15 'subtype' =>
18 'preload_owners' =>
30 $options[
'joins'] = array(
"JOIN {$db_prefix}entities ce ON e.container_guid = ce.guid");
36 $options[
'wheres'][] =
"ce.owner_guid = $owner_guid";
42 $options[
'wheres'][] =
"ce.container_guid = $container_guid";
49 $subtype_ids = array();
57 $subtype_string = implode(
',', $subtype_ids);
58 $options[
'wheres'][] =
"ce.subtype IN ($subtype_string)";
65 $options[
'wheres'][] =
"ce.subtype = $subtype_id";
74 'pagination' =>
75 'list_class' =>
elgg_get_config($name, $site_guid=0)
Get an Elgg configuration value.
elgg_echo($message_key, $args=array(), $language="")
Given a message key, returns an appropriately translated full-text string.
get_subtype_id($type, $subtype)
Return the id for a given subtype.
elgg echo
Translates a string.
elgg_get_entities(array $options=array())
Returns an array of entities with optional filtering.
elgg_view($view, $vars=array(), $ignore1=false, $ignore2=false, $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
elgg_extract($key, $array, $default=null, $strict=true)
Checks for $array[$key] and returns its value if it exists, else returns $default.
elgg_view_module($type, $title, $body, array $vars=array())
Wrapper function for the module display pattern.
if(!$collection_name) $id
if(!$num_display) $db_prefix