Elgg  Version master
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
9 $entity = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);
10 if (!$entity instanceof \ElggUser) {
11  // ajax loaded couldn't autoload the entity from the 'guid' input
13  return get_user((int) elgg_extract('guid', $vars));
14  });
16  // store in $vars for later views
17  $vars['entity'] = $entity;
18 }
20 if (!$entity instanceof \ElggUser) {
21  return;
22 }
24 // output
25 echo elgg_view('page/components/tabs', [
26  'tabs' => [
27  // user attributes
28  [
29  'text' => elgg_echo('admin:users:details:attributes'),
30  'content' => elgg_view('admin/users/listing/attributes', $vars),
31  'selected' => true,
32  ],
33  // content statistics
34  [
35  'text' => elgg_echo('admin:users:details:statistics'),
36  'content' => elgg_view('core/settings/statistics/numentities', $vars),
37  ],
38  // profile data
39  [
40  'text' => elgg_echo('admin:users:details:profile'),
41  'content' => elgg_view('admin/users/listing/profile', $vars),
42  ],
43  ],
44 ]);
elgg_call(int $flags, Closure $closure)
Calls a callable autowiring the arguments using public DI services and applying logic based on flags...
Definition: elgglib.php:304
elgg_echo(string $message_key, array $args=[], string $language= '')
Elgg language module Functions to manage language and translations.
Definition: languages.php:17
elgg_extract($key, $array, $default=null, bool $strict=true)
Checks for $array[$key] and returns its value if it exists, else returns $default.
Definition: elgglib.php:254
elgg_view(string $view, array $vars=[], string $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
Definition: views.php:156
Definition: constants.php:123
get_user(int $guid)
Elgg users Functions to manage multiple or single users in an Elgg install.
Definition: users.php:16
Definition: theme.php:5
Ajax view to list user details on admin listings.
Definition: details.php:9