Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- _ -
- __call()
: Elgg_DeprecationWrapper
- __clone()
: ElggEntity
- __construct()
: Elgg_AttributeLoader
, Elgg_AutoloadManager
, Elgg_Cache_LRUCache
, Elgg_CacheHandler
, Elgg_ClassLoader
, Elgg_Database
, Elgg_Database_Config
, Elgg_Database_QueryCounter
, Elgg_DeprecationWrapper
, Elgg_Di_ServiceProvider
, Elgg_EntityDirLocator
, Elgg_Http_DatabaseSessionHandler
, Elgg_Http_MockSessionStorage
, Elgg_Http_NativeSessionStorage
, Elgg_Http_ParameterBag
, Elgg_Http_Request
, Elgg_Logger
, Elgg_Notifications_Event
, Elgg_Notifications_Notification
, Elgg_Notifications_NotificationsService
, Elgg_Notifications_SubscriptionsService
, Elgg_PersistentLoginService
, Elgg_Queue_DatabaseQueue
, Elgg_Queue_MemoryQueue
, Elgg_Router
, Elgg_Upgrades_Helper2013022000
, Elgg_ViewsService
, ElggAnnotation
, ElggAutoP
, ElggBatch
, ElggCache
, ElggCookie
, ElggDiskFilestore
, ElggFile
, ElggFileCache
, ElggGroup
, ElggInstaller
, ElggMemcache
, ElggMenuBuilder
, ElggMenuItem
, ElggMetadata
, ElggObject
, ElggPAM
, ElggPlugin
, ElggPluginManifest
, ElggPluginManifestParser
, ElggPluginPackage
, ElggPriorityList
, ElggRelationship
, ElggRewriteTester
, ElggRiverItem
, ElggSession
, ElggSite
, ElggStaticVariableCache
, ElggUser
, ElggXMLElement
, ODDDocument
, ODDEntity
, ODDMetaData
, ODDRelationship
- __destruct()
: ElggFileCache
- __get()
: Elgg_DeprecationWrapper
, Elgg_Di_DiContainer
, ElggCache
, ElggCookie
, ElggEntity
, ElggExtender
, ElggGroup
, ElggPlugin
, ElggRelationship
, ElggUpgrade
, ElggWidget
, ElggXMLElement
- __isset()
: ElggCache
, ElggData
, ElggSession
, ElggXMLElement
- __set()
: Elgg_DeprecationWrapper
, ElggCache
, ElggEntity
, ElggExtender
, ElggPlugin
, ElggRelationship
, ElggUpgrade
, ElggUser
, ElggWidget
- __toString()
: Elgg_DeprecationWrapper
, Elgg_EntityDirLocator
, ODDDocument
- __unset()
: ElggCache
, ElggEntity