Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- u -
- unban()
: ElggUser
- unextendView()
: Elgg\ViewsService
: Elgg\Upgrade\Batch
- unlock()
: Elgg\Database\Mutex
- unmuteNotifications()
: Elgg\Notifications\SubscriptionsService
: Elgg\ActionsService
- unregister()
: Elgg\ActionsService
, Elgg\Assets\ExternalFiles
, Elgg\Groups\Tools
, Elgg\Router\RouteRegistrationService
- unregisterEvent()
: Elgg\Notifications\NotificationsService
- unregisterHandler()
: Elgg\AuthenticationService
, Elgg\EventsService
- unregisterMenuItem()
: Elgg\Menu\Service
- unregisterMethod()
: Elgg\Notifications\NotificationsService
- unregisterType()
: Elgg\WidgetsService
- unregisterView()
: Elgg\Ajax\Service
- unseed()
: Elgg\Database\Seeder
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Groups
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Seed
, Elgg\Database\Seeds\Users
- unsetAllEntityAndPluginSettings()
: ElggPlugin
- unsetAllSettings()
: ElggPlugin
- unsetName()
: Elgg\Email\Address
- unsetSetting()
: ElggPlugin
- unWrap()
: CssCrush\BalancedMatch
- up()
: ChangeTableEngine
, DenormalizeMetastrings
, DropGeocodeCache
, DropGroupsEntityTable
, DropObjectsEntityTable
, DropSitesEntityTable
, DropUsersEntityTable
, Elgg\UpgradeService
, ExpandTextColumnsToLongtext
, MigrateDatalistsToConfig
, RemoveLegacyPasswordHashes
, RemoveSiteGuid
, SetCommentsLevelOne
, SetRiverEnabledToYes
, UpdateMetadataColumns
- update()
: CssCrush\StringObject
, Elgg\Database\AccessCollections
, Elgg\Database\AnnotationsTable
, Elgg\Database\MetadataTable
, Elgg\Database\QueryBuilder
, ElggEntity
- updateData()
: Elgg\Application\Database
, Elgg\Database
- updateHash()
: Elgg\Database\UsersRememberMeCookiesTable
- updateLastAction()
: Elgg\Database\EntityTable
, Elgg\Database\RiverTable
, ElggEntity
, ElggRiverItem
, ElggSite
- updateRecipientInterval()
: Elgg\Database\DelayedEmailQueueTable
- updateRow()
: Elgg\Database\EntityTable
- updateTimeDeleted()
: Elgg\Database\EntityTable
, ElggEntity
- updateTokenUsage()
: Elgg\PersistentLoginService
- upgrade()
: Elgg\Application
, Elgg\Database\Plugins
, Elgg\DefaultPluginBootstrap
, Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface
- upgradeExists()
: Elgg\Upgrade\Locator
- urlize()
: Elgg\Translit