Elgg  Version 2.3
Plugin.js File Reference

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 define (function(require){function Plugin(spec){spec=spec||{};this._init=function(){if(spec.init){spec.init();}};}return Plugin;})
 If your plugin has a boot module, it must return an instance of the class defined by this module. More...

Function Documentation

define ( function(require){function Plugin(spec){spec=spec||{};this._init=function(){if(spec.init){spec.init();}};}return Plugin;}  )

If your plugin has a boot module, it must return an instance of the class defined by this module.

function(require){functionPlugin(spec){spec=spec||{};this._init=function(){if(spec.init){spec.init();}};}return Plugin;} Constructor
{Object}spec Specification object with keys:
init: {Function} optional function called in plugin order in the elgg/init module,

This is called by elgg/init to initialize the plugin. Do not use.
