
, body.php
, mute.php
, salutation.php
, mute.php
, plaintext.php
- $recipient_guid
: mute.php
- $recommendedExtensions
: requirements.php
- $redis
: redis.php
- $redis_servers
: performance.php
- $refresh
: nav.php
- $refresh_url
: upgrade.php
- $registered_entity_types
: content.php
- $relationship
: default.php
, contents.php
, title.php
, metadata.php
, imprint.php
, icon.php
, summary.php
, member.php
, time.php
- $relationships_concat
: record.php
- $remove_branding
: settings.php
- $remove_unvalidated_users_days
: settings.php
- $remove_zip
: icons.php
- $render_option
: select.php
- $reordering
: full.php
- $report
: requirements.php
- $request
: livesearch.php
- $require_admin_validation
: settings.php
- $required
: label.php
- $requiredExtensions
: requirements.php
- $resource
: manifest.json.php
- $resources
: details.php
- $resources_html
: details.php
- $response
: content.php
- $response_data
: register.php
- $response_message
: register.php
- $responses
: body.php
, responses.php
- $result
: login.php
, save.php
, admin_exception.php
, i18n.php
, upgrade.php
, basic.php
, set_maintenance_mode.php
, save.php
, add.php
, login_dropdown.php
, users.php
, widgets.php
, element.php
, exception.php
, add_panel.php
, element.php
, list.php
, save.php
, body.php
- $results
: content.php
- $retention
: notice.php
- $rows
: attributes.php
, details.php
, table.php
, database.php
, numentities.php
, queue.php
, numentities.php
, redis.php
- $rssurl
: default.php
- $salutation
: body.php
- $search_box
: add_panel.php
- $search_class
: header.php
- $search_query
: header.php
- $searchable
: numentities.php
- $section
: section.php
- $section_elements
: section.php
- $sections
: admin.php
, default.php
, content.php
- $segments
: admin.php
- $selected
: tabs.php
- $selector
: tags.php
- $separator
: tags.php
- $servers
: redis.php
, memcache.php
- $session
: validation_pending.php
, logout_as.php
, login_as.php
- $settings
: save.php
- $shell
: forgotten_password.php
, error.php
, register.php
, validation_pending.php
, change_password.php
, login.php
- $show_access
: add.php
, widgets.php
- $show_add_form
: comments.php
- $show_add_widgets
: widgets.php
- $show_dependencies_first
: details.php
- $show_friends
: userpicker.php
- $show_icon_cropper_messages
: crop_messages.php
- $show_inner
: module.php
- $show_links
: byline.php
- $show_login_form
: comments.php
- $show_menu
: default.php
- $show_section_headers
: default.php
- $show_success
: unsubscribe.php
, mute.php
, subscribe.php
, unmute.php
- $show_summary
: header.php
- $sidebar
: sidebar.php
, admin.php
, default.php
- $sidebar_alt
: sidebar_alt.php
, default.php
- $signoff
: body.php
- $simple_cache_disabled_class
: caching.php
- $site
: maintenance.php
, manifest.json.php
, set_robots.php
, settings.php
, set_maintenance_mode.php
, favicon.ico.php
, set_maintenance_mode.php
, icons.php
, robots.txt.php
, basic.php
, set_robots.php
- $site_host
: upgrade.php
- $site_icon
: icons.php
- $site_language
: languages.js.php
- $site_link
: body.php
, header.php
- $site_path
: details.php
- $site_secret
: site_secret.php
- $site_secret_link
: site_secret.php
- $site_url
: layout.php
, upgrade.php
- $size
: thumb.php
, default.php
, header_image.php
, column.php
, default.php
, icon.php
- $small
: helpers.css.php
- $sorted
: html.php
, plaintext.php
- $source
: autocomplete.php
- $space
: excerpt.php
- $src
: iframe.php
, img.php
- $start
: notifications.php
, timed_muting.php
- $start_page
: pagination.php
- $started
: completed.php
- $state
: contents.php
- $stats
: content.php
, redis.php
- $step
: time.php
- $steps
: sidebar.php
- $strength
: site_secret.php
, information.php
- $strength_msg
: site_secret.php
- $strength_text
: site_secret.php
- $string_length
: excerpt.php
- $style
: full.php
- $stylesheets
: head.php
- $subject
: html.php
, body.php
, useradd.php
, create.php
, profileiconupdate.php
, summary.php
, create.php
- $subject_icon
: create.php
- $subject_link
: summary.php
, profileiconupdate.php
- $subscriptions
: subscriptions.php
- $subtext
: information.php
, requirements.php
, generic.php
- $subtitle
: subtitle.php
, member.php
, subtitle.php
- $subtype
: subscribe.php
, trash.php
, delete.php
, item.php
, create.php
, entity.php
, objects.php
, unsubscribe.php
, summary.php
- $subtypes
: comments_block.php
- $success_keys
: subscribe.php
, mute.php
, restore.php
, unmute.php
, trash.php
, chooserestoredestination.php
, delete.php
- $success_message
: save.php
- $suffix
: excerpt.php
- $summary
: header.php
, summary.php
, default.php
, layout.php
, body.php
, summary.php
- $switch
: checkbox.php
- $table
: user.php
, online.php
, theme.php
- $table_classes
: table.php
- $table_content
: cron.php
- $tables
: database.php
- $tabs
: default_widgets.php
, tabs.php
, performance.php
, server.php
, details.php
, performance.php
, tabs.php
- $tabs_vars
: default_widgets.php
- $tag
: title.php
- $tag_name
: image_block.php
, body.php
- $tags
: tags.php
- $target
: create.php
- $target_guid
: groups.php
- $targets
: subscriptions.php
- $tbody
: theme.php
- $tester
: requirements.php
- $text
: excerpt.php
, button.php
, plugin_text_file.php
, longtext.php
- $thead
: theme.php
- $time
: time.php
, friendlytime.php
, time.php
- $time_created
: online.php
- $time_href
: time.php
- $time_updated
: time.php
, friendlytime.php
- $timer
: pending.php
- $timestamp
: time.php
, body.php
, layout.php
, date.php
- $title
: owner.php
, default.php
, login_box.php
, friendlytime.php
, plugin_settings.php
, admin.php
, message.php
, plugin_text_file.php
, login.php
, default.php
, title.php
, error.php
, admin_column.php
, layout.php
, title.php
, default.php
, account.php
, information.php
, title.php
, header.php
, title.php
, column.php
, module.php
, friendlytitle.php
, full.php
, generic.php
, requirements.php
, chip.php
- $title_text
: login_box.php
, header.php
- $token
: securitytoken.php
- $total_pages
: pagination.php
- $total_users
: user.php
- $translations
: languages.js.php
- $trash_retention
: settings.php
- $trashed_stats
: numentities.php
- $ts
: securitytoken.php
- $type
: header_image.php
, summary.php
, module.php
, button.php
, tabs.php
, create.php
, subscribe.php
, unsubscribe.php
, save.php
, trash.php
, error.php
, entity.php
, template.php
, item.php
, delete.php
, message.php
- $type_text
: type.php
- $unknowns
: plaintext.php
, html.php
- $upgrade
: upgrade.php
- $upgrades
: upgrades.php
- $upload_max_filesize
: php.php
- $url
: deactivate.php
, details.php
, requirements.php
, header.php
, url.php
, default.php
- $url_fragment
: pagination.php
- $url_str
: save.php
- $use_referer
: pagination.php
- $user
: unmute.php
, notifications.php
, account.php
, login.php
, notifications.php
, resetpassword.php
, numentities.php
, login_as.php
, mute.php
, logout_as.php
, tools.php
, name.php
, change_email.php
, delayed_email.php
, save.php
, ban.php
, subscribe.php
, changepassword.php
, delete.php
, placeholder.php
, change_password.php
, removeadmin.php
, unsubscribe.php
, requestnewpassword.php
, subscriptions.php
, makeadmin.php
, online.php
, default_access.php
, email.php
, records.php
, owner.php
, delete.php
, contents.php
, statistics.php
, timed_muting.php
, language.php
, details.php
, edit.php
, record.php
, user_hover.php
, record.php
, save.php
, change_email.php
, default.php
, view.php
, users.php
, password.php
, username.php
- $user_default_access
: settings.php
- $user_guid
: view.php
, mute.php
, save.php
, logout_as.php
, unmute.php
, subscribe.php
, save.php
, validate.php
, changepassword.php
, unsubscribe.php
, login_as.php
, change_password.php
- $user_guids
: delete.php
, unban.php
, validate.php
, ban.php
- $user_info
: user_hover.php
- $user_params
: member.php
- $username
: requestnewpassword.php
, register.php
, login.php
, requestnewpassword.php
, useradd.php
, delete.php
- $users
: bulk_actions.php
, change_email.php
, unban.php
, ban.php
- $users_active
: user.php
- $users_banned
: user.php
- $users_disabled
: user.php
- $users_enabled
: user.php
- $users_unverified
: user.php
- $value
: plaintext.php
, text.php
, select.php
, time.php
, longtext.php
, checkbox.php
, last_login.php
, tags.php
, date.php
, requirements.php
, debugging.php
, date.php
, record.php
, num_display.php
, tel.php
, information.php
, color.php
, email.php
, field.php
, tag.php
, generic.php
- $value_date
: date.php
- $value_time
: time.php
- $value_timestamp
: time.php
, date.php
- $variables
: template.php
- $vars
: save.php
, theme.php
, img.php
, location.php
, button.php
, profileiconupdate.php
, create.php
, time.php
, form.php
, num_display.php
, user.php
, admin.php
, fieldset.php
, image_block.php
, tabs.php
, file.php
, grouppicker.php
, objectpicker.php
, datetime-local.php
, longtext.php
, form.php
, fieldset.php
, hidden.php
, longtext.php
, checkboxes.php
, text.php
, tag.php
, checkbox.php
, submit.php
, color.php
, profileiconupdate.php
, icon.php
, num_display.php
, reset.php
, search.php
, password.php
, select.php
, plaintext.php
, friends.php
, owner.php
, navigation.php
, tabs.php
, autocomplete.php
, switch.php
, submit.php
, url.php
, create.php
, switch.php
, select.php
, html.php
, autocomplete.php
, save.php
, access.php
, admin.php
, friendspicker.php
, radio.php
, date.php
, datetime-local.php
, date.php
, grouppicker.php
, userpicker.php
, email.php
, week.php
, tags.php
, url.php
, color.php
, livesearch.php
, default.php
, number.php
, month.php
, time.php
, userpicker.php
, profileiconupdate.php
, url.php
, num_display.php
, section.php
, email.php
, iframe.php
, group.php
, livesearch.php
, user.php
, settings.php
, tag.php
, all.php
, create.php
, default.php
, week.php
, submit.php
, form.php
, date.php
, tel.php
, header.php
, color.php
, email.php
, color.php
, userpicker.php
, email.php
, table.php
, database.php
, objectpicker.php
, time.php
, num_display.php
, email.php
, create.php
, form.php
, month.php
, switch.php
, longtext.php
, switch.php
, url.php
, radio.php
, switch.php
, button.php
, autocomplete.php
, num_display.php
, objectpicker.php
, error.php
, default.php
- $version
: requirements.php
- $view
: admin.php
, upload.php
, field.php
- $view_module
: generic.php
, information.php
, requirements.php
- $views
: item.php
, entity.php
- $viewtype
: default.php
- $walled_garden
: settings.php
- $who_can_change_language
: language.php
- $widget
: move.php
, content.php
, widget.php
, save.php
, add.php
, edit.php
, delete.php
, content.php
, num_display.php
, content.php
, save.php
, header.php
, body.php
, content.php
- $widget_class
: widget.php
- $widget_context
: default_widgets.php
- $widget_guid
: move.php
, delete.php
- $widget_instance
: widget.php
- $widget_more
: widget_more.php
- $widget_types
: add_panel.php
- $widgets
: add_panel.php
, widgets.php
- $wrapper_class
: default.php
- $wrapper_options
: entitypicker.php
- $zip
: icons.php