►NElgg | Save menu items |
►NAjax | |
CResponse | JSON endpoint response |
CService | Models the Ajax API service |
►NAmd | |
CConfig | |
CViewFilter | |
►NApplication | |
CCacheHandler | |
CDatabase | |
CServeFileHandler | |
►NAssets | |
CExternalFiles | |
►NCache | |
►NPool | |
CInMemory | An in-memory implementation of a cache pool |
CNoop | Implements the caching API but doesn't actually do any caching |
CStashWrapper | Defers to Stash for the meat of the caching logic |
CEntityCache | Volatile cache for entities |
CLRUCache | |
CMetadataCache | In memory cache of known metadata values stored by entity |
CNullCache | A "Null" version of ElggMemcache for use on sites without memcache setup |
CPluginSettingsCache | In memory cache of (non-user-specific, non-internal) plugin settings |
CPool | |
CSystemCache | |
►NComposer | |
CPostInstall | A composer command handler to run after composer install |
CPostUpdate | A composer command handler to run after post-package-update event |
►NDatabase | |
►NEntityTable | |
CUserFetchFailureException | Exception indicating a user could not be looked up for a permissions check |
►NSeeds | |
►NProviders | |
CLocalImage | Provide images from a local folder for seeding |
CGroups | Seed users |
CObjects | Add blog seed |
CSeed | Abstract seed |
CUsers | Seed users |
CAccessCollections | |
CAdminNotices | |
CAnnotations | |
CConfig | |
CConfigTable | |
CDatalist | |
CEntityTable | |
CMetadataTable | |
CMetastringsTable | |
CPlugins | Persistent, installation-wide key-value storage |
CPrivateSettingsTable | Private settings for entities |
CQueryCounter | |
CRelationshipsTable | |
CSeeder | Seeder class |
CSiteSecret | |
CSubtypeTable | |
CTestingPlugins | Testing version of Plugins, finds no plugins |
CUsersTable | |
►NDebug | |
►NInspector | |
CViewComponent | |
CInspector | |
►NDi | |
CDiContainer | |
CFactoryUncallableException | |
CMissingValueException | |
CServiceProvider | |
►NFileService | |
CFile | File service |
►NFilesystem | |
►NDirectory | |
CFly | A wrapper around Flysystem that implements Elgg's filesystem API |
CInMemory | Namespace for generating in-memory filesystems |
CLocal | Namespace for generating local filesystems |
CDirectory | A simple directory abstraction |
CFile | Represents a file that may or may not actually exist |
CMimeTypeDetector | Detect the MIME type of a file |
►NForms | |
CStickyForms | |
►NHttp | |
CDatabaseSessionHandler | |
CErrorResponse | Error response builder |
CHttpProtocolTransport | Transport for sending responses to HTTP clients via HTTP protocol |
CInput | |
COkResponse | Response builder |
COutputBufferTransport | Transport for sending responses to non-HTTP clients, e.g |
CRedirectResponse | Redirect response builder |
CRequest | Elgg HTTP request |
CResponseBuilder | HTTP response builder interface |
CResponseFactory | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CResponseTransport | HTTP response transport interface |
CWebAppManifestResource | |
►NI18n | |
CArrayMessageBundle | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CInvalidLocaleException | Indicated an invalid Locale was given |
CMessageBundle | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CMessageTemplate | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CMessageTranslator | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CNullTranslator | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CReleaseCleaner | Removes invalid language files from an installation |
CSprintfMessageTemplate | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CTranslator | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CTranslatorInterface | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
►NJson | |
CEmptyKeyEncoding | |
►NMail | |
CAddress | TODO(ewinslow): Contribute something like this back to Zend project |
►NMenu | |
CMenu | A complete menu, sorted, filtered by the "prepare" hook, and split into sections |
CService | Methods to construct and prepare menus for rendering |
CUnpreparedMenu | Linear set of menu items collected from configuration and the "register" hook |
►NNotifications | |
CElgg_Notifications_Event | |
CElgg_Notifications_Notification | |
CEvent | |
CInstantNotificationEvent | Instant notification event |
CNotification | |
CNotificationEvent | |
CNotificationsService | |
CSubscriptionNotificationEvent | |
CSubscriptionsService | |
►NProject | |
CCodeStyle | |
►NQueue | |
CDatabaseQueue | |
CMemoryQueue | |
CQueue | |
►NSecurity | |
CBase64Url | Encode and decode Base 64 URL |
CHmac | Component for creating HMAC tokens |
CUrlSigner | Component for creating signed URLs |
►NServices | |
CAjaxResponse | JSON endpoint response |
CConfig | Describes an object that manages Elgg configuration values |
►NStructs | |
►NCollection | |
CInMemory | Uses native PHP array to implement the Collection interface |
CCollection | A read-only interface to a (possibly mutable) group of items |
►NSystemMessages | |
CRegisterSet | Represents the state of system messages and errors |
►NViews | |
►NTableColumn | |
CCallableColumn | Table column rendered by a function |
CColumnFactory | Factory for table column objects |
CViewColumn | Table column rendered by a view |
CTableColumn | A renderer for a column of table cells and a header |
CActionsService | |
CApplication | |
CAttributeLoader | |
CAutoloadManager | |
CBatchResult | Specifies a countable iterator, usually of result rows from a DB |
CBootData | Serializable collection of data used to boot Elgg |
CBootService | Boots Elgg and manages a cache of data needed during boot |
CClassLoader | |
CClassMap | |
CCommitMessage | |
CConfig | Access to configuration values |
CContext | Manages a global stack of strings for sharing information about the current execution context |
CDatabase | The Elgg database |
CDeprecationService | |
CDeprecationWrapper | |
CEntityDirLocator | |
CEntityIcon | Entities that support icons should implement this interface |
CEntityIconService | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CEntityPreloader | Preload entities based on properties of fetched objects |
CEventsService | |
CFormsService | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CGroupItemVisibility | |
CHooksRegistrationService | |
CImageService | Image manipulation service |
CIncluder | Allow executing scripts without $this context or local vars |
CLogger | |
CMethodMatcher | Identify a static/dynamic method callable, even if contains an object to which you don't have a reference |
CPasswordService | |
CPersistentLoginService | |
CPluginHooksService | |
CProfiler | Analyzes duration of functions, queries, and processes |
CRedirectService | Handles common tasks when redirecting a request |
CRouter | |
CSystemMessagesService | |
CTimer | Capture timing info for profiling |
CTranslit | |
CUpgradeService | Upgrade service for Elgg |
CUploadService | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CUserCapabilities | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CValues | Functions for use as plugin hook/event handlers or other situations where you need a globally accessible callable |
CViewsService | WARNING: API IN FLUX |
CWidgetDefinition | WidgetDefinition |
CWidgetsService | |
CCallException | |
CClassException | |
CClassNotFoundException | |
CConfigurationException | |
CCronException | |
CDatabaseException | |
CDataFormatException | |
CElggAnnotation | |
CElggAutoP | |
CElggBatch | |
CElggCache | |
CElggComment | |
CElggCookie | |
CElggCrypto | |
CElggData | |
CElggDiskFilestore | |
CElggEntity | |
CElggExtender | |
CElggFile | |
CElggFileCache | |
CElggFilestore | |
CElggGroup | |
CElggIcon | Entity icon class |
CElggInstaller | |
CElggMemcache | Memcache wrapper class |
CElggMenuBuilder | |
CElggMenuItem | |
CElggMetadata | |
CElggObject | |
CElggPAM | |
CElggPlugin | |
CElggPluginManifest | |
CElggPluginManifestParser | |
CElggPluginManifestParser18 | |
CElggPluginPackage | |
CElggPriorityList | |
CElggRelationship | |
CElggRewriteTester | |
CElggRiverItem | |
CElggSession | |
CElggSharedMemoryCache | |
CElggSite | |
CElggStaticVariableCache | |
CElggUpgrade | |
CElggUser | |
CElggWidget | |
CElggXMLElement | |
CExportable | |
CExportException | |
CFriendable | |
CImportable | |
CImportException | |
CIncompleteEntityException | |
CInstallationException | |
CInvalidClassException | |
CInvalidParameterException | |
CIOException | |
CLocatable | |
CLoggable | |
CLoginException | |
CNotificationException | |
CODD | |
CODDDocument | |
CODDEntity | |
CODDMetaData | |
CODDRelationship | |
CPluginException | |
CRegistrationException | |
CRepresents | Create a new ElggEntity |
CSecurityException | |
CXmlElement | |