elgg_echo(string $message_key, array $args=[], string $language= '')
Elgg language module Functions to manage language and translations.
if(!$subject instanceof ElggUser) $subject_link
elgg_extract($key, $array, $default=null, bool $strict=true)
Checks for $array[$key] and returns its value if it exists, else returns $default.
Update avatar river view.
elgg_view(string $view, array $vars=[], string $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
elgg_view_entity_icon(\ElggEntity $entity, string $size= 'medium', array $vars=[])
View the icon of an entity.
if(!$item instanceof ElggRiverItem) $subject
elgg_view_entity_url(\ElggEntity $entity, array $options=[])
Helper function for outputting a link to an entity.