11 if (extension_loaded(
'zip')) {
15 '#label' =>
16 '#help' =>
17 'name' =>
18 'value' => $current_zip,
25 '#label' =>
26 'name' =>
elgg_view_module(string $type, string $title, string $body, array $vars=[])
Wrapper function for the module display pattern.
elgg_view_field(array $params=[])
Renders a form field, usually with a wrapper element, a label, help text, etc.
elgg_get_config(string $name, $default=null)
Get an Elgg configuration value.
elgg_echo(string $message_key, array $args=[], string $language= '')
Elgg language module Functions to manage language and translations.
elgg_view(string $view, array $vars=[], string $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
elgg_set_form_footer(string $footer= '')
Sets form footer and defers its rendering until the form view and extensions have been rendered...
Get the current site entity.