CElgg\Database\AccessCollections | Access collections database service |
CElgg\Users\Accounts | User accounts service |
CElgg\Friends\AclNameHandler | Returns friends ACL name |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\ActionMiddleware | Some logic implemented before action is executed |
CElgg\ActionsService | Actions service |
CElgg\Page\AddFaviconLinksHandler | Add favicon links to page head |
CElgg\Input\AddFileHelpTextHandler | Adds help text to input/file |
CElgg\Icons\AddFontAwesomeClassesHandler | Adds FontAwesome icon classes |
CElgg\Page\AddManifestLinkHandler | Add manifest link to page head |
CElgg\Page\AddMetasHandler | Add metas to page head |
CElgg\Page\AddRssLinkHandler | Add RSS link to page head |
CElgg\Page\AddTitleHandler | Add title to page head |
CElgg\Friends\AddToAclHandler | Modifies ACL membership |
CElgg\Menus\AdminControlPanel | Register menu items for the admin_control_panel menu |
CElgg\Menus\AdminFooter | Register menu items for the admin_footer menu |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\AdminGatekeeper | Protects a route from non-admin users |
CElgg\Menus\AdminHeader | Register menu items for the admin_header menu |
CElgg\Database\AdminNotices | Controls all admin notices in the system |
CElgg\Menus\AdminUsersBulk | Register menu items to the bulk actions for users |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\AjaxGatekeeper | Protects a route from non-xhr requests |
►CElgg\Services\AjaxResponse | JSON endpoint response |
CElgg\Ajax\Response | JSON endpoint response |
CElgg\Menus\Annotation | Register menu items to the annotation menu |
CElgg\Database\AnnotationsTable | Interfaces with the database to perform CRUD operations on annotations |
CElgg\Database\ApiUsersTable | Manage the contents of the api_users table |
►CApplication | |
CElgg\Cli\Application | Wrapper for console application |
CElgg\Application | Load, boot, and implement a front controller for an Elgg application |
►CArrayAccess | |
►CElgg\Cache\BaseCache | The Elgg cache base class |
CElgg\Cache\CompositeCache | Composite cache pool |
►CElgg\Cache\LRUCache | Least Recently Used Cache |
CElgg\Cache\QueryCache | Volatile cache for select queries |
►CElgg\Collections\Collection | A collection of unique items |
►CElgg\Menu\MenuItems | A collection of menu items |
CElgg\Menu\MenuSection | Menu section |
CElgg\Menu\PreparedMenu | Represents a menu that has been broken down into sections, with menu hierarchy trees setup |
►CElggData | A generic class that contains shared code among , , and |
CElggAccessCollection | |
►CElggEntity | |
CElggGroup | |
►CElggObject | |
CElggAdminNotice | Admin Notice |
CElggComment | |
►CElggFile | |
CElggIcon | Entity icon class |
CElggTempFile | This class represents a physical file (by default in the system temp directory) |
CElggPlugin | Plugin class containing helper functions for plugin activation/deactivation, dependency checking capabilities and (user)pluginsettings |
CElggUpgrade | Represents an upgrade that runs outside of the upgrade.php script |
CElggWidget | |
CElggSite | |
CElggUser | |
►CElggExtender | |
CElggAnnotation | Entity Annotation |
CElggMetadata | ElggMetadata |
CElggRelationship | |
►CArrayObject | |
CElgg\Database\QueryOptions | |
►CElgg\Export\Data | |
CElgg\Export\AccessCollection | |
CElgg\Export\Entity | |
CElgg\Export\Extender | |
CElgg\Export\Relationship | |
CElgg\AuthenticationService | Authentication service handles registration of PAM handlers and calling of those handlers |
CElgg\AutoloadManager | Manages core autoloading and caching of class maps |
CElgg\Views\AutoParagraph | Create wrapper P and BR elements in HTML depending on newlines |
CElgg\Comments\AutoSubscribeHandler | When a comment is created subscribe the owner to the container (original content) of the comment if the user has't muted the container yet |
CElgg\Logger\BacktraceProcessor | Inject backtrace stack into the record |
►CBadFunctionCallException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\BadFunctionCallException | Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined function or if some arguments are missing |
►CBadMethodCallException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\BadMethodCallException | Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined method or if some arguments are missing |
CCssCrush\BalancedMatch | |
CElgg\Users\BanUserNotificationHandler | Sends notification to a banned user |
CElgg\Security\Base64Url | Encode and decode Base 64 URL |
►CElgg\Upgrade\Batch | Long running upgrades should implement this interface |
►CElgg\Upgrade\AsynchronousUpgrade | Class to extend for asynchronous upgrades, i.e |
CElgg\Upgrades\AlterDatabaseToMultiByteCharset | Updates database charset to utf8mb4 |
CElgg\Upgrades\ContentOwnerSubscriptions | Subscribe all content owners to their own content |
CElgg\Upgrades\MigrateACLNotificationPreferences | Migrate the old access collection notification preferences to the new logic The old settings are from the Notifications plugin |
CElgg\Upgrades\NotificationsPrefix | Migrate the notification subscription relationship to a new naming convention |
CElgg\Upgrades\RemoveOrphanedThreadedComments | |
►CElgg\Upgrade\SystemUpgrade | System upgrades are executed synchronously at system upgrade |
CElgg\Upgrades\ChangeUserNotificationSettingsNamespace | Change the metadata name of the user notification settings to be multi-purpose |
CElgg\Upgrades\DeleteDiagnosticsPlugin | Remove the diagnostics plugin entity |
CElgg\Upgrades\DeleteNotificationsPlugin | Remove the notifications plugin entity |
CElgg\Upgrades\MigrateEntityIconCroppingCoordinates | |
CElgg\Upgrades\RemoveIcontime | |
CElgg\BootData | Serializable collection of data used to boot Elgg |
CElgg\Application\BootHandler | Handles application boot sequence |
CElgg\BootService | Boots Elgg and manages a cache of data needed during boot |
CElgg\Menus\Breadcrumbs | Prepares breadcrumbs |
►CElgg\Cache\CacheCollection | A collection of composite caches |
CElgg\Cache\DataCache | |
CElgg\Cache\SessionCache | |
CElgg\Application\CacheHandler | Simplecache handler |
CElgg\Views\CalculateSRI | Calculates SRI for simplecache resources |
CElgg\Project\ChangelogWriter | Helper class to write the changelog during release |
CElgg\ClassLoader | A class/interface/trait autoloader for PHP |
CElgg\ClassMap | A map of class names to absolute file paths |
►CElgg\Database\Clauses\Clause | Interface that allows resolving statements and/or extending query builder |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\ComparisonClause | Utility class for building composite comparison expression |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\GroupByClause | Extends QueryBuilder with GROUP BY statements |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\HavingClause | Extends QueryBuilder with HAVING clauses |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\JoinClause | Extends QueryBuilder with JOIN clauses |
►CElgg\Database\Clauses\OrderByClause | Extends QueryBuilder with ORDER BY clauses |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\EntitySortByClause | Extends QueryBuilder with clauses necessary to sort entity lists by entity properties |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\SelectClause | Extends QueryBuilder with SELECT clauses |
►CElgg\Database\Clauses\WhereClause | Builds a clause from closure or composite expression |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\AccessWhereClause | Builds queries to restrict access |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\AnnotationWhereClause | Builds queries for matching annotations against their properties |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\AttributeWhereClause | Builds quereis for matching entities by their attributes |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\EntityWhereClause | Builds queries for filtering entities by their properties in the entities table |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\MetadataWhereClause | Builds clauses for filtering entities by properties in metadata table |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\RelationshipWhereClause | Builds clauses for filtering entities by their properties in entity_relationships table |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\RiverWhereClause | Builds queries for matching river items against their properties |
CElgg\Database\Clauses\TypeSubtypeWhereClause | Builds clauses for filtering entities by their type and subtype |
CElgg\Users\CleanupPersistentLoginHandler | Cleans persistent login tokens |
CElgg\Cli | CLI bootstrap |
►CElgg\Collections\CollectionInterface | An interface for organizing items into collections |
CElgg\Collections\Collection | A collection of unique items |
►CElgg\Collections\CollectionItemInterface | Collection item interface |
CElgg\Groups\Tool | |
CElgg\Menu\MenuSection | Menu section |
CElggData | A generic class that contains shared code among , , and |
CElggMenuItem | Elgg Menu Item |
CElgg\Views\TableColumn\ColumnFactory | Factory for table column objects |
►CCommand | |
►CElgg\Cli\BaseCommand | Adds interaction to a console command |
►CElgg\Cli\Command | Abstract command with some utility methods |
CElgg\Cli\CacheClearCommand | Elgg-cli cache:clear |
CElgg\Cli\CacheInvalidateCommand | Elgg-cli cache:invalidate |
CElgg\Cli\CachePurgeCommand | Elgg-cli cache:purge |
CElgg\Cli\CronCommand | Elgg-cli cron [–interval] [–quiet] |
CElgg\Cli\DatabaseSeedCommand | Elgg-cli database:seed [–limit] |
CElgg\Cli\DatabaseSeedersCommand | Elgg-cli database:seeders |
CElgg\Cli\DatabaseUnseedCommand | Elgg-cli database:unseed |
CElgg\Cli\PluginsActivateCommand | Elgg-cli plugins:activate |
CElgg\Cli\PluginsDeactivateCommand | Elgg-cli plugins:deactivate |
CElgg\Cli\PluginsListCommand | Elgg-cli plugins:list [–status] |
CElgg\Cli\UpgradeBatchCommand | Elgg-cli upgrade:batch |
CElgg\Cli\UpgradeListCommand | Elgg-cli upgrade:list |
CElgg\Cli\InstallCommand | Elgg-cli install [–config] |
CElgg\Cli\UpgradeCommand | Elgg-cli upgrade [async] |
CElgg\Controllers\CommentEntityRedirector | Redirect a comment url to the full view of the entity being commented on with the correct offset to show the (top) comment |
CElgg\Plugin\Composer | Holds plugin composer.json related functions |
CElgg\Config | |
CElgg\Database\ConfigTable | Manipulates values in the dbprefix_config table |
CElgg\Comments\ContainerLogicHandler | Check commentable capability for a container |
CElgg\Comments\ContainerPermissionsHandler | Allow commenting on any container |
CElgg\Context | Manages a global stack of strings for sharing information about the current execution context |
CElgg\Ajax\Controller | Controller to handle /ajax requests |
►CCountable | |
CElgg\Collections\Collection | A collection of unique items |
►CElgg\Structs\Collection | A read-only interface to a (possibly mutable) group of items |
CElgg\Structs\Collection\InMemory | Uses native PHP array to implement the Collection interface |
CElggBatch | |
CElgg\Friends\CreateAclHandler | Creates ACL for friends |
CElgg\Upgrade\CreateAdminNoticeHandler | Admin notices for new upgrades |
CElgg\Widgets\CreateAdminWidgetsHandler | Creates admin widgets |
CElgg\Notifications\CreateContentEventHandler | Apply subscriptions based on preferences |
CElgg\Widgets\CreateDefaultWidgetsHandler | Creates default widgets |
CElgg\Controllers\Cron | Controller to handle /cron requests |
CElgg\Cron | Cron |
CElgg\Email\DelayedQueue\CronHandler | Cron based handing of the delayed email notification queue |
CElgg\Entity\CropIcon | Generic action listener to support cropping an existing icon |
CElgg\Security\Crypto | Cryptographic services |
CElgg\Security\Csrf | CSRF Protection |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\CsrfFirewall | Middleware for validating CSRF tokens |
CElgg\Assets\CssCompiler | Compile CSS with CSSCrush |
CElgg\Database | The Elgg database |
CElgg\Application\Database | |
CElgg\Email\DelayedQueue\DatabaseRecord | |
CElgg\Comments\DataService | Comments dataservice |
►CDbalQueryBuilder | |
►CElgg\Database\QueryBuilder | Database abstraction query builder |
CElgg\Database\Delete | Query builder for updating data in the database |
CElgg\Database\Insert | Query builder for inserting data into the database |
CElgg\Database\Select | Query builder for fetching data from the database |
CElgg\Database\Update | Query builder for updating data in the database |
CElgg\Database\DbConfig | Database configuration service |
CElgg\Email\DefaultMessageIdHeaderHandler | Sets the message-id header for emails |
CElgg\Widgets\DefaultWidgetsContainerPermissionsHandler | Bypasses permissions for default widgets |
CElgg\Database\DelayedEmailQueueTable | Interfaces with the database to perform operations on the delayed_email_queue table |
CElgg\Email\DelayedEmailService | Handle storing and processing delayed emails |
CElgg\Input\DisablePasswordAutocompleteHandler | Disables password autocomplete for input/password |
►CDomainException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\DomainException | Exception thrown if a value does not adhere to a defined valid data domain |
CElgg\Comments\EditPermissionsHandler | Returns the correct behaviour for editing comments |
CElggCookie | |
CElggInstaller | Elgg Installer |
CElggMenuBuilder | Elgg Menu Builder |
CElggRiverItem | |
CElggSession | Elgg Session Management |
CElggSystemMessage | Elgg System Message |
CElgg\Email | Email message |
CElgg\Users\EmailChangeController | Controller to handle confirmation of a user e-mail address change |
CElgg\EmailService | Email service |
CElgg\Notifications\EnqueueEventHandler | Enqueue notification event |
CElgg\Email\DelayedQueue\EnqueueHandler | Handle the queueing of delayed email notifications |
CElgg\Menus\Entity | Register menu items to the entity menu |
CElgg\Cache\EntityCache | Volatile cache for entities |
CElgg\EntityCapabilitiesService | Entity capabilities service |
CElgg\EntityDirLocator | Locate the relative path of an entity's data dir |
CElgg\EntityIconService | Entity icon service |
CElgg\Menus\EntityNavigation | Register menu items to the entity_navigation menu |
CElgg\EntityPreloader | Preload entities based on properties of fetched objects |
CElgg\Database\EntityTable | Entity table database service |
CElgg\Menus\EntityTrash | Add items to the entity:trash menu |
CElgg\Widgets\EntityUrlHandler | Returns widget urls |
►CErrorException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\ErrorException | Error exception, when converting an error into an exception |
CElgg\Application\ErrorHandler | Handle system and PHP errors |
CElgg\Javascript\ESMService | Keeps track of ES modules |
CElgg\Event | Models an event passed to event handlers |
CElgg\Cache\EventHandlers | Contains the cache event handlers |
CElgg\EventsService | Events service |
►CException | |
►CElgg\Exceptions\Exception | Base exception of exceptions in the Elgg system |
CElgg\Exceptions\AuthenticationException | Thrown by the AuthenticationService |
CElgg\Exceptions\ClassException | A generic parent class for Class exceptions |
►CElgg\Exceptions\ConfigurationException | A generic parent class for Configuration exceptions |
►CElgg\Exceptions\Configuration\InstallationException | Thrown when there is a major problem with the installation |
CElgg\Exceptions\Configuration\RegistrationException | Could not register a new user for whatever reason |
CElgg\Exceptions\CronException | A generic parent class for cron exceptions |
►CElgg\Exceptions\DatabaseException | A generic parent class for database exceptions |
CElgg\Exceptions\Database\UserFetchFailureException | Exception indicating a user could not be looked up for a permissions check |
CElgg\Exceptions\DataFormatException | An exception thrown when there is a problem in the format of some data |
CElgg\Exceptions\Filesystem\IOException | An IO Exception, throw when an IO Exception occurs |
►CElgg\Exceptions\HttpException | Generic HTTP exception |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\BadRequestException | Thrown when request is malformatted |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\CsrfException | Thrown when CSRF tokens mismatch |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\EntityNotFoundException | Thrown when entity can not be found |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\EntityPermissionsException | Thrown when entity can not be edited or container permissions do not allow it to be written |
►CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\GroupGatekeeperException | Thrown when one of the gatekeepers prevents access |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\GroupToolGatekeeperException | Thrown when the requested group tool isn't enabled for a group |
►CElgg\Exceptions\Http\GatekeeperException | Thrown when one of the gatekeepers prevents access |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\AdminGatekeeperException | Thrown when the logged in user is not an admin |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\AjaxGatekeeperException | Thrown when the request is not a valid ajax request |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\LoggedInGatekeeperException | Thrown when the not logged in |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\LoggedOutGatekeeperException | Thrown when logged in but this isn't allowed |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\RegistrationAllowedGatekeeperException | Thrown when registration isn't allowed |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\UpgradeGatekeeperException | Thrown when the request to upgrade.php isn't valid |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\Gatekeeper\WalledGardenException | Thrown when walled garden gatekeeper prevents access |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\PageNotFoundException | Thrown when page is not accessible |
CElgg\Exceptions\Http\ValidationException | Action validation exception |
CElgg\Exceptions\LoginException | Generic parent class for login exceptions |
►CElgg\Exceptions\PluginException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\Plugin\ComposerException | Indicates something wrong with the plugin composer.json |
CElgg\Exceptions\Plugin\ConflictException | Indicates a conflict with the plugin |
CElgg\Exceptions\Plugin\IdMismatchException | Indicates a mismatch between the plugin ID in the composer.json and the plugin directory |
CElgg\Exceptions\Plugin\PhpExtensionException | Indicates plugin php extension requirement issues |
CElgg\Exceptions\Plugin\PhpVersionException | Indicates invalid php version for a plugin |
►CElgg\Exceptions\SecurityException | Throw when a Security Exception occurs |
CElgg\Exceptions\Security\InvalidPasswordCharacterRequirementsException | Indicate a password string doesn't meet the character requirements |
CElgg\Exceptions\Security\InvalidPasswordLengthException | Indicate a password string doesn't meet the minimal length requirements |
CElgg\Exceptions\Seeding\MaxAttemptsException | Thrown when the seeding has exceeded the max attempts for trying to create an |
CElgg\Application\ExceptionHandler | Handler for uncaught exceptions |
►CElgg\Exceptions\ExceptionInterface | Generic interface which allows catching of all exceptions thrown in Elgg |
CElgg\Exceptions\BadFunctionCallException | Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined function or if some arguments are missing |
CElgg\Exceptions\BadMethodCallException | Exception thrown if a callback refers to an undefined method or if some arguments are missing |
CElgg\Exceptions\DomainException | Exception thrown if a value does not adhere to a defined valid data domain |
CElgg\Exceptions\ErrorException | Error exception, when converting an error into an exception |
CElgg\Exceptions\Exception | Base exception of exceptions in the Elgg system |
►CElgg\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException | Exception thrown if an argument is not of the expected type |
CElgg\Exceptions\I18n\InvalidLocaleException | Indicated an invalid Locale was given |
CElgg\Exceptions\LengthException | Exception thrown if a length is invalid |
CElgg\Exceptions\LogicException | Exception that represents error in the program logic |
CElgg\Exceptions\OutOfBoundsException | Exception thrown if a value is not a valid key |
CElgg\Exceptions\OutOfRangeException | Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested |
CElgg\Exceptions\OverflowException | Exception thrown when adding an element to a full container |
CElgg\Exceptions\RangeException | Exception thrown to indicate range errors during program execution |
CElgg\Exceptions\RuntimeException | Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs |
CElgg\Exceptions\UnderflowException | Exception thrown when performing an invalid operation on an empty container, such as removing an element |
CElgg\Exceptions\UnexpectedValueException | Exception thrown if a value does not match with a set of values |
CElgg\WalledGarden\ExtendPublicPagesHandler | Extends public pages |
CElgg\Assets\ExternalFiles | External files service |
CElgg\Forms\FieldsService | Service for getting field definitions for type/subtype combinations |
CElgg\FileService\File | File service |
►CElgg\Filesystem\Filestore | This class defines the interface for all elgg data repositories |
►CElgg\Filesystem\Filestore\DiskFilestore | A filestore that uses disk as storage |
CElgg\Filesystem\Filestore\TempDiskFilestore | A filestore that uses disk as storage |
CElgg\Menus\Filter | Register menu items to the filter menu |
CElgg\Menus\FilterSortItems | Add generic sort_by menu items to a filter menu |
CElgg\Menus\Footer | Register menu items to the footer menu |
CElgg\FormsService | Forms service |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\Gatekeeper | Protects a route from non-authenticated users |
CElgg\Gatekeeper | Gatekeeper |
CElgg\Icons\GetSiteFaviconSizesHandler | Returns site icon sizes |
CElgg\Comments\GroupMemberPermissionsHandler | Check if commenting on group content is allowed |
CElgg\Search\GroupSearchFieldsHandler | |
CElgg\Search\GroupSearchProfileFieldsHandler | |
►CGuzzleClient | |
CElgg\Http\Client | Helper class to construct a Guzzle Client with the correct defaults |
CElgg\HandlersService | Helpers for providing callable-based APIs |
CElgg\Icons\HeaderSizesHandler | Returns header image sizes |
CElgg\Security\Hmac | Component for creating HMAC tokens |
CElgg\Database\HMACCacheTable | Manage the contents of the hmac_cache table |
CElgg\Security\HmacFactory | Provides a factory for HMAC objects |
CElgg\Views\HtmlFormatter | Various helper method for formatting and sanitizing output |
CElgg\Assets\ImageFetcherService | Fetch external images server side |
CElgg\ImageService | Image manipulation service |
CElgg\Includer | Allow executing scripts without $this context or local vars |
CElgg\Http\Input | Provides unified access to the $_GET and $_POST inputs |
CElgg\Debug\Inspector | Debug inspector |
CElgg\Invoker | Invocation service |
►CIterator | |
CElgg\Structs\Collection | A read-only interface to a (possibly mutable) group of items |
CElggBatch | |
CElggData | A generic class that contains shared code among , , and |
►CLengthException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\LengthException | Exception thrown if a length is invalid |
CElgg\I18n\Locale | Language class to ensure only valid languages are used |
CElgg\I18n\LocaleService | Provides locale related features |
CElgg\Upgrade\Locator | Locates and registers both core and plugin upgrades |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\LoggedOutGatekeeper | Protects a route from logged in users |
►CLogger | |
CElgg\Logger | Logger |
CElgg\Logger\Cron | Custom logger for an individual cron interval |
►CLogicException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\LogicException | Exception that represents error in the program logic |
CElgg\Menus\Login | Register menu items to the login menu |
CElgg\Upgrade\Loop | Upgrade loop Executes upgrade batches for a given duration of time |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\MaintenanceGatekeeper | Protects a route if site is in maintenance mode |
CElgg\Groups\MemberPermissionsHandler | Check if content can be created in a group based on group membership of a user |
CElgg\Notifications\MentionsEnqueueEventHandler | Enqueue mention notifications |
CElgg\Menu\Menu | A complete menu, sorted, filtered by the "prepare" event, and split into sections |
CElgg\Cache\MetadataCache | In memory cache of known metadata values stored by entity |
CElgg\Database\MetadataTable | This class interfaces with the database to perform CRUD operations on metadata |
CElgg\EventsService\MethodMatcher | Identify a static/dynamic method callable, even if contains an object to which you don't have a reference |
CLaminas\Mime\Mime | Support class for MultiPart Mime Messages |
CElgg\Filesystem\MimeTypeDetector | Detect the MIME type of a file |
CElgg\Filesystem\MimeTypeService | Public service related to MIME type detection |
CElgg\Views\MinifyHandler | Minifies content |
CElgg\Icons\MoveIconsOnOwnerChangeHandler | Moves icons on ownership changes |
CElgg\Database\Mutex | Provides database mutex that can be used to prevent race conditions between two processes that affect the same data |
CElgg\Notifications\Notification | Notification container |
►CElgg\Notifications\NotificationEvent | Notification event interface |
CElgg\Notifications\InstantNotificationEvent | Instant notification event |
CElgg\Notifications\SubscriptionNotificationEvent | Subscription notification event |
►CElgg\Notifications\NotificationEventHandler | Notification Event Handler handles preparation of a notification |
CElgg\Notifications\CreateCommentEventHandler | Notification Event Handler for 'object' 'comment' 'create' action |
CElgg\Notifications\InstantNotificationEventHandler | Notification Event Handler for instant notifications |
CElgg\Notifications\MakeAdminUserEventHandler | Notification Event Handler for 'user' 'user' 'make_admin' action |
CElgg\Notifications\MentionsEventHandler | Mentions notification handler |
CElgg\Notifications\RemoveAdminUserEventHandler | Notification Event Handler for 'user' 'user' 'remove_admin' action |
CElgg\Notifications\UnbanUserEventHandler | Notification Event Handler for 'user' 'user' 'unban' action |
CElgg\Notifications\NotificationsService | Notifications service |
CElgg\Search\ObjectSearchFieldsHandler | |
CElgg\Controllers\OnlineUsersCount | Returns the online user count |
►COutOfBoundsException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\OutOfBoundsException | Exception thrown if a value is not a valid key |
►COutOfRangeException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\OutOfRangeException | Exception thrown when an illegal index was requested |
►COverflowException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\OverflowException | Exception thrown when adding an element to a full container |
CElgg\Menus\Page | Register menu items for the page menu |
►CElgg\Router\Middleware\PageOwnerGatekeeper | Check if the current route has a page owner entity |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\GroupPageOwnerGatekeeper | Check if the current route has a page owner entity and it is a group |
►CElgg\Router\Middleware\PageOwnerCanEditGatekeeper | Check if the current route page owner can be edited (by the current logged in user) |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\GroupPageOwnerCanEditGatekeeper | Check if the current route page owner can be edited (by the current logged in user) and is an group |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\UserPageOwnerCanEditGatekeeper | Check if the current route page owner can be edited (by the current logged in user) and is an user |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\UserPageOwnerGatekeeper | Check if the current route has a page owner entity and it is a user |
CElgg\Page\PageOwnerService | Holds page owner related functions |
CElgg\PAM\User\Password | PAM handler to authenticate a user based on username/password Used for the 'user' policy |
CElgg\Security\PasswordGeneratorService | Password generator service |
CElgg\PasswordService | Password service |
CElgg\Project\Paths | Find Elgg and project paths |
CElgg\PersistentLoginService | |
►CPHPDateTime | |
CElgg\I18n\DateTime | Extension of the DateTime class to support formatting a date using the locale |
►CElgg\PluginBootstrapInterface | Plugin bootstrap interface |
►CElgg\PluginBootstrap | Plugin bootstrap |
CElgg\DefaultPluginBootstrap | Null plugin boostrap for plugins not defining 'bootstrap' in their elgg-plugin.php Can also be extended by plugin developers when only needing a limited subset of the bootstrap functions |
CElgg\Database\Plugins | Persistent, installation-wide key-value storage |
CElgg\Composer\PostInstall | A composer command handler to run after composer install |
CElgg\Composer\PostUpdate | A composer command handler to run after post-package-update event |
CElgg\Comments\Preloader | Comments preloader |
CElgg\Forms\PrepareFields | Prepare sticky form fields |
CElgg\Forms\PrepareSecurityTxt | Prepare the form fields for admin/security/security_txt |
CElgg\Views\PreProcessCssHandler | Preprocesses css |
►CCssCrush\Process | |
CElgg\Assets\CssCrushProcess | Css Crush Processor |
CElgg\Notifications\ProcessQueueCronHandler | Process the notification queue |
CElgg\Debug\Profiler | Analyzes duration of functions, queries, and processes |
CElgg\Cli\Progress | CLI Progress reporter |
►CElgg\Queue\Queue | Queue interface |
►CElgg\Queue\DatabaseQueue | FIFO queue that uses the database for persistence |
CElgg\Notifications\NotificationsQueue | Database queue for notifications |
CElgg\Queue\MemoryQueue | FIFO queue that is memory based (not persistent) |
►CRangeException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\RangeException | Exception thrown to indicate range errors during program execution |
CElgg\RedirectService | Handles common tasks when redirecting a request |
CElgg\Controllers\RefreshCsrfToken | Handles requests to /refresh_token |
CElgg\Notifications\RegisterSubscriptionMenuItemsHandler | Register menu items to any menu to handle entity subscriptions |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\RegistrationAllowedGatekeeper | Validate that registration is allowed based on one of the following: |
CElgg\Database\RelationshipsTable | Relationships table database service |
CElgg\I18n\ReleaseCleaner | Removes invalid language files from an installation |
CElgg\Entity\RemoveDeletedEntitiesHandler | Cleanup deleted entities from the database |
CElgg\Friends\RemoveFromAclHandler | Modifies ACL membership |
CElgg\WalledGarden\RemovePublicAccessHandler | Remove public access for walled garden |
CElgg\Diagnostics\Reports | Event handlers for Developers plugin |
►CElgg\Database\Repository | Abstract methods for interfacing with the database |
CElgg\Database\Annotations | Annotation repository contains methods for fetching annotations from database or performing calculations on entity properties |
CElgg\Database\Entities | Entities repository contains methods for fetching entities from database or performing calculations on entity properties |
CElgg\Database\Metadata | Metadata repository contains methods for fetching metadata from database or performing calculations on entity properties |
CElgg\Database\Relationships | Relationships repository contains methods for fetching relationships from database or performing calculations on relationship properties |
CElgg\Database\River | River repository contains methods for fetching/counting river items |
CElgg\Request | Request container |
►CRequestContext | |
CElgg\Router\RequestContext | RequestContext Wrapper |
►CElgg\Http\ResponseBuilder | HTTP response builder interface |
►CElgg\Http\Response | Response builder |
CElgg\Http\ErrorResponse | Error response builder |
►CElgg\Http\OkResponse | OK response builder |
CElgg\Http\DownloadResponse | Download response builder |
CElgg\Http\RedirectResponse | Redirect response builder |
CElgg\Http\ResponseFactory | HTTP response service |
►CElgg\Http\ResponseTransport | HTTP response transport interface |
CElgg\Cli\ResponseTransport | Cli ResponseTransport |
CElgg\Http\HttpProtocolTransport | Transport for sending responses to HTTP clients via HTTP protocol |
CElgg\Http\OutputBufferTransport | Transport for sending responses to non-HTTP clients, e.g |
CElgg\Upgrade\Result | Result of a single BatchUpgrade run |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\RewriteTest | Ensure that mod_rewrite is enabled and working |
CElgg\Router\RewriteTester | Test if URL rewriting is working |
CElgg\Menus\River | Register menu items to the river menu |
CElgg\Database\RiverTable | River table database action |
►CRoute | |
CElgg\Router\Route | Route Wrapper |
►CRouteCollection | |
CElgg\Router\RouteCollection | RouteCollection Wrapper |
CElgg\Router | Delegates requests to controllers based on the registered configuration |
CElgg\Router\RouteRegistrationService | Route registration service |
►CRuntimeException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\RuntimeException | Exception thrown if an error which can only be found on runtime occurs |
CElgg\Email\SaveUserSettingsHandler | Save the user setting for delayed email interval |
CElgg\Search\SearchService | Search service |
CElgg\Controllers\SecurityTxt | Controller for the /security.txt resource |
►CElgg\Database\Seeds\Seedable | Provides seedable methods for database seeding and unit tests |
►CElgg\Database\Seeds\Seed | Abstract seed |
CElgg\Database\Seeds\Groups | Seed users |
CElgg\Database\Seeds\Users | Seed users |
CElgg\Database\Seeder | Seeder class |
►CSeekableIterator | |
CElgg\Collections\Collection | A collection of unique items |
CElgg\Notifications\SendEmailHandler | Sends email |
CElgg\Application\ServeFileHandler | File server handler |
CElgg\Controllers\ServeIcon | Controller to handle /serve-icon requests |
CElgg\Menu\Service | Methods to construct and prepare menus for rendering |
CElgg\Ajax\Service | Models the Ajax API service |
►CSessionHandlerInterface | |
CElgg\Database\SessionHandler | Database session handler |
CElgg\SessionManagerService | Session manager |
CElgg\Javascript\SetLightboxConfigHandler | Adds lightbox config to js elgg.data object |
CElgg\Users\Settings | Event handlers for user settings |
CElgg\Icons\SetUserIconFileHandler | Sets user icon file |
CElgg\Page\SetXFrameOptionsHeaderHandler | Sets a header |
CElgg\Application\ShutdownHandler | Shutdown handler |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\SignedRequestGatekeeper | Protects a route url tampering |
CElgg\Cache\SimpleCache | Simple cache service |
CElgg\Menus\Site | Register menu items to the site menu |
CElgg\Security\SiteSecret | Manages a site-specific secret key, encoded as a 32 byte string "secret" |
CElgg\Menus\Social | Register menu items to the social menu |
CElgg\Forms\StickyForms | Stick forms service |
CCssCrush\StringObject | |
CElgg\Notifications\SubscriptionsService | Subscription service |
►CSymfonyRequest | |
CElgg\Http\Request | Elgg HTTP request |
CElgg\Comments\SyncContainerAccessHandler | Keeps comments access in sync with container access |
CElgg\Cache\SystemCache | System Cache |
CElgg\Application\SystemEventHandlers | Contains the system event handlers |
CElgg\SystemMessagesService | System messages service |
►CElgg\Views\TableColumn | A renderer for a column of table cells and a header |
CElgg\Views\TableColumn\CallableColumn | Table column rendered by a function |
CElgg\Views\TableColumn\ViewColumn | Table column rendered by a view |
CElgg\Search\TagsSearchFieldsHandler | |
CElgg\Email\ThreadHeadersHandler | Sets the thread headers for emails |
CElgg\Comments\ThreadPreloaderService | Comments thread preloader |
CElgg\Timer | Capture timing info for profiling |
CElgg\Menus\Title | Register menu items to the title menu |
CElgg\Groups\ToolContainerLogicCheck | Check if content can be created in a group based on the group tool option |
CElgg\Groups\Tools | Group tools service |
CElgg\Menus\Topbar | Register menu items to the topbar menu |
CElgg\Icons\TouchIconsOnAccessChangeHandler | Touches icons on access changes |
►CElgg\I18n\Translator | Translator |
CElgg\I18n\NullTranslator | A translator that does nothing except return the key that was requested |
CElgg\I18n\TranslatorInterface | Can "translate" language keys into various human-readable, localized strings |
CElgg\Translit | Elgg Transliterate |
►CUnderflowException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\UnderflowException | Exception thrown when performing an invalid operation on an empty container, such as removing an element |
►CUnexpectedValueException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\UnexpectedValueException | Exception thrown if a value does not match with a set of values |
CElgg\Menu\UnpreparedMenu | Linear set of menu items collected from configuration and the "register" event |
CElgg\River\UpdateLastActionHandler | Updates river item last action |
CElgg\Comments\UpdateRiverLastActionHandler | Updates river item last action |
CElgg\Upgrade\UpgradeCompletedAdminNoticeHandler | Removes admin notices |
CElgg\Upgrade\UpgradeController | Execute upgrades |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\UpgradeGatekeeper | Protect upgrade.php from unauthorized execution |
CElgg\UpgradeService | Upgrade service for Elgg |
CElgg\UploadService | File upload handling service |
►CUrlGenerator | |
CElgg\Router\UrlGenerator | UrlGenerator Wrapper |
►CUrlMatcher | |
CElgg\Router\UrlMatcher | UrlMatcher Wrapper |
CElgg\Http\Urls | Create, sanitize and compare urls |
CElgg\Security\UrlSigner | Component for creating signed URLs |
CElgg\UserCapabilities | User capabilities service |
CElgg\Menus\UserHover | Register menu items to the user_hover menu |
CElgg\Database\UsersApiSessionsTable | Manage the contents of the users_apisessions table |
CElgg\Search\UserSearchFieldsHandler | |
CElgg\Search\UserSearchProfileFieldsHandler | |
CElgg\Database\UsersRememberMeCookiesTable | Manage the users_remember_me_cookies table |
CElgg\Menus\UserUnvalidated | Register menu items to the user:unvalidated menu |
CElgg\Input\ValidateInputHandler | Validates input using htmlawed |
CElgg\Users\Validation | User Validation related events |
CElgg\Validation\ValidationResult | Represents a parameter that has been validated |
CElgg\Validation\ValidationResults | Represents a set of validated parameters |
CElgg\Values | Functions for use as event handlers or other situations where you need a globally accessible callable |
CElgg\Cache\ViewCacher | Handles caching of views in the system cache |
CElgg\Debug\Inspector\ViewComponent | View inspector |
CElgg\ViewsService | Views service |
CElgg\Router\Middleware\WalledGarden | Protects a route from non-authenticated users in a walled garden mode |
CElgg\Menus\WalledGarden | Register menu items to the walled_garden menu |
CElgg\Http\WebAppManifestResource | Overview: http://html5doctor.com/web-manifest-specification/ Spec: https://w3c.github.io/manifest/ |
CElgg\Menus\Widget | Register menu item to the widget menu |
CElgg\WidgetDefinition | WidgetDefinition |
CElgg\WidgetsService | Widgets service |
►CZendAddress | |
CElgg\Email\Address | Email address |
►CAbstractMigration | |
CAddAclSubtype | |
CAddBooleanValueTypes | |
CAddDeleteColumnsToEntitiesTables | |
CAddEntitiesSubtypeIndex | |
CAddEntityGuidNameIndexToAnnotations | |
CAddRiverLastAction | |
CAddSubtypeIndexToRiverTable | |
CAddTimeCreatedIndexToAnnotationsTable | |
CAlignSubtypeColumns | |
CChangeTableEngine | |
CCreateAccessCollectionMembershipTable | |
CCreateAccessCollectionsTable | |
CCreateAnnotationsTable | |
CCreateApiUsersTable | |
CCreateConfigTable | |
CCreateDelayedEmailQueueTable | |
CCreateEntitiesTable | |
CCreateEntityRelationshipsTable | |
CCreateEntitySubtypesTable | |
CCreateGeoCacheTable | |
CCreateGroupsEntityTable | |
CCreateHmacCacheTable | |
CCreateMetadataTable | |
CCreateObjectsEntityTable | |
CCreatePrivateSettingsTable | |
CCreateQueueTable | |
CCreateRiverTable | |
CCreateSiteSecret | Create a site secret if one hasn't been created yet by an Installer |
CCreateSitesEntityTable | |
CCreateSystemLogTable | |
CCreateUsersApiSessionsTable | |
CCreateUsersEntityTable | |
CCreateUsersRememberMeCookiesTable | |
CCreateUsersSessionsTable | |
CDenormalizeEntitySubtypes | |
CDenormalizeMetastrings | |
CDropGeocodeCache | |
CDropGroupsEntityTable | |
CDropObjectsEntityTable | |
CDropSitesEntityTable | |
CDropTypeSubtypeFromRiverTable | |
CDropUsersEntityTable | |
CEntitiesAddTypeSubtypeContainerAndOwnerIndexes | |
CEntitiesAddTypeSubtypeIndex | |
CExpandTextColumnsToLongtext | |
CIncreaseRelationshipColumnLength | |
CMergePrivateSettingsInMetadata | |
CMigrateDatalistsToConfig | |
CRemoveAnnotationsEnabledColumn | |
CRemoveLegacyPasswordHashes | |
CRemoveMetadataColumns | |
CRemoveRiverEnabledColumn | |
CRemoveSiteGuid | Removes multisite support from 2.x schema |
CSetCommentsLevelOne | |
CSetRiverEnabledToYes | |
CUpdateMetadataColumns | |
►CAbstractProcessingHandler | |
CElgg\Cli\ErrorHandler | Console handler |
►CConfig | |
CElgg\Cache\Config\Files | Configuration for files fastcache driver |
CElgg\Cache\Config\LocalFiles | Configuration for local files fastcache driver |
CElgg\Cache\Config\Memcached | Configuration for memcache(d) fastcache driver |
CElgg\Cache\Config\Redis | Configuration for redis fastcache driver |
►CContainer | |
►CElgg\Di\DiContainer | Base DI Container class |
CElgg\Di\InternalContainer | |
CElgg\Di\PublicContainer | |
►CImage | |
CElgg\Database\Seeds\Providers\LocalImage | Provide images from a local folder for seeding |
►CInvalidArgumentException | |
CElgg\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException | Exception thrown if an argument is not of the expected type |
►CLineFormatter | |
►CElgg\Logger\ElggLogFormatter | Custom log formatter |
CElgg\Cli\ErrorFormatter | Format errors for console output |
►CPart | |
CElgg\Email\Attachment | Email attachment |
CElgg\Email\HtmlPart | Html part for email |
CElgg\Email\PlainTextPart | Plaintext part for email |