Version 2.3
Nconf | |
▼NElgg | Save menu items |
NAdmin | Upgrade object for upgrades that need to be tracked and listed in the admin area |
NAjax | |
NAmd | |
NApplication | |
NAssets | |
▼NCache | |
NPool | |
NComposer | |
NCore | Activate a plugin or plugins |
▼NDatabase | |
NEntityTable | |
▼NSeeds | |
NProviders | |
▼NDebug | |
NInspector | |
NDi | |
NFileService | |
▼NFilesystem | |
NDirectory | |
NForms | |
NHttp | |
NI18n | |
NJson | |
NMail | |
NMenu | |
NNotifications | |
NProject | |
NQueue | |
NSecurity | |
NServices | |
▼NStructs | |
NCollection | |
NSystemMessages | |
▼NViews | |
NTableColumn | |
Nelgg_rtd_theme | |
NSingleton | Object for holding the Elgg javascript library |