12 ]), [
'class' =>
25 'guid' =>
elgg_generate_action_url(string $action, array $query=[], bool $add_csrf_tokens=true)
Generate an action URL.
elgg_view_form(string $action, array $form_vars=[], array $body_vars=[])
elgg_view_image_block(string $image, string $body, array $vars=[])
Wrapper function for the image block display pattern.
elgg_echo(string $message_key, array $args=[], string $language= '')
Elgg language module Functions to manage language and translations.
elgg_extract($key, $array, $default=null, bool $strict=true)
Checks for $array[$key] and returns its value if it exists, else returns $default.
elgg_view(string $view, array $vars=[], string $viewtype= '')
Return a parsed view.
elgg_view_entity_icon(\ElggEntity $entity, string $size= 'medium', array $vars=[])
View the icon of an entity.
elgg_view_page(string $title, string|array $body, string $page_shell= 'default', array $vars=[])
Assembles and outputs a full page.
Get the URL for the current (or specified) site, ending with "/".
get_user(int $guid)
Elgg users Functions to manage multiple or single users in an Elgg install.
if($guid===elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()) $user
Aggregate action for saving settings.
elgg_format_element(string $tag_name, array $attributes=[], string $text= '', array $options=[])
Format an HTML element.
Thrown when entity can not be found.
if(!$user instanceof\ElggUser) $content