Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- sanitize()
: Elgg\Project\Paths
- sanitizeInputValue()
: ElggInstaller
- sanitizeItemKey()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- sanitizeStyles()
: Elgg\Input\ValidateInputHandler
- save()
: Elgg\Cache\BaseCache
, Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
, Elgg\Cache\EntityCache
, Elgg\Cache\SystemCache
, Elgg\Config
, ElggAccessCollection
, ElggAnnotation
, ElggData
, ElggEntity
, ElggIcon
, ElggMetadata
, ElggPlugin
, ElggRelationship
, ElggRiverItem
, ElggSession
, ElggSite
, ElggTempFile
, ElggUpgrade
- saveCache()
: Elgg\AutoloadManager
- saveIcon()
: Elgg\EntityIconService
- saveIconFromElggFile()
: Elgg\EntityIconService
- saveIconFromLocalFile()
: Elgg\EntityIconService
- saveIconFromUploadedFile()
: Elgg\EntityIconService
- saveInitialValues()
: Elgg\Config
- saveNewPassword()
: Elgg\PasswordService
- saveRegisters()
: Elgg\SystemMessagesService
- saveSiteSettings()
: ElggInstaller
- saveToCache()
: Elgg\Assets\ImageFetcherService
- scanClassesDir()
: Elgg\AutoloadManager
- search()
: Elgg\Search\SearchService
- seed()
: Elgg\Database\Seeder
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Groups
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Seed
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Users
- seek()
: Elgg\Collections\Collection
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore\DiskFilestore
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore
, ElggFile
- select()
: Elgg\Database\QueryOptions
, Elgg\Database\Repository
- send()
: Elgg\Cli\ResponseTransport
, Elgg\EmailService
, Elgg\Http\HttpProtocolTransport
, Elgg\Http\OutputBufferTransport
, Elgg\Http\ResponseFactory
, Elgg\Http\ResponseTransport
, Elgg\Notifications\NotificationEventHandler
- send403()
: Elgg\Application\CacheHandler
- sendCacheHeaders()
: Elgg\Application\CacheHandler
- sendInstantNotifications()
: Elgg\Notifications\NotificationsService
- sendNotification()
: Elgg\Notifications\NotificationEventHandler
- sendNotifications()
: Elgg\Notifications\NotificationEventHandler
: Elgg\Config
: Elgg\SystemMessagesService
- set()
: Elgg\Cache\LRUCache
, Elgg\Cache\QueryCache
, Elgg\Context
, Elgg\Database\ConfigTable
, Elgg\Di\DiContainer
, Elgg\Http\Input
, ElggSession
- setAdminValidationNotification()
: Elgg\Users\Settings
- setAltered()
: Elgg\ClassMap
- setBcc()
: Elgg\Email
- setBody()
: Elgg\Email
- setBootPlugins()
: Elgg\Database\Plugins
- setBootStatus()
: Elgg\Application
- setCapability()
: Elgg\EntityCapabilitiesService
- setCc()
: Elgg\Email
- setChildMenuOptions()
: ElggMenuItem
- setChildren()
: ElggMenuItem
- setChunkSize()
: ElggBatch
- setClass()
: ElggUpgrade
- setCommentsCount()
: Elgg\Comments\DataService
- setCompleted()
: ElggUpgrade
- setCompletedTime()
: ElggUpgrade
- setConfirmText()
: ElggMenuItem
- setContainerGUID()
: ElggEntity
- setContent()
: Elgg\Http\Response
, Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder
- setContentAccessMode()
: ElggGroup
- setContext()
: ElggMenuItem
- setCookie()
: Elgg\Http\ResponseFactory
, Elgg\PersistentLoginService
- setCurrentLanguage()
: Elgg\I18n\Translator
- setData()
: Elgg\Ajax\Response
, Elgg\Services\AjaxResponse
, ElggMenuItem
- setDefaultAccess()
: Elgg\Users\Settings
- setDeletedEntityVisibility()
: Elgg\SessionManagerService
- setDeps()
: ElggMenuItem
- setDisabledEntityVisibility()
: Elgg\SessionManagerService
- setDisplayName()
: ElggEntity
, ElggObject
- setDisposition()
: Elgg\FileService\File
- setEmail()
: Elgg\Email\Address
, Elgg\Users\Settings
- setEntity()
: Elgg\Email\Address
- setEntityClass()
: Elgg\Database\EntityTable
- setEntityClasses()
: Elgg\Application\BootHandler
- setException()
: Elgg\Http\Response
, Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder
- setExpires()
: Elgg\FileService\File
- setExpiresTime()
: ElggCookie
- setFile()
: Elgg\FileService\File
- setFilename()
: Elgg\Http\DownloadResponse
, ElggFile
- setFooter()
: Elgg\FormsService
- setForwardURL()
: Elgg\Http\DownloadResponse
, Elgg\Http\Response
, Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder
- setFrom()
: Elgg\Email
- setGlobalConfig()
: Elgg\Application
- setHeader()
: Elgg\Http\ResponseFactory
- setHeaders()
: Elgg\Email
, Elgg\Http\Response
, Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder
- setHref()
: ElggMenuItem
- setId()
: Elgg\Menu\MenuSection
, ElggSession
- setID()
: ElggUpgrade
- setIgnoreAccess()
: Elgg\SessionManagerService
- setIncrementOffset()
: ElggBatch
- setInstance()
: Elgg\Application
- setItemClass()
: ElggMenuItem
- setItemContentsView()
: ElggMenuItem
- setLanguage()
: Elgg\Cli\Command
, Elgg\Users\Settings
- setLastAction()
: ElggUser
- setLastForwardFrom()
: Elgg\RedirectService
- setLastLogin()
: ElggUser
- setLatLong()
: ElggEntity
- setLevel()
: Elgg\Logger
- setLinkClass()
: ElggMenuItem
- setLocale()
: Elgg\I18n\LocaleService
- setLocaleForLanguage()
: Elgg\I18n\LocaleService
- setLocaleFromLanguageKey()
: Elgg\I18n\LocaleService
- setLoggedInUser()
: Elgg\SessionManagerService
- setMap()
: Elgg\ClassMap
- setMatchedParameters()
: Elgg\Router\Route
- setMessage()
: ElggSystemMessage
- setMessageBody()
: Elgg\EmailService
- setMetadata()
: ElggEntity
- setMimeType()
: ElggFile
- setModifiedTime()
: ElggFile
- setName()
: Elgg\Email\Address
, Elgg\Users\Settings
, ElggMenuItem
, ElggSession
- setNamespace()
: Elgg\Cache\CompositeCache
- setNotificationSetting()
: ElggUser
- setPageOwnerGuid()
: Elgg\Page\PageOwnerService
- setParam()
: Elgg\Http\Request
, Elgg\Request
- setParameters()
: Elgg\Exceptions\DatabaseException
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore\DiskFilestore
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore
, Elgg\Filesystem\Filestore\TempDiskFilestore
- setParams()
: Elgg\Email
, Elgg\Exceptions\HttpException
- setParent()
: ElggMenuItem
- setParentName()
: ElggMenuItem
- setPassword()
: Elgg\Users\Settings
, ElggUser
- setPath()
: Elgg\ClassMap
, ElggPlugin
- setPriorities()
: Elgg\Database\Plugins
- setPriority()
: Elgg\Database\Plugins
, Elgg\Menu\MenuSection
, ElggMenuItem
, ElggPlugin
- setQuery()
: Elgg\Exceptions\DatabaseException
- setRedirectUrl()
: Elgg\Exceptions\HttpException
- setRegistrationForwardUrl()
: Elgg\Users\Validation
- setRevalidateHeaders()
: Elgg\Application\CacheHandler
- setRoute()
: Elgg\Http\Request
- setSection()
: ElggMenuItem
- setSelected()
: ElggMenuBuilder
, ElggMenuItem
- setSender()
: Elgg\Email
- setSessionToken()
: Elgg\PersistentLoginService
- setSetting()
: ElggPlugin
- setSortBy()
: Elgg\Menu\UnpreparedMenu
- setStartTime()
: ElggUpgrade
- setStatus()
: ElggPlugin
- setStatusCode()
: Elgg\Http\Response
, Elgg\Http\ResponseBuilder
- setSubject()
: Elgg\Email
- setSubtype()
: ElggEntity
- setTempMetadata()
: ElggEntity
- setText()
: ElggMenuItem
: Elgg\Project\Paths
- settingsFile()
: Elgg\Project\Paths
- setTo()
: Elgg\Email
- setTooltip()
: ElggMenuItem
- setTransport()
: Elgg\Http\ResponseFactory
- setTtl()
: Elgg\Ajax\Response
- setTTL()
: Elgg\Database\HMACCacheTable
- setTtl()
: Elgg\Services\AjaxResponse
, ElggSystemMessage
- setType()
: ElggSystemMessage
- setup()
: Elgg\Cli\Application
- setupConnections()
: Elgg\Database
- setupSections()
: ElggMenuBuilder
- setupTrees()
: ElggMenuBuilder
- setupType()
: Elgg\Assets\ExternalFiles
- setUrlSegments()
: Elgg\Http\Request
- setUsername()
: Elgg\Users\Settings
- setUserToken()
: Elgg\SessionManagerService
- setValidationStatus()
: ElggUser
- setValue()
: Elgg\Event
, ElggExtender
- setVariable()
: Elgg\Cache\BaseCache
- setViewLocation()
: Elgg\ViewsService
- setViewtype()
: Elgg\ViewsService
- setVolatileData()
: ElggEntity
- shortFormatOutput()
: Elgg\Values
- shouldBeSkipped()
: Elgg\Upgrade\Batch
, Elgg\Upgrades\AlterDatabaseToMultiByteCharset
, Elgg\Upgrades\ChangeUserNotificationSettingsNamespace
, Elgg\Upgrades\ContentOwnerSubscriptions
, Elgg\Upgrades\DeleteDiagnosticsPlugin
, Elgg\Upgrades\DeleteNotificationsPlugin
, Elgg\Upgrades\MigrateACLNotificationPreferences
, Elgg\Upgrades\MigrateEntityIconCroppingCoordinates
, Elgg\Upgrades\NotificationsPrefix
, Elgg\Upgrades\RemoveIcontime
, Elgg\Upgrades\RemoveOrphanedThreadedComments
- shutdown()
: Elgg\Database\Plugins
, Elgg\DefaultPluginBootstrap
, Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface
- shutdownApplication()
: Elgg\Application\ShutdownHandler
- shutdownDatabase()
: Elgg\Application\ShutdownHandler
- sign()
: Elgg\Security\UrlSigner
: Elgg\Cli\ErrorFormatter
- size()
: Elgg\Cache\LRUCache
, Elgg\Queue\DatabaseQueue
, Elgg\Queue\MemoryQueue
, Elgg\Queue\Queue
- sniffElggUrl()
: Elgg\Http\Request
- sort()
: Elgg\Collections\Collection
, Elgg\Collections\CollectionInterface
, ElggMenuBuilder
- sortChildren()
: ElggMenuItem
- splice()
: CssCrush\StringObject
- start()
: Elgg\Application
, Elgg\Cli\Progress
, ElggSession
: ElggPlugin
- storeHMAC()
: Elgg\Database\HMACCacheTable
- stringify()
: Elgg\Http\ResponseFactory
- stripTags()
: Elgg\Views\HtmlFormatter
- strlen()
: Elgg\Security\Crypto
- subquery()
: Elgg\Database\QueryBuilder
- substr()
: CssCrush\StringObject
: Elgg\SystemMessagesService
- symlinkPluginFromRootToElgg()
: Elgg\Composer\PostInstall