Elgg  Version 2.3
prototypes.js File Reference

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 if (!Array.prototype.every)
 Interates through each element of an array and calls a callback function. More...
 if (!String.prototype.ltrim)
 Left trim. More...

Function Documentation

if ( !Array.prototype.  forEach)

Interates through each element of an array and calls a callback function.

Interates through each element of an array and calls callback a function.

The callback should accept the following arguments: element - The current element index - The current index

This is different to Array.forEach in that if the callback returns false, the loop returns immediately without processing the remaining elements.


The callback should accept the following arguments: element - The current element index - The current index

This is different to Array.every in that the callback's return value is ignored and every element of the array will be parsed.


Definition at line 13 of file prototypes.js.

if ( !String.prototype.  ltrim)

Left trim.

Removes a character from the left side of a string.

{String}str The character to remove

Definition at line 58 of file prototypes.js.