Elgg  Version 2.3
Namespaces | Classes | Functions | Variables
Elgg Namespace Reference

Save menu items. More...


 Upgrade object for upgrades that need to be tracked and listed in the admin area.
 Activate a plugin or plugins.


class  ActionsService
class  Application
class  AttributeLoader
class  AutoloadManager
interface  BatchResult
 Specifies a countable iterator, usually of result rows from a DB. More...
class  BootData
 Serializable collection of data used to boot Elgg. More...
class  BootService
 Boots Elgg and manages a cache of data needed during boot. More...
class  ClassLoader
class  ClassMap
class  CommitMessage
class  Config
 Access to configuration values. More...
class  Context
 Manages a global stack of strings for sharing information about the current execution context. More...
class  Database
 The Elgg database. More...
class  DeprecationService
class  DeprecationWrapper
class  EntityDirLocator
interface  EntityIcon
 Entities that support icons should implement this interface. More...
class  EntityIconService
class  EntityPreloader
 Preload entities based on properties of fetched objects. More...
class  EventsService
class  FormsService
class  GroupItemVisibility
class  HooksRegistrationService
class  ImageService
 Image manipulation service. More...
class  Includer
 Allow executing scripts without $this context or local vars. More...
class  Logger
class  MethodMatcher
 Identify a static/dynamic method callable, even if contains an object to which you don't have a reference. More...
class  PasswordService
class  PersistentLoginService
class  PluginHooksService
class  Profiler
 Analyzes duration of functions, queries, and processes. More...
class  RedirectService
 Handles common tasks when redirecting a request. More...
class  Router
class  SystemMessagesService
class  Timer
 Capture timing info for profiling. More...
class  Translit
class  UpgradeService
 Upgrade service for Elgg. More...
class  UploadService
class  UserCapabilities
class  Values
 Functions for use as plugin hook/event handlers or other situations where you need a globally accessible callable. More...
class  ViewsService
class  WidgetDefinition
 WidgetDefinition. More...
class  WidgetsService


 setTimer (Timer $timer)
 Set a timer that should collect begin/end times for events. More...
 getCurrentTime ($modifier= '')
 Get the (cloned) time. More...
 setCurrentTime (DateTime $time=null)
 Set the current time. More...


trait Profilable
 Make an object accept a timer. More...
trait TimeUsing
 Adds methods for setting the current time (for testing) More...

Detailed Description

Save menu items.

RSS user view.

RSS object view.

RSS group view.

Elgg RSS view for a generic_comment annotation.

JSON user view.

JSON site view.

Elgg JSON output pageshell.

JSON object view.

Elgg JSON exception Displays a single exception.

JSON group view.

Elgg failsafe pageshell Special viewtype for rendering exceptions.

Elgg exception (failsafe mode) Displays a single exception.

ElggSite default view.

Elgg user tools settings.

Elgg user statistics.

Elgg user account settings.

Elgg 2 sidebar layout.

Layout for main column with one sidebar.

Elgg one-column layout.

Elgg default layout.

Elgg Admin Area Canvas.

Elgg owner block Displays page ownership information.

Elgg global system message list Lists all system messages.

Elgg footer The standard HTML footer that displays across the site.

Elgg pageshell The standard HTML page shell that everything else fits into.

View a list of items.

Elgg pageshell for the admin area.

Elgg URL display Displays a URL as a link.

Elgg pulldown display Displays a value that was entered into the system via a pulldown.

Display a page in an embedded window.

Display an icon from the FontAwesome library.

Elgg email output Displays an email address that was entered using an email input field.

Elgg dropdown display Displays a value that was entered into the system via a dropdown.

Date Displays a properly formatted date.

Elgg text output Displays some text that was input using a standard text field.

ElggUpgrade view.

ElggObject default view.

Empty view for backward compatibility.

Elgg pagination.

Displays breadcrumbs.

User Picker.

User view in User Picker.

This view provides a hook for third parties to provide a URL shortener.

Elgg URL input Displays a URL input field.

Elgg text input Displays a text input field.

Create a submit input button.

Elgg select input Displays a select input field.

CSRF security token view for use with secure forms.

Create a reset input button.

Elgg radio input Displays a radio input field.

Elgg long text input (plaintext) Displays a long text input field that should not be overridden by wysiwyg editors.

Elgg password input Displays a password input field.

Elgg number input Displays a number input field.

Elgg long text input Displays a long text input field that can use WYSIWYG editor.

Create a hidden data field.

Create a form for data submission.

Elgg file input Displays a file input field.

Elgg email input Displays an email input field.

Elgg checkbox input Displays a checkbox input field.

Elgg checkbox input Displays a checkbox input tag.

This view provides a hook for third parties to provide a CAPTCHA.

Create a input button.

Displays an autocomplete text input.

Generic icon view.

ElggGroup default view.

Elgg AJAX loader.

Elgg add user form.

Elgg forgotten password.

Elgg register form.

Elgg login form.

Form body for editing or adding a friend collection.

Form for adding and editing comments.

Elgg relationship export.

Elgg metadata export.

Elgg Entity export.

Statistics about this user.

Account settings form wrapper.

Provide a way of setting your password.

User settings for notifications.

Provide a way of setting your full name.

Provide a way of setting your language prefs.

Provide a way of setting your email.

Provide a way of setting your default access.

Elgg friends picker count updater Updates the friends count on a collection.

Elgg friends picker Lists the friends picker.

Elgg friends collections Lists a user's friends collections.

View a friends collection.

Elgg ajax edit comment form.

Elgg login box.

Elgg statistics screen.

Elgg administration site basic settings.

Elgg administration site advanced settings.

Elgg administration menu items.

Elgg version number.

Output functions Processing text for output such as pulling out URLs and extracting excerpts.

Elgg objects Functions to manage multiple or single objects in an Elgg install.

Elgg UTF-8 string functions.

Elgg annotations Functions to manage object annotations.

ODD Relationship class.

Represents a group of key-value pairs whose values can be invalidated, forcing a recalculation of the value.

Cron exception.

Configuration exception.

Elgg add action.

Action to reset a password, send success email, and log the user in.

River item delete action.

Elgg logout action.

Elgg OpenDD import action.

Default entity delete action.


This action accepts data to import (in OpenDD format) and performs and import. It accepts data as $data.


A generic parent class for Configuration exceptions


A generic parent class for cron exceptions


Exactly how/when the values are invalidated is not specified by this API, except that specific values can be forcefully invalidated with ::invalidate().






This file defines the current version of the core Elgg code being used. This is compared against the values stored in the database to determine whether upgrades should be performed.



$vars['module'] The module name. Default: aside


$vars['collection'] The individual friends collection


$vars['collections'] The array of friends collections


$vars['entities'] The array of ElggUser objects


$vars['count'] The count $vars['friendspicker'] The friendspicker counter number

Displays an entity using the current view.


Displays a metadata item using the current view.


Displays a relationship using the current view.


ElggEntity $vars['entity'] The entity being commented ElggComment $vars['comment'] The comment being edited bool $vars['inline'] Show a single line version of the form?


$vars['collection'] Optionally, the collection to edit


$vars['id'] CSS id $vars['class'] Optional additional CSS class $vars['hidden'] Begin hidden? (true)


$vars['entity'] The entity the icon represents - uses getIconURL() method $vars['size'] topbar, tiny, small, medium (default), large, master $vars['href'] Optional override for link $vars['img_class'] Optional CSS class added to img $vars['link_class'] Optional CSS class for the link


$vars['value'] Current value for the text input $vars['match_on'] Array | str What to match on. all|array(groups|users|friends) $vars['match_owner'] Bool. Match only entities that are owned by logged in user. $vars['class'] Additional CSS class


$vars['src'] Src of an image $vars['class'] Additional CSS class


Pass input tag attributes as key value pairs. For a list of allowable attributes, see http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_input.asp

$vars['name'] Name of the checkbox $vars['value'] Value of the checkbox $vars['default'] The default value to submit if not checked. Optional, defaults to 0. Set to false for no default. $vars['checked'] Whether this checkbox is checked $vars['label'] Optional label string $vars['class'] Additional CSS class $vars['label_class'] Optional class for the label $vars['label_tag'] HTML tag that wraps concatinated label and input. Defaults to 'label'.

This also includes a hidden input with the same name as the checkboxes to make sure something is sent to the server. The default value is 0. If using JS, be specific to avoid selecting the hidden default value: $('input[type=checkbox][name=name]')
Passing integers as labels does not currently work due to a deprecated hack that will be removed in Elgg 1.9. To use integer labels, the labels must be character codes: 1 would be 1


string $vars['name'] The name of the input fields (Forced to an array by appending []) array $vars['options'] An array of strings representing the label => option for the each checkbox field string $vars['default'] The default value to send if nothing is checked. Optional, defaults to 0. Set to FALSE for no default. bool $vars['disabled'] Make all input elements disabled. Optional. string $vars['value'] The current value. Single value or array. Optional. string $vars['class'] Additional class of the list. Optional. string $vars['align'] 'horizontal' or 'vertical' Default: 'vertical'


$vars['class'] Additional CSS class


$vars['value'] The current value if any $vars['class'] Additional CSS class

Use this view for forms as it provides protection against CSRF attacks.


$vars['body'] The body of the form (made up of other input/xxx views and html $vars['action'] The action URL of the form $vars['action_name'] The name of the action (for targeting particular forms while extending) $vars['method'] The submit method: post (default) or get $vars['enctype'] Set to 'multipart/form-data' if uploading a file $vars['disable_security'] turn off CSRF security by setting to true $vars['class'] Additional class for the form

Below is the ugliest code in Elgg. It needs to be rewritten or removed


$vars['entities'] The array of ElggUser objects $vars['name'] $vars['value'] $vars['highlight'] $vars['callback']


$vars['value'] The current value, if any


$vars['value'] The current value, if any - will be html encoded $vars['disabled'] Is the input field disabled? $vars['class'] Additional CSS class $vars['editor'] Enable WYSIWYG support Requires a plugin that implements a WYWIWYG library (e.g. bundled ckeditor plugin) $vars['visual'] Activate WYSIWYG editor immediately If disabled, will display a plaintext input with a link to activate the visual editor $vars['editor_options'] Additional options to pass to the editor


$vars['value'] The current value, if any $vars['name'] The name of the input field $vars['class'] Additional CSS class


$vars['value'] The current value, if any $vars['name'] The name of the input field $vars['class'] Additional CSS class $vars['disabled']

Passing integers as labels does not currently work due to a deprecated hack that will be removed in Elgg 1.9. To use integer labels, the labels must be character codes: 1 would be 1


$vars['value'] The current value, if any $vars['name'] The name of the input field $vars['options'] An array of strings representing the options for the radio field as "label" => option $vars['class'] Additional class of the list. Optional. $vars['align'] 'horizontal' or 'vertical' Default: 'vertical'


$vars['class'] CSS class that replaces elgg-button-cancel

It is still recommended that you use input/form.


Values of FALSE or NULL will match '' (empty string) but not 0.


$vars['value'] The current value or an array of current values if multiple is true $vars['options'] An array of strings or arrays representing the options for the dropdown field. If an array is passed, the "text" key is used as its text, all other elements in the array are used as attributes. $vars['options_values'] An associative array of "value" => "option" where "value" is the name and "option" is the value displayed on the button. Replaces $vars['options'] when defined. When "option" is passed as an array, the same behaviour is used as when the $vars['options'] is passed an array to. $vars['multiple'] If true, multiselect of values will be allowed in the select box $vars['class'] Additional CSS class


$vars['entity'] User entity $vars['input_name'] Name of the returned data array

Sends an array of user guids.


$vars['values'] Array of user guids for already selected users or null $vars['limit'] Limit number of users (default 0 = no limit) $vars['name'] Name of the returned data array (default "members") $vars['handler'] Name of page handler used to power search (default "livesearch")

Defaults to lazy load user lists in alphabetical order. User needs to type two characters before seeing the user popup list.

As users are selected they move down to a "users" box. When this happens, a hidden input is created to return the GUID in the array with the form


$vars['breadcrumbs'] (Optional) Array of arrays with keys 'title' and 'link' $vars['class']

See also


int $vars['offset'] The offset in the list int $vars['limit'] Number of items per page int $vars['count'] Number of items in list string $vars['base_url'] Base URL to use in links string $vars['url_fragment'] URL fragment to add to links if not present in base_url (optional) string $vars['offset_key'] The string to use for offet in the URL


This view may be used for other ElggEntity objects



$vars['text'] The text to display


$vars['value'] Date as text or a Unix timestamp in seconds


$vars['value'] The email address to display


$vars['class'] Class of elgg-icon $vars['convert'] Convert an elgg-icon class to a FontAwesome class (default: true)


$vars['src'] Source URL of the page


$vars['text'] The text to display


$vars['value'] The text to display


string $vars['text'] The HTML between the tags. string $vars['href'] The raw, un-encoded URL. "" = current URL. "/" = site home page. bool $vars['encode_text'] Run $vars['text'] through htmlspecialchars() (false) bool $vars['is_action'] Is this a link to an action (false) bool $vars['is_trusted'] Is this link trusted (false) mixed $vars['confirm'] Confirmation dialog text | (bool) true

Note: if confirm is set to true or has dialog text 'is_action' will default to true


$vars['head'] Parameters for the <head> element $vars['body'] The main content of the page $vars['sysmessages'] A 2d array of various message registers, passed from system_messages()

$vars['items'] Array of ElggEntity, ElggAnnotation or ElggRiverItem objects $vars['offset'] Index of the first list item in complete list $vars['limit'] Number of items per page. Only used as input to pagination. $vars['count'] Number of items in the complete list $vars['base_url'] Base URL of list (optional) $vars['url_fragment'] URL fragment to add to links if not present in base_url (optional) $vars['pagination'] Show pagination? (default: true) $vars['position'] Position of the pagination: before, after, or both $vars['full_view'] Show the full view of the items (default: false) $vars['list_class'] Additional CSS class for the

$vars['item_class'] Additional CSS class for the elements $vars['item_view'] Alternative view to render list items $vars['no_results'] Message to display if no results (string|Closure)


$vars['head'] Parameters for the <head> element $vars['body_attrs'] Attributes of the <body> tag $vars['body'] The main content of the page $vars['sysmessages'] A 2d array of various message registers, passed from system_messages()


$vars['object'] The array of message registers


$vars['content'] Content string $vars['sidebar'] Optional sidebar content $vars['title'] Optional title string


$vars['content'] Content string $vars['class'] Additional class to apply to layout $vars['nav'] Optional override of the page nav (default: breadcrumbs) $vars['title'] Optional title for main content area $vars['header'] Optional override for the header $vars['footer'] Optional footer


$vars['title'] Optional title for main content area $vars['content'] Content HTML for the main column $vars['sidebar'] Optional content that is added to the sidebar $vars['nav'] Optional override of the page nav (default: breadcrumbs) $vars['header'] Optional override for the header $vars['footer'] Optional footer $vars['class'] Additional class to apply to layout


$vars['content'] The content string for the main column $vars['sidebar'] Optional content that is displayed in the sidebar $vars['sidebar_alt'] Optional content that is displayed in the alternate sidebar $vars['nav'] Optional override of the page nav (default: breadcrumbs) $vars['title'] Optional title for main content area $vars['header'] Optional override for the header $vars['footer'] Optional footer $vars['class'] Additional class to apply to layout

Enable "developers" to give admins a stacktrace view.


$vars['object'] An exception


$vars['object'] An exception

Includes minimal code so as not to create a "Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0" error


$vars['title'] The page title $vars['body'] The main content of the page

Displays an entity as JSON


Displays a metadata item using json


Displays a relationship using JSON.




Function Documentation

Elgg\getCurrentTime (   $modifier = '')

Get the (cloned) time.

If setCurrentTime() has not been set, this will return a new DateTime().

See also
string$modifierTime modifier

Definition at line 26 of file TimeUsing.php.

Elgg\setCurrentTime ( DateTime  $time = null)

Set the current time.

DateTime$timeCurrent time (empty for now)

Definition at line 41 of file TimeUsing.php.

Elgg\setTimer ( Timer  $timer)

Set a timer that should collect begin/end times for events.


Definition at line 22 of file Profilable.php.

Variable Documentation

trait Elgg\Profilable
Initial value:
private $timer

Make an object accept a timer.


Definition at line 9 of file Profilable.php.

trait Elgg\TimeUsing
Initial value:
private $time

Adds methods for setting the current time (for testing)


Definition at line 11 of file TimeUsing.php.