Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- b -
- backup()
: Elgg\EventsService
- ban()
: ElggUser
: Elgg\ViewsService
- batch()
: Elgg\Database\Repository
- batchInstall()
: ElggInstaller
- before()
: Elgg\Cron
- begin()
: Elgg\Timer
- between()
: Elgg\Database\QueryBuilder
- bindSession()
: Elgg\FileService\File
- boot()
: Elgg\BootService
, Elgg\Database\Plugins
, Elgg\DefaultPluginBootstrap
, Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface
, ElggPlugin
, ElggSession
- bootApplication()
: Elgg\Application\BootHandler
- bootCore()
: Elgg\Application
- bootPlugins()
: Elgg\Application\BootHandler
- bootServices()
: Elgg\Application\BootHandler
- bootSession()
: Elgg\PersistentLoginService
- bootstrap()
: Elgg\Cli
- bootTranslations()
: Elgg\I18n\Translator
- boundary()
: Laminas\Mime\Mime
- boundaryLine()
: Laminas\Mime\Mime
: Elgg\EntityDirLocator
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore\DiskFilestore
- build()
: Elgg\Database\Plugins
- buildBlackHoleDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildEntityClause()
: Elgg\Database\Entities
, Elgg\Database\Relationships
- buildEntityClauses()
: Elgg\Database\River
- buildEntityWhereClause()
: Elgg\Database\Annotations
, Elgg\Database\Metadata
- buildEphemeralDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildFileSystemDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildHandlerTree()
: Elgg\Debug\Inspector
- buildLocalFileSystemDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildMemcachedDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildPairedAnnotationClause()
: Elgg\Database\Annotations
, Elgg\Database\Entities
, Elgg\Database\Metadata
, Elgg\Database\Relationships
, Elgg\Database\River
- buildPairedMetadataClause()
: Elgg\Database\Annotations
, Elgg\Database\Entities
, Elgg\Database\Metadata
, Elgg\Database\Relationships
- buildPairedRelationshipClause()
: Elgg\Database\Annotations
, Elgg\Database\Entities
, Elgg\Database\Metadata
, Elgg\Database\Relationships
, Elgg\Database\River
- buildQuery()
: Elgg\Database\Annotations
, Elgg\Database\Entities
, Elgg\Database\Metadata
, Elgg\Database\Relationships
, Elgg\Database\River
- buildRedisDriver()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- buildRiverClause()
: Elgg\Database\River
- buildSearchWhereQuery()
: Elgg\Search\SearchService
- buildTree()
: Elgg\Debug\Profiler
- buildUrl()
: Elgg\Http\Urls
: Elgg\Database\Plugins