22 return _elgg_services()->actions->execute(implode(
'/', $segments));
269 elgg_deprecated_notice(__FUNCTION__ .
' is deprecated and is no longer used as a plugin hook handler',
280 elgg_deprecated_notice(__FUNCTION__ .
' is deprecated and is no longer used as a plugin hook handler',
306 $events->registerHandler(
HTTP response builder interface.
Checks whether the request was requested via ajax.
action($action, $forwarder="")
Perform an action.
Validates the presence of action tokens.
Check if an action is registered and its script exists.
Registers a view to simple cache.
Initialise the site secret (32 bytes: "z" to indicate format + 186-bit key in Base64 URL)...
Generate an action token.
Initialize some ajaxy actions features private.
Get an HMAC token builder/validator object.
elgg_register_page_handler($identifier, $function)
Registers a page handler for a particular identifier.
elgg_deprecated_notice($msg, $dep_version, $backtrace_level=1)
Log a notice about deprecated use of a function, view, etc.
ajax_forward_hook($hook, $type, $reason, $params)
Catch calls to forward() in ajax request and force an exit.
Returns the site secret.
_elgg_services(\Elgg\Di\ServiceProvider $services=null)
Get the global service provider.
_elgg_action_handler(array $segments)
Handle a request for an action.
validate_action_token($visible_errors=true, $token=null, $ts=null)
Validate an action token.
Get the strength of the site secret.
Send an updated CSRF token, provided the page's current tokens were not fake.
elgg_register_action($action, $filename="", $access= 'logged_in')
Registers an action.
http free of to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation to deal in the Software without including without limitation the rights to use
Buffer all output echo'd directly in the action for inclusion in the returned JSON.
Unregisters an action.