| getMembers (array $options=[]) |
| Get an array of group members. More...
| isPublicMembership () |
| Returns whether the current group has open membership or not. More...
| getContentAccessMode () |
| Return the content access mode. More...
| setContentAccessMode (string $mode) |
| Set the content access mode. More...
| isMember (\ElggUser $user=null) |
| Is the given user a member of this group? More...
| join (\ElggUser $user, array $params=[]) |
| Join a user to this group. More...
| leave (\ElggUser $user) |
| Remove a user from the group. More...
| isToolEnabled (string $name) |
| Checks if a tool option is enabled. More...
| enableTool (string $name) |
| Enables a tool option. More...
| disableTool (string $name) |
| Disables a tool option. More...
| canAccessContent (ElggUser $user=null) |
| Check if current user can access group content based on his/her membership status and group's content access policy. More...
| __construct (stdClass $row=null) |
| Create a new entity. More...
| __clone () |
| Clone an entity. More...
| __set ($name, $value) |
| Set an attribute or metadata value for this entity. More...
| getOriginalAttributes () |
| Get the original values of attribute(s) that have been modified since the entity was persisted. More...
| __get ($name) |
| Get an attribute or metadata value. More...
| getDisplayName () |
| Get the entity's display name. More...
| setDisplayName (string $display_name) |
| Sets the title or name of this entity. More...
| getVolatileData (string $name) |
| Get a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
| setVolatileData (string $name, $value) |
| Set a piece of volatile (non-persisted) data on this entity. More...
| removeAllRelatedRiverItems () |
| Removes all river items related to this entity. More...
| countComments () |
| Count the number of comments attached to this entity. More...
| hasAccess (int $user_guid=0) |
| Check if the given user has access to this entity. More...
| canEdit (int $user_guid=0) |
| Can a user edit this entity? More...
| canDelete (int $user_guid=0) |
| Can a user delete this entity? More...
| canWriteToContainer (int $user_guid=0, string $type= '', string $subtype= '') |
| Can a user add an entity to this container. More...
| canComment (int $user_guid=0) |
| Can a user comment on an entity? More...
| canAnnotate (int $user_guid=0, string $annotation_name= '') |
| Can a user annotate an entity? More...
| getGUID () |
| Returns the guid. More...
| getType () |
| Returns the entity type. More...
| setSubtype (string $subtype) |
| Set the subtype of the entity. More...
| getSubtype () |
| Get the entity subtype. More...
| getOwnerGUID () |
| Get the guid of the entity's owner. More...
| getOwnerEntity () |
| Gets the that owns this entity. More...
| setContainerGUID (int $container_guid) |
| Set the container for this object. More...
| getContainerGUID () |
| Gets the container GUID for this entity. More...
| getContainerEntity () |
| Get the container entity for this object. More...
| getTimeUpdated () |
| Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was last updated. More...
| getURL () |
| Gets the URL for this entity. More...
| save () |
| disable (string $reason= '', bool $recursive=true) |
| Disable this entity. More...
| enable (bool $recursive=true) |
| Enable the entity. More...
| isEnabled () |
| Is this entity enabled? More...
| delete (bool $recursive=true, bool $persistent=null) |
| Deletes the entity. More...
| restore (bool $recursive=true) |
| Restore the entity. More...
| isDeleted () |
| Is the entity marked as deleted. More...
| toObject (array $params=[]) |
| Export an entity. More...
| setLatLong (float $lat, float $long) |
| Set latitude and longitude metadata tags for a given entity. More...
| getLatitude () |
| Return the entity's latitude. More...
| getLongitude () |
| Return the entity's longitude. More...
| getSystemLogID () |
| {} More...
| getObjectFromID (int $id) |
| For a given ID, return the object associated with it. More...
| updateLastAction (int $posted=null) |
| Update the last_action column in the entities table. More...
| updateTimeDeleted (int $deleted=null) |
| Update the time_deleted column in the entities table. More...
| disableCaching () |
| Disable runtime caching for entity. More...
| enableCaching () |
| Enable runtime caching for entity. More...
| isCacheable () |
| Is entity cacheable in the runtime cache. More...
| cache () |
| Cache the entity in a session cache. More...
| invalidateCache () |
| Invalidate cache for entity. More...
| hasCapability (string $capability) |
| Checks a specific capability is enabled for the entity type/subtype. More...
| __isset ($name) |
| Test if property is set either as an attribute or metadata. More...
| __unset ($name) |
| Unset a property from metadata or attribute. More...
| getURL () |
| Get a URL for this object. More...
| save () |
| Save this data to the appropriate database table. More...
| delete () |
| Delete this data. More...
| getTimeCreated () |
| Returns the UNIX epoch time that this entity was created. More...
| toObject (array $params=[]) |
| Get a plain old object copy for public consumption. More...
| getSystemLogID () |
| Return an identification for the object for storage in the system log. More...
| getType () |
| Return the type of the object - eg. More...
| getSubtype () |
| Return a subtype. More...
| getObjectFromID (int $id) |
| For a given ID, return the object associated with it. More...
| rewind () |
| Iterator interface. More...
| current () |
| Iterator interface. More...
| key () |
| Iterator interface. More...
| next () |
| Iterator interface. More...
| valid () |
| Iterator interface. More...
| offsetSet ($offset, $value) |
| Array access interface. More...
| offsetGet ($offset) |
| Array access interface. More...
| offsetUnset ($offset) |
| Array access interface. More...
| offsetExists ($offset) |
| Array access interface. More...
| getID () |
| {Get unique item identifier within a collection.- Returns
- string|int
} More...
| getPriority () |
| {Get priority (weight) of the item within a collection.- Returns
- int
} More...
| __serialize () |
| Called during serialization. More...
| __unserialize (array $data) |
| Called during unserialization. More...
Definition at line 14 of file ElggGroup.php.