Elgg  Version 2.3
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CElgg\Mail\AddressTODO(ewinslow): Contribute something like this back to Zend project
 CElgg\Services\AjaxResponseJSON endpoint response
 CElgg\Security\Base64UrlEncode and decode Base 64 URL
 CElgg\BootDataSerializable collection of data used to boot Elgg
 CElgg\BootServiceBoots Elgg and manages a cache of data needed during boot
 CElgg\Views\TableColumn\ColumnFactoryFactory for table column objects
 CElgg\Services\ConfigDescribes an object that manages Elgg configuration values
 CElgg\ContextManages a global stack of strings for sharing information about the current execution context
 CElgg\DatabaseThe Elgg database
 CElgg\Filesystem\DirectoryA simple directory abstraction
 CElgg\Cache\EntityCacheVolatile cache for entities
 CElgg\EntityIconEntities that support icons should implement this interface
 CElgg\EntityIconServiceWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\EntityPreloaderPreload entities based on properties of fetched objects
 CElgg\FileService\FileFile service
 CElgg\Filesystem\FileRepresents a file that may or may not actually exist
 CElgg\Security\HmacComponent for creating HMAC tokens
 CElgg\ImageServiceImage manipulation service
 CElgg\IncluderAllow executing scripts without $this context or local vars
 CElgg\Filesystem\Directory\InMemoryNamespace for generating in-memory filesystems
 CElgg\Filesystem\Directory\LocalNamespace for generating local filesystems
 CElgg\Menu\MenuA complete menu, sorted, filtered by the "prepare" hook, and split into sections
 CElgg\I18n\MessageBundleWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\I18n\MessageTemplateWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Cache\MetadataCacheIn memory cache of known metadata values stored by entity
 CElgg\MethodMatcherIdentify a static/dynamic method callable, even if contains an object to which you don't have a reference
 CElgg\Filesystem\MimeTypeDetectorDetect the MIME type of a file
 CElgg\Database\MutexWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Database\PluginsPersistent, installation-wide key-value storage
 CElgg\Cache\PluginSettingsCacheIn memory cache of (non-user-specific, non-internal) plugin settings
 CElgg\Composer\PostInstallA composer command handler to run after composer install
 CElgg\Composer\PostUpdateA composer command handler to run after post-package-update event
 CElgg\Database\PrivateSettingsTablePrivate settings for entities
 CElgg\ProfilerAnalyzes duration of functions, queries, and processes
 CElgg\RedirectServiceHandles common tasks when redirecting a request
 CElgg\SystemMessages\RegisterSetRepresents the state of system messages and errors
 CElgg\I18n\ReleaseCleanerRemoves invalid language files from an installation
 CElgg\Http\ResponseBuilderHTTP response builder interface
 CElgg\Http\ResponseFactoryWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Http\ResponseTransportHTTP response transport interface
 CElgg\Database\Seeds\SeedAbstract seed
 CElgg\Database\SeederSeeder class
 CElgg\Menu\ServiceMethods to construct and prepare menus for rendering
 CElgg\Ajax\ServiceModels the Ajax API service
 CElgg\Cache\SimpleCacheWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Views\TableColumnA renderer for a column of table cells and a header
 CElgg\TimerCapture timing info for profiling
 CElgg\I18n\TranslatorWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\I18n\TranslatorInterfaceWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Menu\UnpreparedMenuLinear set of menu items collected from configuration and the "register" hook
 CElgg\UpgradeServiceUpgrade service for Elgg
 CElgg\UploadServiceWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\Security\UrlSignerComponent for creating signed URLs
 CElgg\UserCapabilitiesWARNING: API IN FLUX
 CElgg\ValuesFunctions for use as plugin hook/event handlers or other situations where you need a globally accessible callable